Chapter two-

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Trigger Warning(s)- Self-Harm, Abuse, and Violence

Hallie's POV-

Don't Break a birds wings and then tell it to fly.
Don't Break a heart then tell it to love.
Don't Break a soul then tell it to be Happy.
Don't See the worst in people and expect them to see
the best in you.
Don't Judge people and expect them to stand by your
Don't Play with fire and expect to stay perfectly safe.
Life is about giving and taking.
You cannot expect to give bad and recieve good.
You cannot expect to give good and reieve bad.

I was reading in English when my teacher came up to me. " Hallie, what are you reading?" Ms. Kaylee asked me. "I'm reading nonsense, that's all." I replied. This morning wasn't the easiest. Getting out of bed and looking at myself in the mirror realizing I am an ugly person, on the outside. I mean who who love someone with cuts and bruises. But luckly it was easy to cover my new bruises up. "EARTH TO HALLIE" I heard Ms. Kaylee yell. "Sorry, I zoned out, what did you ask?" I asked. "You need to go to the Counsil meeting. "Oh, Right thank you." I thanked her for the class she gave and went to the Counsil meeting. I forgot to mention I'm in the student counsil, it's only so people don't worry about me. I'm more of a quiet kid in those meetings.

"Hey, dumb bitch!" I heard someone yell. Of course, it was the "Queen Bee" of our school, Berenice and her squad. Kelly, and Ella.

"Hey, bitch are you gonna answer?" Berenice questioned. "To be honest I wasn't planning to" I told her. Next thing I know is I felt horrible pain on my head, she pushed my head into the locker. "Next time, answer the Queen of this school." She said.

All I know is I woke up in the nurses office. "Oh, finally your awake. How's your head Hallie?" She asked.

"It's fine, but how did I get here?" I questioned. "That nice boy over there brought you here, I think his name was Ashton, he seemed very worried about you. " She responded. "Anywho, we contacted your father about what happened he's going to bring you home, he'll be here in at least 30 minutes." Sometimes I wish the nurse didn't do that. The nurse went out of the room and Ashton entered, why would he care about me? I asked myself.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Aston asked. "It hurts, my dad has to pick me up though." I said as I rolled my eyes. "You should be happy about him picking you up, Angel." He said in his weird husky tone. Then he smirked.

"Angel? You do know my name is Hallie, unless you forgot my name as fast as you drop your bimbos." I responded.

"Damn, har-" He was cut off. "HALLIE WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I heard my father yell. I flinched at the loud tone. "I fell." I responded really quick. "We need to get you home honey" I gagged at his words. "Fath-, Dad I'm going to go get my homework, I'll be back." I told him.

I sped walked out of the room. "Hallie?" Askton asked in a worried tone. "Yeah?" I quietly responded, almost in a whisper.
"Let me walk you, please Angel." He asked. "Listen Ashton, I don't know why you're being nice to me but it needs to stop, because I know your just trying to befriend me, then your going to try and sleep with me." I explained.

"No, actually I'm just being a Gentleman." He shot back. "Anyways, your dad seems nice, you seemed as if you didn't want to go home w-" I cut him off.

"Where I live that shithole we call a house isn't my home." I was pissed. Not to mention I still have no clue why Ashton is even near me.

I we went to my classes I got all my home work, my father and I were in the car. It was the most silent car ride ever.

"Get your ass in the fucking house, NOW!" He yelled. Boy oh boy this isn't going to be good. Right before I went in, I heard someone behind me. "Angel." He said in a very low and husky tone.

"I had to come back because you left your Agenda in my car yesterday." He explains to me. "Here, now please don't get yourself into anymore trouble, k?" He asked me in a worried tone.

"I'll be fine, I promise." Lies. That entire sentence was a lie. "Okay see you in class tomorrow Angel." Why does that name give me tingly feelings.

I walked into the house and I emidiatly get shoved into the wall....

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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