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Hallie's POV-

It's been a crazy four years. Little did Ash and I know that two years ago I would've gotten pregnant. We have a beautiful baby girl. She looks more like Ash. Today was going to be a crazy day. Some say the best of a girls life. It's our wedding day.

Conni was here with her beautiful pregnant belly. It's to early to know the gender. The bridesmaids dresses were burgundy.

"Hallie these are beautiful

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"Hallie these are beautiful." Conni expressed.

"I got to get Brooklyn ready." I tell her.

Brooklyn had her hair all done. It was time to put her dress on.

She was my little flower girl

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She was my little flower girl. Our ring bearer was the one and only Carmen.

Time was passing by and I was getting nervous. More nervous than Conni was a year ago.

After Hair and Makeup, I was ready to put on the dress. Once the girls saw it and of course Alec. They were screaming.

"Hallie, can I ask why your daughters hair is blonde and not brunette?" Ally was new to our group. She had a big crush on Ash.

"My daughters hair color is none of your business." I tell her.

"You probably cheated on Ashy with another man. You probably just told him it was his." Ally was getting on my nerves.

"Ally, once again Brooklyn is none of your business. But if you so please want to hear the story than fine. Brooklyn has my mothers hair. I was a natural blonde as a kid there are photos to prove that I was a blonde on tables outside for the dinner." I yelled.

Once it was time to go to the altar, I got nervous.

Everyone walked down, Martha grabbed my arm and walked down the aisle with me. I was crying. When I got to Ash I saw that he was crying.

"We are gathered here today to bring these two in holy matrimony." The pastor started.

"Do you Ashton take Hallie to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Ashton answered. I just wanted to grab his face and wipe his tears away.

"Do you Hallie take Ashton to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." With tears streaming down my face.

"You may now say you vows."

"From the day you ran into me in the hallways, you had this secret life that no one at school knew about. I wanted to know about you. When I saw your stormy grey eyes. The day I saw your scars, I saw a girl who I wanted to be my wife at that moment in time. When I told you June 8th that I was in love with you I meant it. I'm happy that after today I will get to call you my wife." He finished his vows and He was crying as I was too.

"Ashton the day that I ran into you, I told you how much of a klutz I was. I had told you to leave me alone then I had gotten detention, you asked me my name, I never answered you. So you just decided to give me a nickname. Angel. So I decided that I'm going to give you one. You're the best father to our daughter. So it only makes since that you'll be the best daddy to our next baby. Thank you for being there for me since that day. I could've never imagined you be the best boyfriend, hubby to be, and father to our two children." After I finished my vows Ashton looked at me jaw dropped.

"I'm going to be a father again." I nodded.

"Well by the power vested in me I prounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride."

Ash brought me into a deep kiss. He called Brooklyn over and picked her up kissed her head and we all walked over to the dinner section.


I had went to the bathroom and after I got out I felt someone grab my arm. I looked over to see my worst nightmare.

I ran to Ash. He quickly put his arms around my waist. I brought Brooklyn towards me. Held her close to me. Ash looked at me he noticed I was crying. He wiped my tears holding me.

"Angel what's wrong?" He asked me. He was worried.

"Ash he's here." He looked up. He looked up and saw my father, he looked pissed. My father was pasting towards us. Ash walked in front of me.

"Stay away from my wife you bastard." Ash yelled out. We heard my father let out a low laugh.

"My daughter isn't going to be with you. My daughter is a slut." He barked.

"Mike Collins. You're under arrest for child abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and for hurting one of my dearest friends." Carmen walked over and cuffed him. Did I forget to mention that Carmen was a police officer now.

"You'll never get away from this Hallie. This isn't the last you'll see of me." My father yelled. Carmen called in backup to have them fill out paper work.

"You'll be fine. I promise he'll never touch you again." Ash kissed my forehead.


Thank you for reading 'I Want You'
There will be a bonus chapter.

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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