Chapter 17

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A/N: Aahhh I almost forgot to post this today!!! So sorry i'm late, enjoy chapter 17!

I wake up slowly, shifting in the sheets slightly. I can feel that they aren't my sheets, they're too stiff and cold.
I try to move my body, and have to stop as a sharp pain jabs me in my side, and in my arm. I open my eyes, the room is bright, and empty. I have to blink a couple times as I comprehend what's happened.
I remember. Lee. I jump out of bed, but I have to fall to the floor as the pain in my stomach hurts intensely again, and I have to cough to regain my breath. Yeah, I've definitely broken a rib, I think as I grimace in pain and have to close my eyes. I hear Akamaru bark at me, and I reopen my eyes. "Hey Akamaru." My voice sounds hoarse. Akamaru jumps on me to lick my face, but he's gentle enough to not put me in a lot of pain in doing so. He jumps back down, wagging his tail happily. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Can you help me up, Akakamaru?" I ask, and Akamaru stands, I get up using him to keep my balance. My very broken ribs make it hurt to move, but I need to make sure Lee is okay. He was hurt badly, I have to know he's okay! Akamaru whines in protest as I try to get to the door, clutching my cracked ribs. I slide open the hospital door slowly, and hide as soon as I hear someone rushing past. Akamaru cocks his head at me.
"I'm probably not supposed to be out of bed right now." I whisper in a hushed voice. "The doctors here don't like it when you leave before you're supposed to."
Akamaru whines at me like he's trying to convince me to stay. "Fine! You stay here. I'll be back, okay?"
I sneak out of the room before realising I have no idea where Lee is. Shit. I contemplate just screaming his name until I find him, but I don't want to get caught, I'll never find Lee if the doctors get to me first. I decide that I'll just have to sneak around until I find him. As it turns out, sneaking is very difficult when you have several broken bones. I try my best, but I have to walk along the walls and peek in through the windows of the doors.
My senses go in and out of being hazy and sharp. I step along one hallway and turn right along the wall. Someone is there, and I bump into them.
"Y/n? What are you doing?"
"Aw fuck." I mutter.
I bumped into Kakashi.
"Hey sensei, uh... fancy seeing you here!" I laugh awkwardly but I have to stop and clutch my broken ribs.
"I came to see you, Y/n. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
I ignore his question. "Where's Lee?"
"You haven't heard? Gaara took him back to the sand village."
"How is he? Is he okay?" I know I sound desperate, but I don't care.
I can't see Kakashi's face, but I can tell from the way he looks at me and pauses before speaking that it isn't good. "You should get back to your room." He goes to start walking, but I grab onto his sleeve. "Sensei... What happened to Lee?"
Kakashi takes a breath before he looks at me. "Lee... may not be able to fight again. He's in pretty bad shape."
I stare blankly past Kakashi. "Oh."
"Come on, let's go back to your room." I nod, and start limping back towards my room. He can't fight anymore. A ninja who can't fight. At least he's alive, I can't imagine what I would do if- No, I can't think about that.
I get back to the room, and Akamaru barks happily. I go sit down on the hospital bed, and look out the window.
I turn back to Kakashi sensei. "What about Guy sensei?" My voice has a sharp edge to it.
"Well... He's not in fighting shape either. Gaara made sure of that. He's in the leaf village prison right now, in a wheelchair. It's been... different without him at home."
"Well. At least Gaara did something." I look down at my hands. The bandages from the glass earlier are gone, but my entire left arm is in a heavy cast. My chest is also wrapped because of the constant getting punched thing.
Kakashi says he needs to go check on something else, so he leaves, but he says Sasuke and Sakura might visit later. Once he's gone, I start planning to leave the hospital. Akamaru however jumps up onto the bed and lays down on top of my legs. "Akamaru! Off!" Akamaru barks at me, and stays put, wagging his tail. I flop back on the bed and sigh, frustrated.
"Having some training problems? I thought Inuzuka dogs were supposed to be the best of the best."
I whip my head around. It's just Kabuto, standing in the doorway. "Hey. Kakashi told me you were awake." He walks in and sits in the chair by my side.
"They are the best." I respond to his comment about Akamaru. "Akamaru is the best of the best. He's just trying to keep me from getting hurt anymore."
Kabuto adjusts his glasses. "Well he's smart, you know. You broke three ribs, I'm honestly surprised you were walking around earlier."
I sigh. "I wanted... to make sure Lee was okay."
"Ah, I see." Kabuto checks the bandage on my arm. "I was part of his medical team. I'm sure you've heard... his situation isn't good."
I look down. "I did."
"Well, we just have to hope for the best, since he's in the sand village now."
"Yeah. Any news on when I can get out of here?"
Kabuto laughs a little. "You can go home tonight, if you promise you won't push yourself too hard."

Once I've spent my time in the hospital, I head home with Akamaru. Once I get home, I just lay down in bed. I feel guilty, like there was more I could've done for Lee. Maybe if I'd drawn on the chakra from that curse mark, if I'd just been a bit faster, he wouldn't be in this situation.
I hear a knock on my door, so I go to investigate, shaken out of my thoughts for a moment.
I open the door to see Sakura, and Hinata behind her.
"Oh! Hi Sakura, Hinata, what are you doing here?"
"I heard what happened with Guy Sensei, I was going to visit you in the hospital but... well, I got sort of delayed. Anyway, how are you doing?"
I shrug. "As good as I can be with three cracked ribs and severely bruised everything."
Sakura grins. "Including your ego?"
I laugh, blushing a little. "Do you two want to come in for tea?"
"Oh! Sure. Hinata, you want to come in?" Sakura asks a little blushily, and Hinata nods a little.
I lead them inside and start making some tea. "Your place is nice. Kind of drafty though." Hinata speaks softly.
I point at the broken window. "Yeah, sorry, I'd close it but uh, not really an option right now."
"Jeez, what happened?" Sakura asks, going over to inspect the sill. I've swept up the broken glass from the floor, but the window still has jagged edges.
"Someone broke in." Both of the girls look very concerned, so I quickly add, "It's fine though! I think they got scared off."
Hinata seems suspicious. "Someone broke into your house and you don't even know who did it?"
I start pouring the tea into mugs. "Well I would, if I'd been able to track them. They sprayed something on the windowsill, so I couldn't track them. I'm sure they're gone now though, they shouldn't be stupid enough to come back."
I give them the tea, and Hinata takes a sip before she comments. "That's pretty concerning. This was recent, right?"
I nod. "Just the other night."
"Maybe we could stay over?" She asks quietly. "Just to make sure no one comes back here."
Sakura jumps on the idea. "Yeah, if it would make you feel more safe Y/n, I'd totally do that!"
I consider it. "Well... It's not a bad idea. You two can sleep in the other room if you want. There's only one bed, but you can share if you want."
Sakura turns pinker than her hair. "S-sleep? In the same b-bed?"
Hinata nods casually. "I don't mind. Sakura smells nice."
Sakura looks like she might pass away. "I... smell nice? Hinata said I smell nice..." She says faintly.
Meanwhile, I blush at the thought of her even sleeping over at my house, even if she's in bed with a girl.
The two of them settle in the other room, and I get under my own covers with Akamaru on top. I drift into sleep rather quickly, but with my dreams I almost wish I hadn't.

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