Chapter One-

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Trigger Warning(s)- Abuse

Hallie's POV-

He puts his arms around me as if I was dying, holding onto me for dear life then, I hear a ringing sound. My alarm, of course, I try to get out of bed, and yet it hurts too much cause I didn't make dinner for him last night. I finally made my way out of bed and go to my bathroom. Dad always makes sure he doesn't hit, punch, or kick my face. If I went to school with a big bruise on my face people would wonder what happened, and call the police. I took off my shirt and sweats to see my bruised stomach and arms. I feel discussed with my appearance.

After my shower, I got out of the bathroom and went to change my clothes, some jeans, and a sweatshirt so no one notices. I am so glad dad works mornings and doesn't tell me to make breakfast for him. I grab my phone and see the time

"Shit, I'm late." Guess the shower was longer than I thought. I ran downstairs and got an apple, and went out the door. They're definitely gonna call dad, extra beating for me later I guess. I ran into the school and got myself a hall pass and ran to class and I ended up bumping into something.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard a husky voice ask. I then see a hand in front of my face to help me up. I grabbed onto the person's hand and he helped me up. I look up to see a dark-haired, brown-eyed boy also known as 'Ashton Hart' in front of me.

"Sorry, I'm very clumsy," I told him. He looked amused at what I had just said. "I'm sorry, is something funny?" I questioned him. He looked taken aback by my question, I looked behind him and saw his two friends 'Alec Myers' and 'Ethan Creed'. Well, I'm dead meat. "Well Babygirl, I'll tell you what's so funny." He announced while looking dead straight into my eyes. I looked down to see he has tattoos and muscles. "You, run into me, and I decide to be the nice guy for once and help your ass up, so when you told me you were clumsy I thought it was funny cause I have never met someone like you who is this clumsy, someone who is running forward and looks down for a second and runs into me, so yes I thought this situation was hilarious." He stated.

"Listen, again I'm sorry for running into you, I really am. I'm just late for class and I just want to get there, please." I mentioned to him. He looked me in the eyes and told me. "Alright then, go ahead no one is stopping you".

I went past Ashton and his friends and went straight to class. I ended up getting detention because of being late.


Since it was the end of the school day I went to detention and sat down in the back put in my earbuds and played Spotify. I decided to listen to Tears for Fears, Rick Springfield, and Journey while waiting for detention to end. What I didn't realize was that Ashton, Alec, and Ethan were all in detention with me. This is going to be fun, I thought sarcastically.

Around Thirty minutes later I see out of the corner of my eye Ashton sitting next to me. "Hey, I didn't catch your name earlier." He asked. I really didn't want him to know my name but he probably won't leave me alone unless I do.

"If I tell you would you leave me alone?" I questioned him. He looked at me then grinned. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't" He responded. "It's Hallie, now can you leave me alone." I barked.


Detention finally ended. I looked at the time and realized I only have thirty minutes to get home or else dad will be mad.

"Fuck" I yelled.

"Do you need a ride home?" Ashton asked. "I could give you one" He offered. "Would you?" I asked.

"Yeah, hop in" He professed. I told Ashton my address and started driving. The car ride was quiet and once we were in my neighborhood, and we turned to my house, I said bye and walked into the house and starting making dad dinner.

Once I finished dad got home. "YOU WERE LATE" He yelled. "It was an accident, I bumped into someone and they wouldn't let me past." I tried to tell him. Thats when he started hitting me again. "YOU SLUT, YOU THINK I'M GONNA BELIEVE THAT?!" He screamed. He kicked me in my stomach and punched me in my face because I moved. "YOU BETTER COVER THAT UP. NOW GO UP STAIRS" Dad demanded. These bruises are going to be hard to cover up.


Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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