Chapter 13

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I wake up the next morning, the rain is finally gone. I didn't mean to sleep that long, but I do feel much better now. Still a little sickly, I get up. I've spent too much time slacking; today I need to train.
Akamaru sneezed at me, he must've caught a bit of my cold. He still looks tired, so I throw a blanket over him. "You stay at home and rest Akamaru. We'll probably have more missions soon, so you need to be at your best."
Akamaru sneezes accusingly at me. "What, I'm not the same! I can train, I'll be fine! Fresh air is healthy, anyway. I'll see you later, okay?"
Akamaru whines, but goes and curls up on my bed. I leave, the morning is brisk and I'm already shivering a bit. Stupid Sasuke's birthday, making me bring him a cake and get sick. I head out of the main village and find a spot I used to use for training all the time. It's forested, and people don't tend to come here, so It's always been a favourite spot for me to train.
I start punching and hitting a tree to start, making sure I'm hitting correctly. I then move on to aiming with my kunai. I hit all of my targets but one, so I collect all the knives and try again. I have to hit everything, and this time I do, using every ounce of my concentration. I take a break to drink some water for a minute, and then I hear a crunch in the brush nearby. I slip into a bush to hide. If it's a wild animal, I'll practice my stealth! I creep slowly forward, keeping low to the ground and peeking up my ears with their heightened dog senses. It doesn't sound like a wild animal though, I realise, it sounds like a person, walking. I sneak more, keeping track of my breathing and movement. I am not a creacher in the underbrush. I am not here. I am invisible.
I move forward to the sound, and once I get out from behind a tree I see my target. He's clad in all green, and I realise- it's Guy sensei! I wonder how he's doing. He's still muttering to himself. "-stupid sand village... taking away my best student... nothing keeping me in this place anymore..."
I sneak after him now, more curious.
He stops at a certain point, and I freeze in my spot in the underbrush. I close my eyes. I can't see you, you can't see me.
After a minute I reopen them. Might Guy hasn't noticed me, but he's dropped something in the leaves, and is looking at it mournfully. "This is the end." He says solemnly. "Neji was right. Love isn't real. The only real thing is betrayal." He says, before Ninja-running away.
I skitter out of the bushes and look to see what he's dropped. I let out a small gasp. "Oh no!!" It's Guy sensei's headband! And it has a long scratch through the middle. "He's leaving the village!" I talk out loud, I'm so shocked. I know I should tell someone, but I don't even know what they would do. Maybe they'll say Guy sensei is missing in action just like they did with Lee.
I look at where Guy sensei once was, where he ran off and disappeared into the trees. "I hope you find peace."
I walk back to the village, my appetite for training gone now.
Neji is truly alone now, I realise. I wonder what he'll do, if he'll leave the leaf village as well, or stay as a one man squad. He seems a little traitorous to be honest.
I go to the fifth hokage and report what I saw.
Her response is, "Fuck, does he know how much paperwork that makes?!" Before she flips the table across the room, and her wife/assistant has to calm her down. "It's okay honey. I'll help you do the paperwork. It's gonna be okay." Shizune says soothingly, and I take my leave.
I decide to head back home, I don't feel like training anymore, and I'm sure Akamaru is lonely back at the house. On my way, I walk through Sasuke's neighbourhood, and I spot him out going for a walk or something dumb. "Hey! Y/n!"
I sigh. Naruto told me to avoid him, but how am I supposed to do that when he runs over every time he sees me.
"Hi." I decided I'll keep my answers short.
"Thanks for the cake yesterday." Oh damn, he's blushing. Okay, how do I get out of this conversation quickly and without being mean?
"Yep. Figured you might want a cake."
"Well, it was really good, so thank you. Hey, where's Akamaru?"
He's trying to start a conversation. "He's at home. Kinda sick."
"Oh no, is he okay?" Sasuke looks like he'd drop everything and come with me if I even hinted at wanting him to.
"Yeah, he's fine, speaking of which I should get back to him though."
"Oh, okay. Well I hope he feels better."
