Chapter Ten~

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Hallie's POV~

I was running through a field.
He was at the other side of the field. God he looked gorgeous in the sun. His eyes sparkled. His smile was so dazzling.
The field was beautiful. The flowers are puple, pink and yellow. I walked over to him. He turned to look at me. He started to smile. His chocolate brown eyes staring at me. He grabbed my waist. Pulled me towards him. Held me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He started to lean in. His lips smashed onto mine. Once the kiss finished. I looked up at him. We just stared at each other. I turned around to see my mother, brother and sisters. Along with his mother and all of our friends. Then I realize it. The gorgeous white dress I was wearing. Then darkness came upon me. I saw my father. Then I saw me. I looked so upset. The memory of him raping me came into play. I screamed and screamed for help. But no one came...

"Hallie. Wake up." Ashton said to me. I realized I was crying.

"Hallie you were screaming, and you're crying. Are you okay?" He asked. I looked at him and wondered. Would he want to be with me? Why would he? I'm just a broken girl from a broken home. He's probably doing this for a dare. What's there to like about me?

"No. I was all happy then it turned dark." I told him. Then I noticed. He was the man in my dream. I started to smile. The thought of being with Ashton for the rest of my life made me feel something amazing. Is this how my mom felt when my parents got married?

"Ashton." He looked at me.

"Kiss me." He smashed his lips onto mine and we were in sink. I felt completely safe in his arms. I want to be with him. He pulled away and just stared at me. Once again.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." As always I start to worry. He was my first kiss. I was still new at this. Yet again. I dreamed about marrying this man.

"No, I'm happy you asked. Plus you're one of the best kissers I've ever met." He whispered. For the first time in a long time. I felt happy.

"We should get up and ready. It's six in the morning. School starts soon." He stated. Shit. Our first day back since two weeks ago. I'm nervous.


"Lets go to the office." Ashton pulled me by my arm gently. I was confused. We walked into the office and he brought me to the front desk.

"Hi, can I have a new guardian sheet please." He asked. I looked at him with wide eyes, why was he doing this? My father was only going to do worse.

"Yes Mr.Hart you may, and who is this form for?" The desk lady asked.

"This form is for Hallie Collins." The desk lady looked at me. She looked at me worriedly. Is it just because Ashton asked for me?

"Ms.Collins I need you to fill out this form. You will also need to fill out why you'll need this form, as well as getting a new signature for your new guardian. I know you're 17 but this is for the rest of the year and we need to make sure you're safe. Oh, and you'll also need to go to the guidance counselor." The desk lady told me all that information. Looks like I got to come clean.

"Okay Miss." I added. I signed all the forms. I'm guesssing that Mrs.Hart will be my new guardian. What happens when my dad finds out?

"Lets go to class Ashton." I Asserted. We walked to our first class which was History. Ashton sat next to me. He put his hand on my thigh. Although all the popular and well known girls in the school were giving me the death glare. I don't like this all this staring.


Once school was done for the day. I saw Conni. I walked over to her. To say hi, but Ethan got there before me. If they start dating it'll be so cute.

All of a sudden I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Ashton.

"You want to go on that date now?" He asked. I couldn't stop smiling. I nodded and we drove to a cute diner. It was called White Blossom Diner.

"You ready?" Ashton Bellowed.


For updates on stories here's my Instagram. -Emily_Ray_Hail

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