Chapter Thirteen~

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Trigger Warning(s)- Sexual Content


Hallie's POV~

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. I felt ready. If I wasn't he would stop.

"Words Hallie. I need words." He claimed. It made sense, he wanted confermation.

"Yes, I'm sure." I told him.

Ashton started with taking off m- his t-shirt. He looked at me, and me being me. I started to cover up myself. He grabbed my hands and moved them out of the way.

"Don't cover yourself up. You're gorgeous." He Assured me. He then continued to kiss me along my jaw down to my neck. He found my sweet spot on my neck and he started sucking on it. I started moaning when he kissed my neck, and let me tell you. it felt so good. He went further down my neck and looked up at me, for reassurance. I nodded.

He took off my bra and then started kissing my nipple and massaging my other boob. My moans got even louder. I was happy his mother wasn't home yet. He went further down to my stomach, kissing every part of it.

It got to the part where he was going to take off my shorts, but I stopped him. He looked at me. My hand went to the drawstring of his sweatpants. I untied the drawstring, Ashton pulled down his sweatpants, which left him in just his boxers.

"Are you sure about this Hallie?" He asked again. I started thinking about it again. Maybe I'm not ready. We've gone far enough.

"Can we stop here please?" I hesitated. He nodded but then laid down on top of me. His head was on my bare naked chest. Then I realized, Conni was going to come over today. Ethan had asked yesterday.

"We have to get up. Ethan and Conni will get here soon." I told him. Ashton nodded and got up. I got up after him.

Going into the bathroom after getting clothes out of my shopping bag. I changed into a sports bra, over my bra I put a fluffy cream colored sweater, with grey sweatpants.

After changing Ashton and I went downstairs had some breakfast and cuddled on the couch until everyone came over


Everyone was sitting on the couch it was late in the afternoon. I was still sitting next to Ashton, Carmen ended up coming over. Alec was sitting on Carmen's lap. While we were all talking shton saw my phone blowing up. He grabbed it, next thing I knew, he threw it and broke my phone.

"Oi mate, you alright?" Conni questions. Obviously pissed off at what he just did.

"I'll buy you a new phone. It's just your shit job off a father pissing me off." Ashton concluded. Whatever my father said must of been super bad. I hugged Ashton because I was afraid. Afraid of what was going to happen. I started crying, while Ashton just massaged my head.

"Nothings going to happen to you baby. I promise." He whispered. I choked, I couldn't stop crying. We had told Conni what happened with my father. I trusted her.

I stopped crying after awhile. This day went from good to bad, back to good. everyone was watching a movie in the living room. When we heard the front door open. It was Ashtons mother.

"Sorry I'm back so late, they had me stay overtime." She told us. Martha was like a second mother. She was so kind and sweet.

"That's okay mom." Ashton replied.


After dinner came around Conni had to leave. Same for Ethan. Alec and Carmen had went upstairs, Martha went to bed because of last nights shift. So it left Ashton and I on the couch alone. He was laying on top of me. I was massaging his head, until we fell asleep.


Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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