Catwoman 6 (Tony Stark x Felicity Fury)

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Felicity's hand slips under her pillow as she hears the locks turning in her door, she lives alone and no one has a key, she keeps a serrated army knife her brother had gifted her when she had moved to New York, Dawn, her older sister, had fretted for days whilst they packed her old apartment, Felicity is the baby of the family and her two living siblings worry constantly, anyway back to her intruder(s), she isn't sure if it is one or more, she grabs the knife and slips out of her bed and stands on the other side of the door. Just as she reaches it the door shatters on impact, they had clearly given up on picking the lock, a figure walks in and she thrusts punching them in the face whilst swinging and kicking the one behind him, sending him backwards, she uses the momentum to bring down the first guy till he is beneath her, she twirls the blade and shoves it into his shoulder pinning him to the floor, she flattens her hand to his chest and back flip backwards into her apartment avoiding the second attacker now back on his feet. He follows her in stepping over his comrade. A gun shot sounds and he drops, she scowls at the man behind him as he shoots the other guy.

"Felicity" he states and she sighs.

"Nick" she motions to the dead guy now rotting on her floor. "Thanks for this" she states sarcastically. "Just what I always wanted"

"Felicity" he groans following her as she moves to sit at the small dining table in her tiny kitchen.

"Who the hell are they?" she waves him into the other seat and he sighs sitting down.

"Hydra, we caught word they were looking for a way to get to me, I thought you were well enough hidden, I'm sorry Flice" he takes her hand and squeezes, he glances around her apartment and sighs. "You can't stay here"

"I'm not leaving my apartment because you're getting twitchy, Nicholas" she stands and starts pacing. "If you would just teach me to defend myself like I asked twenty years ago when you became part of SHIELD this wouldn't be a problem" She's not about to tell him, she can already defend herself pretty damn well, he likes thinking of her as his little sister, she's not about to shatter that.

"I would rather...." he claps his hands together as he thinks. "I would feel better if you moved into a safe apartment, I have a place, I will cover all costs"

"What about work?" she asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"You can work...just prefer it if you let me have someone watch you"

"Nick, you know I hate that idea, I hate being watched, I'm 44 years old, live alone, have a crappy job and am single, let me have my freedom" he looks up at her and her eyes are so wide, and it's like they are kids again and she is asking for the last scoop of ice cream, he never could say no to her.

"Fine, then at least a driver to take you to and from work" she sighs and runs a hand through her short hair.

"Fine, fine" he smiles a little and stands to kiss her head.

"It's because I love you that I want to protect you" she rolls her eyes.

"I know.....what about Dawn?"

"We got her to a safe house before they reached her"


"You should call her, she'll be worried sick..I'll clean up this mess, why don't you pack up the important stuff and I'll drive you over, introduce you to your new housemates" he teases and she glares at him.

"You said nothing about living with people"

"You'll be fine" he's already dragging body one out of her apartment. She rolls her eyes and grabs her rolling suitcase from under her bed, opening it she smiles, her suit is already packed away and out of sight, good, she quickly covers it with a few t-shirts before Nick can see and finishes packing her clothing, she grabs the framed photo of her, Nick, Jacob and Dawn before she zips the case up. "I got it" Nick takes it from the bed and she pulls on a jacket and pair of sweats before following him out of the apartment.

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