Chapter Eleven~

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Ashton's POV~

As we arrived at The White Blossom Diner. Hallie seemed nervous. Probably because it's her first date. I'm so extatic that I was her first kiss. As well as first date. But in general, Hallie seemed nervous all day. I was wondering why her nerves were up in the sky today. Maybe because I had her get a new guardian form. She was probably scared of what her father would do.

"Are you ready?" I asked. She nodded. I got out of the car and went to open her door. I opened her door and grbbed her hand, We held hands walking into the diner. We got our table and we looked at the menu's. Hallie looked outside and jut stared outside. It had started raining once we got seated.

"Hi there. I'm Heidi and I will be your waitress today. What drink can I get started for you?" She asked us. She had platinum blonde hair. With dyed pink, light blue, and purple.

"Can I get a water please." Hallie added. She looked at the waitress. The waitress nodded.

"And for you sir?" She looked at me and asked.

"I'll have a water with lemon please." I responded. She nodded and left. I turned to Hallie and just looked at her and admired her.

"So, tell me about the real Hallie. Outside of your father." I beckoned. I want to learn more about her. I felt like I needed to.

"Well, one thing I loved to do before my mom and siblings passed. I had a art room, where I had all my paintings, and sketches. Now I have a piece of paper I'd use to sketch and draw." She answered.

"Really. I'd like to see you draw sometime." I told her.

"There really not that good to be honest. I was told I should try something else." Hallie explained. I looked at her in shock.

"Highly doubt that." I replied to her. I hope she knows how special she is to Conni, Ethan, Alec, Carmen and I.

"You kn-"

"Here is your waters and lemon for you sir. What can I get you for dinner today?" I hadn't even noticed that many people had came in. It's been almost an hour since we ordered our drinks. Sure it took her a minute but I give her credit, it's packed this evening.

"I'll have a steak." I told her. She nodded and looked back at Hallie.

"I'll have a burger please." Hallie finished her sentence and the waitress left.

I felt the need just to take Hallie's hand and hold it. She relaxed into my hand.

"You know you're gorgeous." I told her. She looked at me confused. I just smirked. Out of every single girl I've seen. She was the most gorgeous girl in the world.

"You think I'm gorgeous? But why?" She asked me. I looked at her starstruck.

"Well for one. You are so amazing. Two because." I answered her.

"Here is your food you two." Heidi says to us. She then smiles at Hallie. Then she hands her a piece of paper.

"What's that?" I questioned. Hallie looked down and read the paper. Then passed it to me.

"It's her number. It says if I ever want to hang out with her sometime I can." She told me.


After dinner we left and went to my house. Alec was with Carmen and my mom had a night shift. So it was just us.

We decided to watch "After". Hallie was laying on my chest. I was rubbing her back. I then heard snores. She was asleep.

I picked her up and put her in bed. Then I fell asleep next to her.


Instagram: Emily_Ray_Hail

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