Chapter 8

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I wake up in the morning to Rock Lee. "Time to wake up Y/n!"
I groan. "Nghghhhgghgugj I hate mornings..."
Lee laughs. "You gotta get up and get some breakfast so we have time to do an early morning workout before the long day of walking!"
"I'll be waiting downstairs!" Lee says, and I hear him walk off.
I roll out of the futon and kick Akamaru awake. "C'mon Akamaru, let's get up. We don't want anyone waiting for us."
Akamaru whines, but I manage to convince him to head downstairs with me.
We arrive at the table, and as soon as I sit, Lee gets up. "Sorry Y/n, I gotta get out for my workout! Maybe you can catch up!" He smiles and jogs out of the room.
I plop down at the table before I realize the only other person up at this ungodly hour is fucking Sasuke. "Oh hey Y/n."
I groan, and get up from the table, but Sasuke grabs my arm. "Y/n, I'm haunted by my past. Every day, I think of my parents. Their dead bodies lying on the kitchen floor. Me being useless, there was nothing I could do to stap Itachi's ruthless rampage. He killed my entire clan Y/n." He looks down so I can't see his eyes.
"I felt so useless. I still feel like I couldn't do anything if Itachi showed up today."
I glare at Sasuke. He's trying to gaslight me again, isn't he?
"Sasuke, you can't gaslight me. I know you're in league with him!" I slam my hand on the table, spilling a glass of tea. "I hate you!!!" I yell, before I storm out of the inn. I then realise it's like five am in some random little village. I groan, realising Rock Lee had woken me up far earlier than I needed to be awake for.
Akamaru whines at me, giving me a look like, 'Please can we go back to bed?'
I sigh. "Well, I'm awake now. Maybe I can find Lee and get some training done, since I'm up anyway."
I start a brisk jog around the little town, looking for Lee. I find him training with a tree, punching and kicking it. "Hey Lee!" I wave to him, and he pauses for a moment, wiping his forehead. "Hey Y/n, you showed up!"
I smile. "Of course I showed up!" I don't add that it's because I couldn't go back to sleep because of him, but I also suppose some training wouldn't hurt.
"So, what kind of training do you want to do?" He asks.
"Well, usually I fight my teammates... Maybe we could try a light fight? Nothing serious, of course!"
Lee grins and gives me a thumbs up. "That's a great idea! I'm used to fighting my own team as well, so it's good to switch things up!"
I assume my fighting stance, and Lee does too. He waits for my attack first. I look for any gap in his defences, but I find none. It's not like Sakura, or Sasuke, who I refuse to fight. Sasuke, not Sakura, because I enjoy fighting her. I mean, she sucks at fighting, but that's okay because I'll be there to protect her! I never fight her seriously, I don't think she would be able to fight me.
Anyways, Lee's defence is impeccable. I don't see any gaps, but seeing isn't always correct. I have to test it. I rush at Lee, Akamaru by my side. His stance shifts. Aha! A weakness!
I rush in to attack him, and- I'm on the ground?
Is my concussion making me forget things again? No, Lee is standing above me with a hand out. "A good attack Y/n! But I think my throw was just the right move!"
I take his hand, stunned that he threw me so fast and easily, but he pulls me back to my feet. "How did you do that?" I ask, amazed.
He smiles. "I could show you some time! Want to try again?"
This time, I'm more careful. I watch his movements as I circle him, and I test his defences with a few attacks. He dodges and blocks with his arms. I try having Akamaru go in for an attack, but Lee spins and dodges both of us. "Nice try!"
It's almost annoying how good he is, but I can't be mad at him. He's too nice about it. I continue testing his defences, but I can't get past them.
I shake my head. "I feel like I'm not even a chunin when I fight you."
"No, you're doing great Y/n! I'm sure that if you keep going you can get in some hits!"
It frustrates me that I can't land anything, but I can't get mad at Lee.
I feint one attack, and then lash out with my other arm. Lee moves his arm back and out of the way, but I reach just a bit further and manage to scratch his finger. It's not much, but I grin. I managed to get him! I get overconfident and throw myself at him again, and he grabs my arm and throws me behind him. "Aw crap." I hit the dirt, but Lee is even nice enough to throw me in a way that hurts less.
I get up again, out of breath. "Okay, I think I'm ready for a break."
Lee laughs easily. "Okay! I brought us some juice, you need to make sure you stay hydrated while training!" He tosses me a juice, and we sit down on a fallen log.
I drink for a minute before I notice Lee's finger, which is still bleeding. I must have actually scratched him a little deeper than I meant to. "Oh! Your finger. Sorry, I didn't mean to scratch that hard." I blush, I feel bad.
Lee looks at his finger, surprised. "Oh, it is kind of bleeding. Don't worry about it, Y/n."
I shake my head. "No really, here, I'll fix it!"
I take his hand gently and put his finger in my mouth, lightly sucking the blood away.
Suddenly, Gaara bursts out from behind the trees. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!" He screams.

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