Chapter Three-

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Trigger Warning(s)- Mention of Self-Harm

The saddest thing of sad, is when your tears can't even drop, and you feel nothing.
It's like the world had just ended.
You don't cry.
You don't hear.
You don't see.
You just stay there, and for a second your heart dies.


Hallie's POV-

After getting my ass beat I went to my room. I decided to grab my razor and cut myself.

One for talking to Ashton.
One for being a mistake.
And five for being born.

After I finished I went to the bathroom and washed my arms off. I took my clothes off, and looked at myself in the mirror.

God I'm so discussed with myself.

I hop in the shower wash my hair. Then get back out. I go get dressed, brush my teeth. Then I go straight to bed.


*Beep Beep Beep*

My alarm goes off and I just decided to put baggy clothes on. Put makeup over the bruises that are forming.

I start to walk to school. It was a hot day out. So little did I know that the makeup would start to come off.

"Angel? What happened to your face?" Ashton beckoned.

"And before you say you fell. I know you didn't." He quickly responded.

"WHY DO YOU CARE?!" I yelled. Because he's a fuck boy. All he wants to do is get inside my head.

"HALLIE" I knew that voice. It boomed through the hallways of the school.

"Father." I answered. He was carrying something. My monthly bag. If you know what I mean.

"You left this on the kitchen counter, my little angel." Ew. That's all I thought when he said "my little angel" he's only like this when Ashton is around.

"Thanks dad." I said. I then quickly walked off. I heard foot steps behind me and it was, you guessed it Ashton.

"What the fuck do you want Ashton. Cause I know all you want to do is get in my damn pants. So use your legs and walk away already." I told him. I just wanted him to leave me alone. But then he grabbed my arm and I ended up screaming, cause it was my arm with the cuts.

"Oh, god. Hallie come with me." He brought me to the bathroom and almost immediately pulled off my hoodie. My tears were brimming my eyes.

"Hallie, why would you do this?" He asked.


Heyyyy, I hope you liked this chapter. I'm just gonna say it.


I don't have a writing schedule. I have exams soon, so I've been studying.

Also all my quotes, are from Pinterest.

See you in the next chapter....

Instagram- Emily_Ray_Hail

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