Great! An end to this painful conversation. "Me too. Anyways, bye!" I run off. It feels so strange to have not insulted him at all in a whole conversation. I call him a little bitch in my head. There we go, back to normal.
I arrive home. It's only been two days, and I'm already anxious for another mission. Life without missions is boring as hell. I change my mind on that statement as soon as I step up to my front door though, which is- open. I'm absolutely sure I didn't leave it open. I freeze in front of the door, my pulse racing. I heighten my senses. I can't hear anything, so I close my eyes and use my sense of smell only. I smell my house, the comforting scent of home I just can't explain. There's something else though. Faint lavender, with maybe honey or vanilla? It smells like a perfume or cologne, something someone would wear. There's something else too, just at the edge of my senses. A tang of... blood? Blood and acid, but both scents are so faint they smell like something else, not like another person in the house, just a lingering scent. I do understand though, that someone is in my home. Someone I've never smelled before.
This feels all too similar. My thoughts start to spiral. I've been here before. Someone else in the house, and me, outside, about to walk in on- No, I can't think about that.
I open my eyes. Akamaru is in there. Time may be of the essence. I sneak inside the gap in the door, keeping low to the ground, practically slithering through the home. I hear a loud smashing sound from my room, and I move so fast I practically teleport into the doorway. I'm just in time to see the shape of a ninja move swiftly from my window ledge out of the broken window, which must have been the cause of the noise. I can't see any details, the strange figure is gone so fast. I want to follow them, but I have to check on Akamaru. "SHIT!" I curse out loud. I have to let them go. "Akamaru!" My voice is panicked, and I turn around the room. I'm answered by a startled, "Ruff!" from him, laying down on my bed, clearly having just woken up.
I let out a cry of relief, and run over to him. "Akamaru! Are you okay?" I look him up and down, but he seems perfectly fine, if not a little disgruntled that I've woken him from his nap. I fall onto the bed as my adrenaline drains from me. Akamaru licks my hand as a sign of support, and I put an arm around him. "Who the hell was that?" I ask him, trying to stop myself from shaking.
Akamaru cocks his head, clearly confused. Something about this whole situation seems wrong. Akamaru should have smelled someone in the house, he should have woken up. I know he has a cold, so his senses may not be perfect, but something still doesn't add up.
I quickly scan my room. Whoever was here didn't touch anything. It chills my blood, knowing someone was here, but having no proof aside from the faint sweet lavender scent that lingers by my window.
Who would even want something from me? I look around, what could possibly be something that someone wanted badly enough to break into my house for?
Finding nothing, I take a deep sniff again, trying to calm my nerves. What if I try to track them? I sniff my way over to the window, and catch a scent of- "ACK!" I cough and wave my hands in front of my face. The window stinks, completely reeks, in fact, of febreze. I back away, my eyes watering. Smelling something that strong while using my heightened senses is too much for me, and I have to cough on the floor for a moment before I regain my senses. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" I yell angrily, slamming a fist into the ground, which has broken glass from my window, and it cuts my hands sharply. "Ow!" More painful than my hands though is the fact that they got away. I then sit up, a sudden thought popping into my head, making me forget the pain in my bleeding hands. Why would anyone spray febreze to cover their escape? No one would do that unless- oh no. Unless they knew who I was, and what would block me from following them. Whoever did this knows me and my weaknesses. I feel sick, and not only because of the stench of the febreze wafting in through the window.
"Akamaru, let's go."
I don't feel safe in my house anymore. I don't know where I'm going, I just know that I have to get away from here. Anywhere away from that lavender scented freak. The lavender scent seems to follow me, and it only makes me more panicked. Akamaru nuzzles my leg, and I realize the scent of lavender is... on him.
I realise two things at the same time. One, the stranger in my house touched Akamaru, and he didn't wake up. I could believe Akamaru might have not noticed someone coming in right now because he's a bit sick, but he would never let a stranger touch him and stay asleep. The second thing I realise is, whoever was sneaking around in my house, they were after Akamaru.

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