Chapter Six-

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Trigger Warning(s)- Mention of abuse and self harm.

Ashtons POV~

We were all just eating at the dinning table. With Hallie in between my Mother and I. Hallie started shaking so  I put my hand on her thigh. She jumped at first but calmed down with in seconds.

"So...Boy's how has your day been?" Mom asked. She's always been so caring. After my father left, and the death of my little sister. She's always been overpertective and caring. Her being a single mother always proved it.

"It's been just fine. Thank you for asking Martha." Carmen replied for both him and Alec. I felt Hallie starting to calm down.

"So Hallie." My mom started.

"Tell me about your family. Other than your father of course." Mom reassured her. Her knowing what Hallie has been through is just horrible. Luckly she can relate and make sure Hallie feels comfortable to talk to someone. I obviously don't feel okay with Hallie going back to live with her dad. I shouldn't even call him a dad, what he did to her was truly shitty.

"Well, I was really close with my mom. She loved to take photo's. She was a Photographer, My older brother, Younger sister, and I; always took photo's for her. Then one day on the way to a photoshoot. My dad was driving. Our car got hit by a drunk driver. My mom, brother and sister didn't make it. My father blames me till this day." Hallie finished.

"Well dear I can tell you one thing." My mom paused

"It isn't your fault. It's the drivers fault completely." She stated.

Hallie's phone went off and she looked at it. She got up and ran upstairs.

"What the fuck was that about" Alec asked. This fucker thinks I know.

"I don't know. But I'm going to check on her." I replied. I got up and went upstairs and to my room since I was letting her stay in there. Before I got in I heard her sobbing. She wasn't in my room. So I went to my bathroom. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I knocked again. Still no answer.

"Angel. Are you okay in there?" I asked. No answer. I finally decided to go get my key to the bathroom. The sight I saw when I walked it petrified me. Hallie sitting on the ground blood dripping from her arms.

"Angel, why? Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" I questioned. I was about to cry myself. This beautiful girl. Who in my fucked up mind is so god damn perfect. Is slowly hurting herself. All the pain I wish I could just take away. But I can't. I can't because she won't let me in all the way.

"Here. Read the messages from him." She hands me her phone. I was completely disgusted by seeing what was sent. By her sperm donor.


Sperm donor- Hallie why aren't you home with dinner?!


Sperm donor- You're probably being a little slut like always. I suggest you answer now.


Sperm donor- I hope you know what coming to you when you get home since your just fucking with every guy in town. Well I'll give you a good time....


Her father sent her a photo of her bed. With ropes on it. Which I'm guessing he is gonna use on her. That disgusting prick.

"Hallie, you're not going back there. You're staying here." I tell her. I pull her into my arms and just hug her for dear life. Obviously being careful of her arms.

I pick her up and put her on the counter.

"I'm gonna clean you up okay. While I'm doing so. I wanna tell you a story." I explain what I'm going to do.

"Alec said I can tell anyone who feels this way." I tell her so she won't be pissed that I'm telling a story that isn't mine. I grab a wash cloth and start cleaning the new wounds.

"When Alec first came out to his parents. They weren't supportive. Every time he came home from school or a random event they would call him a slur. Alec eventually started to get a shoelace and burn himself with it. Then it moved on to a razor. Then to a knife. One day his parents had said something that made him try and hang himself in the boys bathroom. I got there in time. Luckily. He explained everything to me. I told my mom. She became his legal guardian all because his parents didn't except who he was for a person." I finished. I'm only telling her this so she can be comfortable with the people around her.

"That's horrible." She says. She only said those two words. Yet all I want to do is hold her.

"Annnnnnd done." She lifts up her arm to look at the bandages.

"Let's get you to bed. Huh." I say. She just nods. I pick her up and put her into my bed. I give her a kiss on the head. As I'm about to leave she simply just grabs my right arm.

"Don't leave. Please Stay." She tells me.

I decided to just do as asked.




Lemme stop. I'm just to excited.

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. I'll see you in the next one.

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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