Chapter 20

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I arrive at the hokage's chambers and head inside, where my team waits for me. Sasuke looks sad, and Sakura looks a little worried.
Tsunade looks pissed off as usual. "I have too many missions, and not enough shinobi, since Guy's entire team is either in a coma or deserted or attacked the village, since Neji disappeared as well. And of course, with perfect timing, the Akatsuki are also starting to make some moves from the shadows. Right now, I'm trying to manage too many A rank missions without having anyone qualified for the jobs. So, I'll ask you all plainly, do you think you're ready for an A rank mission?"
We all look at each other uncertainly.
Sakura shifts on her feet. "Um, ma'am, I've been doing a lot of training with you recently, but even I'm not sure about this."
Tsunade shrugs. "You know what, all you need is confidence. I'm sure you're all perfectly capable adults, plus, you have Kakashi with you, you'll be fine."
She searches through the stacks of documents, and finds a scroll, which she unrolls to read the details. "Hm. Escort mission. Should be easy enough, as long as you don't lose someone like last time."
I step forward. "If I might ask, what about this mission makes it A class?"
The fifth hokage looks at the scroll again. "Ah... well it's an escort mission to Amegakure, the village hidden in the rain. I can't really give any more details, but you'll be escorting a man."
She waves to Shizune, who opens the door and brings in someone, a man clad in all white. He wears a mask over his mouth and nose similar to Kakashi's, but white and without any headband. His hair and eyes are dark, his hair tied up in a high ponytail with some of his bangs at the sides of his face. His clothes are a fancy looking white draped kimono and pants with the calves bandaged, and he wears geta sandals with wooden platforms.
I notice as he walks in that both of his hands have the palms bandaged all the way up his arms under the kimono, and his short nails are painted white.
Even though I can't see his face, he looks pretty hot from what I can tell, with very pretty eyes. He waves. "Hello, my name is Uchi. Nice to meet you." His voice is smooth and deep.
We each nod in greeting. He approaches me and puts out his hand, smiling with his eyes. I shake it, smiling a bit myself. His eyes are very pretty, and I blush a little and look away from them.
"So," Tsunade says, continuing to explain. "Uchi is on a sort of secret mission of his own, and he needs an escort. Now, you can ask him for any more details, but he likely won't be able to give you many. Ideally, this mission ends with no contact with the hidden rain village, but with how close you'll be getting, I can't be certain. Good luck."
We nod and head out, with our escort Uchi following.
"So, Uchi, you're not a shinobi?" I ask.
He laughs a little. "Do I look like a shinobi to you?"
I give him a side glance. "Well, you don't have a headband, but the Hokage said you have some sort of mission of your own."
Uchi shrugs. "That much is true. I'm not a ninja, however, I don't belong to any village."
We lead him to the village gate, where Naruto, Hinata, and Shino are apparently also heading out for a mission. Uchi goes to collect his things from the hotel he was staying at, so we have a minute to talk. Sasuke goes over to Naruto to talk, and Sakura goes over to talk to Hinata, who is pointedly ignoring me. Shino is muttering to either himself or his bugs, it's difficult to tell, so I turn to Kakashi.
"The hokage said something about the Akatsuki earlier. Who are they?"
Kakashi looks like he's considering his words carefully. "The Akatsuki are a group of extremely powerful rouge ninja. They're known for their black cloaks with red clouds on them. They're S-rank in the bingo book, pretty much the most wanted ninja."
"Huh." I respond, unsure what to do with this information.
"Well, don't worry Y/n, i'm sure we won't see any of them on a simple escort mission, their agenda is much bigger than that."
I nod. "Sensei, have you ever been to the hidden rain village?"
Kakashi shakes his head. "Not that I can think of, no. Leaf village ninja typically try to keep out of the way of that village if possible."
"So then why did we accept a mission that would take us so close to it?" I question.
"The hokage clearly has her reasons, but that knowledge is not ours to know."
I sigh. There's so much secrecy involved in being an upper level ninja, I'm glad becoming a Jonin is so far off. When I was younger, I wanted to be part of the anbu black ops, the leaf village's elite organization of ninja, but I'm not sure I could do it anymore. Their jobs require so much secrecy in everything, and my methods tend to be rather loud and not very discreet.
Naruto walks up to me, shaking me from my thoughts. "Y/n, I need to talk to you."
He grabs my arm and drags me a little away from the group. "What are you doing? I told you to ignore Babygirl- I mean Sasuke, not scream and yell at him!"
I'm confused. "I thought you'd be happy, I'm making it clear I want nothing to do with him."
Naruto shakes his head violently. "I don't want you to traumatize him, I didn't think I'd have to specifically say that!"
I shrug. "Well, Sasuke is surprisingly hard to ignore, what else can I do?"
"Try harder!" Naruto yells a little, exasperated. "Just pretend he doesn't exist!"
I feel a rage building in me. "You know what, I'm getting really tired of people telling me what to do." I poorly imitate Hinata's voice. "Oh, Y/n, go date Sasuke, Oh actually Y/n pretend he doesn't exist!" I drop the stupid voice. "I can't do everything at once!"
Naruto looks confused and repulsed. "Who's telling you to date him? Why?"
I don't know why, but I decide to cover for Hinata. It'll only create more drama for me if I tell him. "No one, and it doesn't matter, the point is I'll do what I want. Sasuke isn't gonna want to date me, so I don't get what your problem is. Now, if you're done, I have an escort mission to do."
Naruto huffs angrily. "Yeah. I'm done." He stomps off to Sasuke, and the two immediately start making out with each other. I roll my eyes and look away, then see Uchi, now returned from gathering his things, and walk over to him. He notices Sasuke and Naruto's borderline fucking, and looks away as if his eyes have been burned. "Wow. Are those two like that all the time?" He asks, and I sigh. "Pretty much. Welcome to my world. Sasuke and Naruto have pretty much not stopped doing that since they started dating. At least Naruto won't be coming with us."
Uchi nods. "Be greatful for the small things, I guess?"
I notice someone else coming up, the last person coming on our mission. "Oh, Kabuto!" I wave at him, and he waves back. "Hello Y/n, I'm glad we'll finally be on a mission together." He notices Uchi, and puts a hand out. "You must be our escort. I'm Kabuto, from the medical corps."
There's a tiny second where Uchi seems almost- uneasy? But I must have just been imagining things, as he smiles and shakes Kabuto's hand. "I'm Uchi, but I'm sure you know that already."
Kabuto nods. "Nice to meet you."
Naruto and Sasuke have stopped their goodbye make out session, and it looks like Sakura and Hinatas conversation has ended as well, and Sakura looks sad to be leaving Hinata, who looks longingly at Naruto.
We are now all assembled and ready to leave the village, following Uchi. Naruto watches me closely as we leave, with a look that tells me he'll go feral on me if I do anything to hurt his precious babygirl. I wave at him and sarcastically blow him a kiss, which earns me an even more infuriated look from Hinata.
Wow, I'm sure glad I'm getting out of here, I really doubt there'll be this much drama on this mission.

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