Chapter 1

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I awoke from my slumber to the rustling at the foot of my bed.

"Akamaru... it's too early."

I roll over, burying my head into my soft pillow, anything to get out of the daylight, like a vampire.

Akamaru barked, and chomped down on my leg through the blanket.

"Ow!" I leapt out of bed. Akamaru looked up at me from the foot of my bed, a disappointed look on his dog face. "Jeez, I'm up, you didn't have to bite me."

Akamaru continued looking at me impatiently. "Yeah yeah, I'll get your food, just let me get ready for-" I trail off as I remember. "OH SHIT!!!!"

I grab some clothes from my floor and throw them on quickly. No time to brush my hair, I grab dog food off of the table and run out the door. Akamaru whines in protest, but I reason with him as I run. "Sorry Akamaru, You're lucky you even get breakfast!" My own stomach growls, but I don't slow down. I have to get there before the exam starts! I cannot be late!

I run through the town of Konoha, the leaf village. My thoughts race. I pass the school, knowing no one will be there.

Akamaru easily keeps up with my running, but I'm getting tired, so I hop on his back and he runs the rest of the way. When we get to the area of the test, just outside the village, we stop and I hop off of Akamaru's back, running up to Kakashi sensei, the white haired masked sensei. "Sensei, I'm sorry I'm late."

Kakashi nods. "You're just in time, Y/n, the explanation is starting." He sits on a rock while he reads, obviously disinterested. I turn to listen to the test examiner, but my eyes pass by Sasuke, the emo haired idiot, and I immediately purse my lips, and a deep anger rises within me. Sasuke. I hate him so much. He notices me and blushes slightly. I glare back. He's the reason for my pain. He's the reason why- Someone tapping me on the shoulder interrupts my thoughts. I turn to see Sakura, her cotton candy pink hair shining as beautifully as always. "Hey Y/n, I noticed you were late and I brought an extra rice ball. You can have it if you want."

All thoughts of stupid Sasuke evaporate. The love of my life, Sakura, is the only one who could melt my anger so easily. I blush brightly as I take the rice ball from her. "Th- thanks, Sakura!" I hope she doesn't notice that I stuttered. She just makes me so nervous! Akamaru raises his eyebrows at me, and I hope Sakura doesn't notice that either. The test person starts talking, and I zone most of what they're saying out while sneaking glances at Sakura, but I get the general idea. We have to do some stupid thing with collecting a scroll from the other groups, and we get one scroll. We got a heaven scroll, so we had to get an earth scroll from another team. The last rule is that we aren't allowed in the 44th training ground, or the 'Forest of Death', which is apparently a new rule in the Chunin exams.

I hope that they'll say we're not working with our usual groups. I hate being in a squad with Sasuke. Anyone but him. At least I'll have Sakura with me, so hopefully she will keep me from committing crimes on him.

Lost in thought, I jump when the whistle starts. Me, Sakura, and Sasuke run off into the bushes together, our arms trailing behind us. We leap through the trees, moving at immense speeds. Soon, we're far away from all the other groups. Good, maybe I can have some alone time with Sakura, if I can only manage to lose Sasuke sometime.

We stop once we reach a tall fence, lined with barbed wire. It's the boundary to the forty frothy training grounds, I can tell by a big sign on it.

Sakura walks up to the fence, trailing her beautiful slender fingers on the chain links. "I wonder why we're not allowed in there."

Sasuke shrugs. "No idea."

I look past the fence, the forest inside looks dense and wild. Then, I hear something. A quiet noise, but my heightened senses from being one of the Inuzuka clan alert me. It sounds like a faint... rattling? I stop hearing it immediately after, but I look to Akamaru, whose ears are also perked up, confirming he heard something as well. "Did you two hear that?"

Sakura looked confused. "Hear what?"

Sasuke took a second before he nodded. "Yeah, of course I heard, um, what was it?"

I scowl at him. Why is he lying, he didn't hear anything. He's just trying to make fun of me. "I don't know." I growl.

Sakura shrugs. "We aren't supposed to go in there..."

Suddenly Akamaru barks.

"What is it boy?" I ask him, but he's ignoring me. He continues barking at the fence, and what's beyond it. His hackles are raised, and he's frothing at the mouth.

"Woah, I've never seen him act this way before! There must be something in there!" I scream over his barking.

Akamaru ninjas his way up a tree, and hops over the fence, disappearing into the forest.

"Hey! Akamaru! Come back!" I yell after him, but it's no use, he's gone. "Oh no, what do we do!"

Sasuke approaches me tentatively. "I mean, we have to go after him! I don't think the Senseis would mind, you can't just leave him!"

I hate to agree with Sasuke, but I can't just leave Akamaru. Without a second thought I vault over the fence, and look back to Sasuke and Sakura on the other side. "Are you coming with me?"

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