Chapter Nine~

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Trigger Warning(s)- Self-Harm.

Hallie's POV~

After shopping around we got food from the food court. I was feeling a lot more comfortable with Ashton, Alec, and Ethan. I felt more comfortable in general. Although I kind of wished there was another girl in the group, of course there was Alec, but I truly wanted someone who understands me. I was so zoned in I ran into someone while walking.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." I told her. She was gorgeous. She was tall. Black hair and Dark eyes.

"Oh, no you're all good." She replied. She was either British or Australian. I couldn't tell.

"I'm Hallie. Again. I'm so sorry for running into you." I kept on apologizing. That's what's been normal for the past couple of years.

"I'm Conni Vasquez. I just moved here from Australia. I'm going to Palm Valley High School this semester." Conni said. She was going to my school. She was going to my school. SHE WAS GOING TO MY SCHOOL. Maybe I can have a real friend that's a girl.

"Oh really, that's great. I go to Palm Valley High School as well. I could show you around if you'd like." I adivised.

"Sure why not. We could be great friends." She added. My first friend.

"Are you here alone? If you'd like you can hang out with my friends and I." I requested. She was completly unhesitant.

"Sure." After Conni said yes. I brought her over to the guys to meet her.

"Guys, this is Conni. She'll be going to our High school this semester. I wanted you to meet her." I told them. Ethan looked stoned. Like he had seen a ghost.

"I'm Ashton, that's Alec. The one who looks like he saw a demon is Ethan." Ashton introduced her to everyone then we went back to Ashtons. Conni went home.


I was sitting on Ashton's bed. While he was showering. When my mind went into over drive. Thinking all the horrible things a person can think. I saw my shoe and grabbed it's shoelace. I started rubbing it against my skin. While my mind was running wild with all the thoughts, and things people have said about.


All the things in school, at home; finally came rushing into my mind.

"Hallie, Baby what are you doing. Stop." Ashton came rushing over to me. He grabbed my arm and looked at it.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I started over thinking. Again." I told him.

"It's okay to feel like this. It isn't your fault you feel like this." He comforted me.

"I'm sor-" He cut me off.

"Don't be." He kissed my forehead. Then I realized. HE WAS JUST IN A TOWEL!

"OH MY GODNESS. You're in a towel. You should change." I rushed.

"I will when you're asleep. I want you comfortable." I went to the bed. Got in and just laid there. Ashton put his arms around me and wr laid there until I fell asleep.


Heyy. See you in the next chapter.

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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