Chapter 14

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A/N: Minor content warning for like panic-attack stuff, I don't think it's that bad though

Akamaru follows me, but he can sense my panic, and he whines worriedly. I'm hardly looking where I'm going. I have to get out of here, anywhere but here. Tears burn at the edges of my eyes. I stumble through the streets, it's almost dusk. I can't go home. I just want to lay down and cry. I bump into someone, hard, and I fall onto my already bloody hands from the broken glass earlier.
"Sorry-" My voice is strained and scared.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" I look up to see Kakashi sensei, who looks concerned.
"I-" My voice cracks. I want to speak, say anything, but I can't. My body fails me, and the adrenaline and anxiety seem to catch up to me, draining me from all energy. I fall forwards, into Kakashi, who catches me. I sob, letting out all of the fear and everything I'd been holding back.
"Hey, it's okay! What happened?" Kakashi seems very surprised, but I guess he's probably had a lot of experience with traumatised people before.
"Someone broke in, I- I don't know why, I think they were looking for Akamaru, they sprayed febreeze so I couldn't follow them-"
Kakashi sensei cuts me off. "Okay, slow down. Your hands are cut." He takes my hands, and I realise how much they sting. "This is glass. We should get you to the hospital."
I nod. "I can walk, I'm- I'm okay." I say, pushing myself off of Kakashi slightly, embarrassed from my earlier actions.
He watches me closely. "Okay, let's go then." We ninja run to the leaf village hospital, which I seem to visit far too often.
Clutching my injured hands to my chest, we enter.
The exact details of entering are fuzzy, but Kakashi waits in a chair as I sit down on an exam bench, and shortly after, a doctor walks in. "So, I hear you've gotten some glass stuck in your hands. You're name is... Y/n, correct?" His voice is smooth, and I look up to see who it is. He looks around my age, maybe a little older, with white hair pulled back in a ponytail, and round glasses.
"Y-yes." I respond, more shakily than I'd like.
He smiles. "Well, I'm Kabuto of the medical corps. Hold out your hands for me?" He asks, and I do.
He looks at the damage. "It's not as bad as it looks." He reassures me, and he puts out his own hands over mine, and they start to glow with the familiar green light of healing chakra.
I bite my tongue and shut my eyes as it stings a little bit. Kabuto starts talking, probably to keep my mind off of the pain.
"So, how exactly did you get this much glass embedded in your hands?"
I look over to Kakashi, who looks like he wants the answer to that question as well, before I look down, focusing on the floor. "I... tripped." I lie.
"You tripped on broken glass?" Kabuto asks. He says it in a gentle tone, but I can tell he knows I'm lying.
I don't answer.
He nods. "Well, whatever the case, your hands will be fine, but they might need a rest for a little while. As in, you may want to take a break from jutsu that involves hand signs."
"What?!" I pull my hands away on instinct before catching myself. "Sorry."
Kabuto smiles kindly. "That's alright." He bandages my hands gently, and I'm oddly reminded of the kind of bandages Rock Lee has on his arms.
"There. Just try not to do too much with your hands, okay?"
I nod. "Thanks."
Kabuto nods. "By the way, you're in team seven, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, I might be getting assigned to a team soon, to go along for certain missions. It's part of the hokage's plan, for keeping more ninja alive on more dangerous missions. Anyway, it would be fun if I were assigned to your squad. Well, I'll see you around." He says, before he gets up and leaves. I inspect my newly bandaged hands.
Kakashi gets up. "Come on Y/n, I'll walk you home."
"No!" I stand quickly, before composing myself again. "I... I don't want to go back there right now."
"Okay, well I have a spare room, you can stay there tonight if you want. You can tell me about what happened on the way."
I sigh. "Fine. Let's go."

We head to Kakashi's place, somewhere I realise I've never actually been before. Kakashi has been my sensei for several years, ever since I became a genin, so it seems almost odd I've never seen his house before. To be fair, I shouldn't be surprised, I've also never seen his face since it's always covered in a mask.
"So... You said someone broke in?" Kakashi asks as we walk.
I sigh. "Yeah. They didn't do anything, or take anything, but they were in my house, and... Well, I don't have proof, but their scent is on Akamaru. I think they were after him." Akamaru sniffs himself almost self consciously. "I would have tracked them, of course but they sprayed febreeze." Kakashi nods, obviously knowing my troubles with febreze.
I continue. "They broke my window, and I kind of accidentally fell on the glass. That's how I did this." I look at my hands.
"I'll have someone look into it." Kakashi sensei says reassuringly. "But for now, here we are."
I look at the house we've stopped at, it's a low building with a grey-blue roof.
"Come in." Kakashi holds the door open, and I step inside.
"Thanks." I say as I take off my shoes.
Kakashi goes to make some tea, and I walk in as well. In the hallway I pass a room that looks like Kakashi's bedroom. His bed is small, and he has a green duvet. A single potted plant sits on his windowsill. I notice a pair of orange leg-warmers draped over the back of a chair, and a pile of weights in the corner. Wait, are those-
"Y/n, tea's ready." Kakashi calls from down the hall, and I leave the doorway.
I enter Kakashi's living room, which is fairly simple, like his bedroom. I sit at the table, and drink some tea. I have no idea how, but every time I look away, Kakashi's tea seems to have been drained without me having seen him lower his mask.
After tea, Kakashi tells me that his spare room is at the end of the hall, and I go get ready for bed. As I lie in the bed with Akamaru sleeping at the base, I keep thinking about the figure in my house. That strange sweet vanilla lavender smell. Who are they? Why did they want Akamaru? And how did they know Frebreeze is my weakness? My thoughts slowly drift away, and eventually sleep takes me.

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