Chapter Four-

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Trigger Warning(s)- Mention of abuse and Self-Harm

You make me laugh, even when I'm not in the mood to smile.


Ashtons POV-

"Yo, Ash." My friend, Carmen said. Carmen was my hight bright blue eyes and ash blonde hair.

"Hey dude, what's up." When Carmen was about to answer Ethan and Alec came up to us.

"Hey, my dearest friends." Alec said. Oh and let me mention Alec and Carmen are gay..... And dating. Alec had a hard life growing up being gay. His parents never excepted him, he nearly killed himself twice, when he met Carmen he obviously was nervous to tell him, but one or two weeks ago they confessed their feelings. I'm pretty sure they are Boyfriends. God I hope so.

I look around to see if I can spot those stormy grey eyes, and I see them. That's not what else I see. I see a bruise on her cheek. I ran over to her to see what happened.

"Angel? What happened to your face?" I beckoned.

"And before you say you fell. I know you didn't." I quickly responded.

"WHY DO YOU CARE?!" She yelled.

"HALLIE" I've heard that voice. It boomed through the hallways of the school.

"Father." Hallie answered. He was carrying something. It looked like a bag.

"You left this on the kitchen counter, my little angel." I was about to say something but Hallie took the bag and walked off. There was a weird feeling in my stomach when he called her, 'his little angel'. If anything Hallie is MY Angel.

"What the fuck do you want Ashton. Cause I know all you want to do is get in my damn pants. So use your legs and walk away already." She basically yelled. I noticed she was about to leave. I grabbed her arm and she started to scream. I lifted my hand and I had blood on it.

"Oh, god. Hallie come with me." I brought her to the bathroom. I immediately pulled off her hoodie. Her eyes were brimming with tears.

"Hallie, why would you do this? I asked. I started to clean off the blood. The bruises. The cuts. It just doesn't make sense. A light bulb just clicked.

"Did the bruises come from your dad Hallie?" I begged. My eyes we're forming with tears. This was reminding me of the time when Alec tried to hang himself in this very bathroom. He had cuts like these.

"Yes." Hallie said in barely a whisper. Are faces were so close when I looked up. Her eyes had tears in them. When I had first saw her I felt an immediate attraction, so I tried to talk to her. She didn't want to talk and still doesn't. But I don't care. I want her.

"I just don't want to live anymore, He says all these things about when my mom and siblings died. He says. It's all my fault. He says I'm stuff I'm not. I hate my life." She admits, and all these things are killing me in the inside.

The next thing I do, I don't regret but she'll kill me definitely. I take her chin and kiss her plump lips. They're so soft. After a minute she kisses back.

I pull away. God why'd I do that.

"I'm so sorry. I've felt this weird attraction towards you and I-" Hallie shuts me up. She kisses me again, with so much passion. When she pulls away, there was a smile on her face.

You can guess what happened next. So we didn't have sex. (There are some dirty minds in here we all know it.) We drove to my place. I let her stay in my room, and made us dinner. She looked like she hadn't eaten in awhile.

I heard a knock on the door and it was the boys. Carmen and Alec were having there way on the couch once they walked in. As for Ethan he was on his phone.

"What's going on?" Everyone turned to Hallie.

"Well these idiots came over. As for me I was making US dinner." I tell her. I saw a small smile. Carmen walked over and gently pulled her over to the couch.


Heyyyy again.

Like I said last chapter exams are soon. So I won't be updating for a minute.

My quotes are from Pinterest.
See you in the next chapter.

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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