Chapter 11

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Now that we've accomplished our mission, we can get ready to head back to Konoha, the leaf village. As we prepare to leave, Gaara and Lee show up.
"Ready to head back Lee? I hope your arm is better now." I add, a little guiltily.
Gaara nods. "Don't worry, I healed it the way you healed his finger."
Lee gives me a thumbs up. "Yeah, don't worry about it Y/n! I heal easily!"
I nod, but I still know that this is my fault deep down. I know Kakashi is right, my ultimate transformation jutsu is too dangerous and uncontrollable, but what other choice do I have? If I hadn't used the Ultimate lens of Darkness Jutsu, Gaara could have really killed Sakura, and I have to do anything to protect her, no matter how feral it makes me.
Lee continues talking. "So, I was actually thinking about something. I really like Gaara, and the sand village. And... I think I want to stay with Gaara, in the sand village. There's a lot of work to be done here, and it's a great new opportunity to work out in new ways!"
Lee looks sad. "Guy sensei... me and Gaara talked and we both agree it's the best option."
Lee nods. "I hope you'll all understand, this is what's best for me! I'll miss all of you." He gives us a thumbs up. "Good luck on your journey back home, and come to visit me and Gaara any time!" He slips his hand into Gaara's, who blushes slightly. "Thank you for staying with me Lee. You could still go home with your friends any time though, I won't hold you here."
Neji flips his hair edgily. "Hm. Now I'm a lone ninja, the last left in my squad since Tenten's comma. C'mon guy sensei, let's leave this traitor." Guy nods solemnly, crying juicy manly tears, before he and Neji ninja-run off, back to the leaf village.
Kakashi nods, and looks a little sadly back at guy sensei. "Well Lee, I'm glad you're doing what's right for you. Good luck to you two." Kakashi throws a peace sign before he vanishes after guy sensei, his movement too fast to follow.
Just me, Sakura, Sasuke, and Akamaru are left. Sakura smiles at them kindly. "See you later, Lee, Gaara."
Sasuke starts to say something, but I talk over him. "I hope you two have a lovely time here. Feel free to visit anytime." I'll miss Lee, he's like a friend to me now, but I'm glad he has decided to do what he knows is right for him and his moody boyfriend.
We wave goodbye, and then me and Sakura ninja-run away, Akamaru galloping at my side.

Our group, now much smaller than it was when we left, arrives back at the gate of the leaf village, our travel home rather uneventful, aside from Kakashi having to constantly comfort Guy Sensei about the fact that Lee abandoned the village.
Now that we're back home though, Akamaru rolls around in the dirt.
"Akamaru, you're gonna make a mess of the carpet!" I sigh before joining him in his dirt bath, letting my animal instincts take over. It is very satisfactory dirt, much better than any sand.
We go home after, and I take a much needed cold shower, and then wash off Akamaru from the journey.
I remember we have to report on our mission to the Hokage, so I head back over to the hokage residence. I go inside with my team and guy sensei and Neji, and we see The fifth hokage. "So, how did your mission go?"
Guy sensei, crying his manly tears, steps forward. "Hokage sama... the mission was a success, but Rock Lee has deserted the village!"
She raises her eyebrows. "Oh? What has caused this?"
Guy starts sobbing, so Kakashi has to take over. "Well Hokage sama, Lee is dating Gaara, so he has chosen to stay in the sand village."
The hokage nods wisely. "I see. I'll have my wife look into it, but I think we should just mark Lee as missing in action. Less paperwork."
Her wife, Shizune, tries to cut in. "Tsunade, that's not how this works-" before she gives up as the hokage clearly doesn't care.
I flashback to my parents. It seems like only yesterday that we'd been a happy family, together in the village, eating our raw meat at the dinner table as my parents regaled us with tales of their missions. I know it's not the same as them choosing to leave like Lee did, but I miss them all the time, and I understand how Guy sensei must be feeling.
The hokage clears her throat. "Well, you've accomplished your mission, so collect your money and be on your way. You deserve a break after such a long trip." We nod and scurry out of the room. Outside however, we meet Neji, leaning against the wall edgily. "So they're declaring Lee missing in action." He says, flipping his hair over one shoulder.
I nod. "It's for the best Naji, this way the village doesn't have to go after him and he can live in peace with his boyfriend."
Neji snorts. "Love isn't real." He ninja runs away.
I sigh sadly. I hope Neji understands love one day, like I do. Speaking of which, I go to find Sakura. I want to invite her to come get some Ichiraku ramen with me. I spot her in the street, and I wave at her. "Hey Sakura!" I see that she's talking with Naruto, and they both look over to me.
"Hey Y/n!" Sakura says, smiling.
"So, Sakura, do you want to come to Ichiraku with me? I was thinking I could splurge and buy us dinner since we did so well on our first mission as chunin!"
I sigh. "Alright, sure."
As we walk over to the ramen shop, I spot Guy sensei, who looks violently depressed, And since I understand emotions so well I can tell it's about Lee.
"Hey Guy sensei, want to come eat at Ichiraku with us?" I ask, hoping it might get his spirits up.
Guy sensei mutters to himself. " but they're friends with Lee... I can't be around anyone who's friends with that traitor..." Guy glares at us and disappears.
"I guess not." I say to myself, and we continue on our way.
We arrive at Ichiraku, the best ramen shop in town! The chefs already know Naruto's order, and start making a batch. Sakura orders regular ramen with small noodles. It's kind of a waste of an order, but I won't judge, because I love her so much, even if her taste in food is less than appealing.
Anyways, I order myself a ramen with raw meat and extra raw meat on top, and some extra raw meat on the side for Akamaru.
The chef looks concerned.
"What?" I ask, in my sassy voice. "I'm from the Inuzuka clan. Don't be a baka."
The chef nods and hands over the raw meat. I toss some to Akamaru, who jumps and does tricks for it. He's so smart, smarter than any of the other village dogs.
Inuzuka dogs are of the highest intelligence, in fact my parents dogs can talk. They probably used to use their abilities to communicate with my family during fights, but I don't remember because my memories of my family are so far off, it's like I never even knew them, just the faintest memories.
I cry a single tear into my ramen, the salty liquid mixing with my soup.
"What's wrong Y/n?" Sakura asks as Naruto wolfs down his thirteenth bowl of ramen. I will not be the one paying for his order later.
"Oh, nothing." I say, wiping away my tears and ignoring Naruto. "I'm just... Well, I'm happy that we're chunin now, and we're gonna get a ton of missions! But I'm also sad Lee isn't here anymore. Sorry, I don't mean to be a fucking dumbass downer. We came here to eat and celebrate, so let's do that!"
Sakura smiles. "I'm glad Y/n. Let's celebrate for us, and for Lee too. Love is love." We smile as we have the rest of our ramen, and I drink my tear/ramen soup. I'm glad our mission ended this way. Love is love.

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