Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry i'm late posting today, almost forgot! Anyways there's some lore in today's chapter, enjoy and don't forget to vote!

Back at my house, I'm packing my bag for our escort mission. I pack some extra ninja clothes and some leisure wear, as well as dog food for Akamaru, and some food for myself. As I prepare to leave the house, my eye catches on a photograph by the door. It's a photograph of my family, from before Itachi destroyed us.

My parents, me, all of the other Inuzuka dogs, and my brother Kiba, holding Akamaru in his arms.

We all have the signature painted triangles on our cheeks, the symbol of the Inuzuka, along with our classic white dogs. I sigh painfully. I miss my family. My parents were killed that fateful day, and from my brother's body, they only found his arm, so he must have been killed in a truly horrible way.

I grab my bag and leave the house. I can't afford to be distracted on my first mission.

"Come on Akamaru, they'll be waiting at the village gate."

Akamaru trots along beside me. I'm glad he survived the attack. All of the dogs did in fact, but the rest of them formed a rogue ninja dog pack and now roam the forests, like a band of warriors.

I reach the village gate, where my team is waiting, along with Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga, who is edgily leaning against the post of the village gate.

As I walk up, I feel a sharp pain in my neck, but I shake it off. It's probably nothing.

Rock Lee waves to me. "Hey Y/n! I'm pumped our first mission as chunin is together! I trained all week for this!"

I nod. "Likewise, Lee."

Guy Sensei suddenly pops out of the bushes where he'd been blending in before with his all green jumpsuit. "YOOOO!" He yells as he emerges. "ARE YOU KIDS READY TO GO TO THE SAND VILLAGE?" he asks loudly. "We can run through the sand for days on end! Why not make it a race! Whoever survives wins!"

Before he can continue, both Naruto, and Gaara's group approach. Naruto kisses Sasuke softly, who blushes strongly. "I had to come to with you luck babygirl." He says, before going in for a full make out sesh.

I avert my eyes before I gag, and look instead to Gaara, who is glaring at me in particular.

"Yeesh, what's got his sand-filled panties in a bunch?" I whisper to Lee, and Gaara only appears more irritated.

"What are you talking about?" Lee asks. "Garra is a fine young man, his jutsu is extraordinary!" Lee walks over to greet Gaara with an odd expression, and I'm left behind. This trip may be less fun than I'd originally thought. Whatever. At least I don't have to watch Naruto and Sasuke fuck with their eyes any longer.

Kakashi finally puts his book away. "Okay, looks like we're all here. Everyone ready to head off to the sand village?"

Everyone nods, except Neji, who blows his hair out of the way edgily instead.

"Have fun." Naruto winks at Sasuke, and slaps his ass as he walks away, with so much force Sasuke stumbles forward. He smirks.

We walk out of the village, and I realise this is the first time I've ever left the leaf village. I turn back to look at my home. I try to remember the tales of my family's missions, but it's too hard, I can't remember.

They died when I was young, so I remember so little about them. Akamaru whines at my side, sensing my emotions. He used to be bonded to my brother, but now that he's dead, he's bonded himself to me. I don't think an Inuzuka dog has ever bonded to a second person after their first ninja dies. Akamaru may be the first to do it.

As we continue through the forest outside the village, I see Rock Lee talking to Gaara, who is staring angrily ahead, as usual. Rock Lee is walking on his hands, but not in a show off way, just a way of exercise.

"So Gaara, your main jutsu is controlling sand, right? You must have trained for months on end to use it right! Did you know that sand makes glass when it's heated? Oh- well of course you know that, you're the one with the sand powers. Anyways, I just thought it was cool!"

Tomato and Kankurō look nervous, but then Gaara smiles, and they both sort of sigh in relief. "Yeah, have you seen what happens when lightning strikes sand? Lighting storms happen in the sand village sometimes, and you can see the sand makes these really cool designs. Maybe we'll see some of that while you're there."

Lee slips easily off of his hands and walks normally beside Gaara. "That would be really cool! I'd love it if you could give me a tour, too!"

Tenari starts to protest. "Actually, if you could just drop us off at the village, and, I don't know, leave immediately afterwards-"

Gaara cuts her off. "I'll show you around the village."

Temaru tries to refuse again, but Gaara and Lee are already walking ahead of her, talking about their plans for the village tour. I wonder why Tenari was so against a village tour. I'd love to see the village.

We continue walking through the day, through mostly forested areas until we reach a small town to stop at an inn for the night.

The innkeeper isn't used to having so many people in the inn, so we have to room in groups. Luckily, I get a room with Rock Lee, so I don't have to deal with that horrid Sasuke or the edgy angry idiot Gaara.

After a brief dinner downstairs at the inn, me and Rock Lee get up to our room. l sit on my futon and get ready for bed, but Lee goes out for a late night run. He says it helps him get to sleep if he exhausts himself first. I hope he doesn't smell sweaty when he gets back.

I have no desire to run around some random tiny village like an idiot tonight, so Akamaru and I go to sleep soon after we get upstairs.

As I fall asleep, I wonder what the sand village is like, and why Gaara is such an asshole.

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