Chapter Five-

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Trigger Warning(s)- Mention of Abuse, Sexual Assult, Self-Harm, Flashbacks.

Hallie's POV-

After I saw everyone, I got really nervous. Although... Carmen and Alec are so cute on the couch.

"Hey Hallie, why do you have those bruises?" Ethan asked me. Ashton looks over at me, he could tell I was worried.

"Well, um... You see, they're from my father." I tell them. Carmen and Alec stop doing their thing and stare at me. Their eyes look like they could kill someone. Probably me.

"What?" I retaliate. God they want to laugh don't they?

"Hallie, tell us what happened. Now please." Alec says. I was so scared for that question.

"The whole story?"I ask, they nod.

"Okay, well when I was 9 my mother got into a car accident, and for over a month she was in the hospital in a.....coma, the doctor said they'd have to let her go. Before she died we were the happiest family ever. But after she died dad got.....well violent, he started off with simple rude gestures and rude words, but after he found out I liked this boy, he ummm..... got more physical. He started hitting me, punching me, and kicking. It got to the point where he broke a glass bottle and cut my arm with it. Luckly I got to the hospital and the doctors stiched me up, so it never left a scar. When he found out I went to the hospital, he um" I got so far I chocked a sob at this part.


"You're such a little slut for me aren't you." He said as he pushed in, tears falling down my face.

"Why are you crying? You wanted this." He yelled.



End of Flashback~

"Hallie!" Ashton yelled. God I was crying. Shit.

"God Hallie, why are you crying?" Carmen asked me, genuonly confused.

"Uhm, let me continue." I sniffled.

"Once he found out I went to the hospital, He....Raped me. After that he continued just the normal abusiveness. Now we're here." I finished. Ashton was staring down at me. He looked like it was going to kill my father.

"Oh and I started cutting myself after the night he did that to me." I continued. God why'd have to say that part. They're just going to look at me and think I'm just easy.

"I'm so sorry you went through that Hals." Since when did Alec give me a nickname.

"Carmen and I have also been through some of the shit." Alec started.

"When Alec and I came out to our parents, lets be honest they are homophobic assholes. All we needed was support from them, but it leaded Alec to almost losing his life." Carmen said. He is to sweet. Why do people in this world do horrible things. Just as I was about to say something the door opened.

"We're home!!" A women's voice echoed through the house.

"We are in the living room Ma." Ashton replied. No, No, No, No, NO! I didn't want to meet his mom not like this.

"I smell pasta!!" Ashton's mother said. She was so beautiful. She was around 5'6. Jet Black hair, and Brown eyes. I wish I looked like her.

"Who's the guest Ash?" His mom questioned. I think she noticed the bruise on my face, because she started looking at me weird.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! What the fuck did you do Ash?!" She started yelling at Ashton.

"It wasn't him miss. It was my father." I told her. She looked at me like she knew what I went through.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I had the same experience with my ex-boyfriend. What's you're name?" She told me then asked.

"It's Hallie." I was nervous Ashton must of realized that I was nervous cause he came and sat next to me and held my hand. His thumb started rubbing circles on the top of my hand.

"Angel the food is ready if you want some." He told me.



Hope you're having a great Sundayyyyy.

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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