Chapter 2

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Sasuke, the dullard who lives to impress, quickly jumps over with a flip. "Of course Y/n!"

Sakura looks nervous, but that look is replaced by a blushy grin as she sees Hinata in a different group and wanders off to her. I'm sad she's not coming, but I nod. At least I know she's safe. I hope my doggo is okay. He's my bestest bud, and he's never run off from me like this before. Maybe he hated Sasuke so much he ran away from him. I don't blame him, I want to do the same.

Me and my arch nemesis gallop through the trees, ninja running while I track Akamaru with my superior sense of smell. I smell that he's ahead of us, and we're approaching him. I speed up, and then I see him below us. I hop down from my perch in the tree. "Akamaru!!" I pat his head and wrap my arms around his neck. "Why'd you run off?" I ask, knowing he can't respond. He looks up to me briefly and wags his tail, but then turns his head back towards whatever he'd been looking at before.

Sasuke hops out of the tree behind me. "What is it?"

We both look at what the dog was showing us, a big cave dug into the ground. It's huge, and as I sniff at the air, I smell something. Maybe I hadn't smelled it before because I'd been tracking Akamaru, but I now understand why he's led me here. He must have picked up this strange scent earlier. I take a step forward to the cave.

Suddenly, something huge emerges from the cave, and I scamper out of the way just in time!

Its so huge it snaps the trees in its way. Sasuke and Akamaru are at my side in an instant. "Y/n! Are you okay?!" Sasuke screeched, obviously scared for me.

I brush him off. "I'm fine! What is that??"

We both turn to look at the creacher that has emerged. It is a huge purple snake, with beady yellow snake eyes staring us down.

"Woah!" Sasuke exclaims.

"Oh em gee." I say, my jaw dropping at the massive snake. Maybe this is why we aren't supposed to be in here, I realize with shock.

Akamaru bravely barks at the thing, frothing at the mouth again. "ARF ARF BARK BARK GRRRR"

He's going beast mode, and I immediately go feral as well. I get on all fours and my pupils become slits. The snake rears to strike, but I am too fast and smart, so I leap out of the way. I notice Sasuke and Akamaru did as well, and I ricochet towards the snakes head as it strikes and bites a tree.

"Haha stupid snake!!!" I yell as I scratch at it and beat it up, causing massive head trauma.

The snake however rears up and smashes me into another tree. I may now have my own head trauma to worry about, I think as I fall to the ground in pain, trying to shake it off. Sasuke takes my place attacking the creature with his kunai knives. I watch him with a hateful sort of appreciation. I hate his guts, but unfortunately he is good at fighting.

The snake manages to shake Sasuke off, and I leap back into the fray with Akamaru right beside me. We scratch and bite, me and him becoming one feral biting scratching weapon. Sasuke aims a chidori at the creature, taking out one of its eyes. The snake screams and writhes in pain, undulating uncontrollably.

"Yes!" I yell, stopping my attack. The snake turns on me though, and probably because of my recent 'got slammed into a tree' incident, I don't react fast enough. The giant purple snake strikes, and I push Akarmaru out of the way as I try to leap out of the way. The snake mostly misses me, but it snaps one huge fang into my arm, and I scream in pain as the stabbing hurts me a lot. In my pain fueled rage, I grab the fang currently in my arm and rip it out of the snake's mouth, and myself. "SCREW YOU!!!!!" I shriek as I drive the fang into the snake's head. "DIE!!!!!!"

And with the impact from my attack, the snake dies. It falls to the ground, and I slide off of it, clutching my injured arm.

"Y/N!" Sasuke runs over to me. "Owie." I say, watching the blood pour from my arm. "I am going to bleed out."

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