Chapter Eight~

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Hallie's POV~



"Angel. Wake up." I felt someone kiss the top of my head. My eyes fluttered open.

"You need to wake up Hals." Ashton kept kissing my forehead.

"Alright. Alright. I'll get up." I told him yet he was still kissing my forehead. After I got up he pulled me into a hug. I put my arms around his waist. I needed this. I haven't been hugged in years. It felt nice to be hugged.

"This feels nice. Thank you for being there for me Ashton." I told him. I was truly thankful for him. I felt saved. But I had to ask about how long I was staying for.

"How long am I staying here for?" I asked. When I looked up to him, he just stared at me like he had seen a ghost.

"You're not going back there Angel. After what you told us. You're staying here. For as long as you need. If you don't want to stay here you could stay with Carmen and his parents. Just not with that shit face you call a father." He told me straight up. I liked how protective he already is of me. I think.

"Okay." That's all I said. I just kept hugging him. I felt safe in his arms.

"We have to go eat breakfast. Come on." He chuckled. He took my hand and walked us downstairs. We sat down next to each other.

"Who's ready for waffles?" Martha says enthusiastically. We hear someone falling down the stairs. We see Alec at the bottom of the stairs.

"I heard waffles." Alec says after getting up. We all started laughing at him.


After breakfast we all got changed into some clothes. As for me I stayed in the clothes I had yesterday.

 As for me I stayed in the clothes I had yesterday

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"Alec...." Ethan said. Oh yeah, Ethan stayed over last night, as for Carmen, he went home.

"What the Fuck are you wearing?" Ethan added to what he said.

"Well I just thought." Alec started to do a 360.

"I should show some of my volumptuous ass." After Alec finished what he said I started laughing.

"What's so funny Hals?" He stared. I just kept on laughing. After a while of laughing my stomach started to hurt.

"Sorry. It was funny. I didn't mean to laugh and or hurt your feelings." I started to back up to Ashton. I was scared as to if he would get mad.

"You okay Angel? Why are you nervous?" Ashton started rubbing my arm to comfort me.

"AWWWWEEE!!" Alec screamed.

"ANGEL. That's the cutest thing ever. Hallie all's good." Alec told me.


When we were walking around the mall. Ethan and Ashton left to go to some clothing stores. While they were in the clothing store I sat with Alec.

"I'm sorry about your parents." I told him. I looked at him. I was genuinely sorry.

"It's all good. Their just homophobic jerks. I'm glad Ashton found me when he did." He says.

"You know. We should get you some clothes. Since you only have a little bit of clothes." Alec afford.

On one part of me I wanted to. On the other I didn't. I don't like when people spent money on me. I never did.

"Umm. I don't have enough-." I was cut off.

"I'll buy you whatever you want." A voice behind us beckoned. I knew that voice all to well.

"Ashton no. I don't want you to." I tell him.

"I'm still going to buy you what you need, and want. I don't care if you don't want me to." He told me. I just looked at him. I gave him a knowing look. He have me a reassuring one. I ran to him and hugged him.

"Thank you for being there. I'm sorry about my stubbornness." I told him.



See you in the next chapter 🤓

P.S Hallie isn't a gold digger.

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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