Chapter 9

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Gaara, just having burst out of the bushes, runs at me. "I WILL END YOUR MEANINGLESS LIFE!!!!" He screeches as he runs at me.
"Wh-what!?" I gasp, dodging out of the way, but he slices through the air with sand and grabs my arm. I gasp in pain. He's seriously trying to kill me!
"Gaara! What are you doing!" Lee asks, trying to be diplomatic.
Gaara seems strange, something is wrong with him. I can't explain how, but it seems almost similar to my feral mode! But more dangerous, and uncontrollable. I can't say how I can tell, but maybe it's like a dog sixth sense or something.
Gaara squeezes my arm harder, and approaches me. I try to shake the sand off, but it stabs into me, sharp pain undulating through my arm. "Ah!" I say in pain.
"Gaara, this isn't like you!" Lee tries to convince Gaara, who ignores him and keeps coming towards me. I don't know what Gaara is going to do next, but I'm terrified.
Luckily, others show up just then. Sakura emerges. "Woah! What's going on!" She yells, and Gaara screeches before going into his equivalent of feral mode. His pupils change strangely, and his sand gourd explodes, encasing him strangely and giving him cat ears.
"Holy mother of God! What is that!" I yell, pointing at his giant sand cat ears.
"Woah!" Sakura says as the sand grabas her and throws her into a tree!
"Sakura!!!" I gasp, and luckily the sand has released my arm to attach Sakura to the tree.
Sakura is sad. "Ngshssgsh! Hinata save me..." She says in a dazed state, and goes limp. It's weird she said Hinata's name haha, that's a weird pronunciation of Y/n!
"Oh em gee!!" I dodge a sand attack from him. Why did Gaara have to attack when I was already winded from Lee attacking me?
Gaara screams and shakes, his kitty cat ears flapping and his drool slobbering from his mouth. "GGSGHWRTSJHAGDGSj!" He gurgles on his spit as he uses one huge sand encased hand to slash attack at me. I dodge again, just barely, but the hard sand cuts my arm a bit. It's no use, I must go beast mode.
"GggdgdrrrrrdgraughgggGRR!" I respond as my eyes turn into slits and my fangs elongate and I get on all fours. Akamaru transforms into a clone of me, and we bark as one.
"AGGGGURRRRR BARK BARK WOOF!" We bark at him, we will not lose to a no eyebrows freak!!
Me and Akamaru zoom at him, scratching and biting and frothing at the mouth, but his sand is too hard to bite through!!
Akamaru and I try a drill attack at him, twirling together to make a weapon, but it barely scratches the surface of the sand!
Me and Akamaru have to jump back out of Gaara's reach as he sends a bunch of sand pellets at us.
"It's no use Akamaru! I'm burning through my chakra too fast!" I feel exhausted already from my fight with Lee, and I can feel that my chakra is being leeched! I throw some kunai at Gaara, but his arm just absorbs them and sends them back! Akamaru hits the ground to dodge, and I try to get out of the way, but one of the kunai grazes my cheek. "Oh no, this is bad!!!"
I flashback to something Kakashi sensei told me once. "Remember, if you try to use a jutsu when you don't have enough chakra, the jutsu won't work, and in the worst case scenario, you die."
I breathe hard as I try to think of any way out of this.
I have to save Sakura! I can't let her down!
"IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT?!" Gaara mocks me as the slobber drips from his mouth like an excited dog.
I guess I'll just have to try not to use any more chakra! I rush at him with just myself as a weapon, scratching, kicking and punching. This is completely useless! I'm getting nowhere, and Gaara isn't getting any less powerful, in fact, he is completely encased in the sand cat creachur now.
Lee is still trying to reason with him. "Gaara stop! We can talk this out! There's no need to be upset!"
Gaara screeches and shakes his head, "REEEEEEEEE!!" as if Lee is hurting him. Lee starts crying.
I shake my head. I have no choice, I'm going to have to pull out the big guns. I just hope I have enough chakra to pull it off...
I make hand signs. "Ultimate move! Ultimate lens of darkness jutsu!! Akamaru get out of here I love you!" I scream, going full beast mode. Akamaru goes invisible to protect himself as I rush at Gaara, my body morphing into a giant demon wolf. "GRRRRR!!!" I face off against the beast, ready to kill it. I will fight Gaara, for Sakura!!
My neck hurts a lot now, and my fur seems to have adopted a strange pattern, but I have no time to think about it now.
I think about how Gaara and Lee fought so long ago and he incapacitated Lee. Why isn't he attacking Lee at all? He almost seems to be.. blocking me from Lee?!? I'm so confused, but there's no time to think about it! I attack him with my wolf claws and fangs and beat him up, I am consumed by my rage and ultimate darkness! I will kill him! I will prevail in this fight!
The sand is chipped away and I see Gaara's face underneath. I go for the kill strike to bite him, but- oh no! Lee gets in the way! I try to stop, but my rage is too strong, and I chomp down on Lee's arm.
I let go, and am horrified by my actions.
Lee's arm drips with blood, I've bitten him very badly! "No Y/n!! You can't do this!"
I shake my head, trying to shake the rage but it is too strong. I want blood, and vengeance.
Lee continues, holding back both of us from killing each other.
"You can't kill Gaara! If you kill him we have failed our mission!" He bargains with me, and I see a sort of desperation in his eyes. "The mission always comes first!"
I growl in my wolf voice, the words sound strange with my wolf accent. "But he's going to kill the love of my life, Sakura!"
Gaara looks shocked at this, and the rest of the sand falls away from him. "Wait, you don't love..." He trails off.
I let my wolf form fade, forcing the rage back down inside of me, turning back into my human form.
"What?" I ask, annoyed at him.
Gaara blushes. "You love Sakura."
I blush too. "W-well, yeah!"
Gaara shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I've misjudged you Y/n. I thought you harboured such feelings towards Rock Lee!"
"W-what?" I ask, extremely confused. "Why would you think that?"
"You sucked his finger!" Garra explains.
I blush again. "I-it wasn't like that!! I'm sorry if you thought that!"
"Wow. What a misunderstanding!"
Gaara let's Sakura go from the tree, and I want to rush over to make sure she's okay, but I can't, the pain in my neck burns now, the pain spreading like poison. I feel a familiar sensation building and realize I am very injured.
"Aw crud..." I say as I pass out.

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