Chapter Fourteen

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Trigger Warning(s)- Bullying


Hallie's POV~

It was December 15th, and Conni and I were shopping for the Winter Formal. Which was in a week. I know, I know, we are shopping a bit late. At least we're shopping for dresses. Ashton had given me his credit card to buy my dress. I objected at first but he kept on insisting, and insisting; I just wound up taking it. Don't get me wrong I felt horrible spending his money, The money he earned, The money I didn't earn.

"What are you thinking about Hals?" Conni asked, She is such a kind and caring person to me, and I am so thankful for that.

"I'm just thinking about the formal, That's all." I replied to her. We went into many stores to find the 'Perfect' dress.


After finding our dresses we ate in the food court then went back to Ashtons place. Conni and I were waiting on the boys to come back with their suits for the Formal. We heard the front door open, We got up to see who it was. It was the boys, they got their suits. Ashton was already asking what my dress looked like. Conni had bought the corsages for us.

"Can I please see you're dress Hallie. I'm begging youuuu." Ashton was going crazy. It was kind of annoying me that he wouldn't stop asking.

"Ashton the Formal is in a week. Can't you just wait?" I questioned him. He them flopped himself onto the couch. Then screamed into the couch. Conni and Ethan bursted into laughter. Oh did I mention Carmen and Alec were dead asleep.


One Week Later....

Conni was in the quest room with me and she was doing her make-up, even though she didn't need it. I did my hair, I watched a video on YouTube on how to make my hair look nice. Well nice enough.

Once we finished doing our hair and Conni did her make-up, we put our dresses on. Conni wore a gorgeous pink dress, while I had a midnight blue dress on. We put our heels on and went down stairs to see the boys.

Ethan was wearing all black, he had a turtle neck on with dress pants, while Ashton wore a black top with a blazer over top of his shirt, he wore dress pants.

Ethan was wearing all black, he had a turtle neck on with dress pants, while Ashton wore a black top with a blazer over top of his shirt, he wore dress pants

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Alec was wearing a white crop top, with high waisted cargo pants. While Carmen had a stripped white and black dress shirt, with dress pants.

 While Carmen had a stripped white and black dress shirt, with dress pants

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"Sometimes I wonder your sense of style Alec." Ethan told him. Alec forced a fake laugh out.

"At least I have style Ethan." Alec shot back at him, Everyone bursted out in laughter.

"At least I don't have my jaw to the floor. Ashton." Everone then turned to Ashton who was in fact, had his jaw wide open.

"Well Hallie looks amazing. I can't help the fact that she's the prettiest girl here. Sorry Conni." He explained, Conni just laughed at his comment.

After talking we got inside the car and drove to the school. Once we got there, we went to the gym and got a table to stand at. Everyone was on the dance floor other than Ashton and I.

"Heyyy, Ashton; wanna dance?" We heard someone say. I looked up to see Berenice and her friends behind her. She was wearing a blue sparkling dress. I looked over to Ashton to see him looking at her disgust. He then walked over to me.

"Hallie, would you like to dance with me?" He asked, Berenice gave me the death glare.

"WHY HER AND NOT ME ASHTON?!" She was pissed. There was about to be hell on Earth.

"Have you seen this girl, She comes to school in hoodies and sweatpants. She's hideous. She doesn't deserve love Ashton. She can't give you what I can." She finished. Luckily I wasn't wearing make-up. Cause I started crying.

I ran out of the room, I couldn't take anymore of the bullying. I heard steps behind me.

"Hallie, don't listen to her." Ashton came up to me and gently grabbed my wrist. Turned me around. He wipped up my tears.

"I can't take the bullying anymore. I'm sick of it." I told him. He gave me a kiss on the head.

"Hallie, all she's doing is putting her insecurites out on you. I can tell you, you're gorgeous." He assured me. I gave him a big hug. He made me feel better. We went back into the gym and back to the table. Berenice and her friends were still there.

"I thought you left." Ashton barked at her. She put her hands on his chest. He then pushed her off and grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor. A slow song started playing and we started dancing.


Once the dance finished everyone went home. Alec was staying with Carmen tonight.

So it was Martha, Ashton and I. Once we got to his house. We changed and went to sleep.


Instagram: Emily_Ray_Hail

Instagram: Emily_Ray_Hail

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