Chapter 12

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A/N: Don't forget to vote if you're enjoying it!!

The next morning, I wake up in my bed with Akamaru sleeping over my legs. He's like a warm living blanket.
"Mmm. Nice day to stay asleep in bed." I cozy back under the covers, and am just about to fall back asleep when- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.
"Mmmhhhhhhg. I'm not home." I murmur, still half asleep. 
The person knocks again, and Akamaru gets off my bed, barking at the door. "RUFF!!"
I roll out of bed and onto the floor before I half drag myself half crawl across the floor. "Okay okay, I'm up, I'm up."
I open the door to see...Sasuke?
My gut reaction is to slam the door, but I resist. "What do you want?" I hiss at him.
It's raining outside, so he looks like a sad wet puppy without his yellow mate.
I scowl as I stand up from the floor. "Get inside, you're dripping all over my doormat."
I hate Sasuke, he's a bitch, but I have a feeling he's not going to leave easily, so I might as well hear what he has to say.
He steps inside, and I shut the door behind him.
"So. What are you doing here on my one day off?" I ask, barely hiding my pissed tone.
"Well... It's sort of my birthday Y/n. And no one showed up. Did you not get the invitation?"
I glance at my garbage can, and I can see the little black envelope poking out. I have to admit, as soon as I saw it was from Sasuke, I threw it out immediately. "Um... no. Didn't get it." I lie casually.
Sasuke looks sad. "Well... do you maybe want to come over to my place today and we can have cake or something?" He asks nervously.
I scowl at him. I don't want to go to Sasuke's stupid sad birthday party.
"Please?" Sasuke asks pathetically. I'm about to tell him to fuck off, when I get another knock on the door.
"Fucking shit." I mumble, and go to answer. Who the fuck else is showing up at my door on a rainy ass day that happens to be one of my only days off.
"What?" I snap as I pull the door open aggressively.
To my surprise, Naruto stands at my door. Naruto... wearing an extremely revealing bright orange tight two piece bikini, white thigh high socks, and big fluffy orange and white cat ears with little tassels. He has a button up shirt on, but it's open to reveal his lingerie.
"Oh, hey Naruto." I drop the attitude. Naruto is kind of my bestie, even if he makes out with Sasuke while pretending to be me. We all have our flaws. "What are you doing here?" I ask him, but he ignores me, looking past me into my house to see Sasuke. "Oh Babygirl, you're here!" Naruto runs past me into my house, shaking the water off of him like an untrained puppy. I remember when my parents' dogs used to do that, and I wonder how they're doing in their feral wolf pack.
Catboy Naruto leaps into Sasuke's arms, and Sasuke catches him, smiling again. "Hey Naruto. What are you doing here?"
"Well, I went to your house and I didn't see you there, so I figured you might be here. I had to wish you a happy birthday Babygirl!"
Sasuke blushes. "Thanks, Naruto."
Naruto kisses him on the nose. "Happy birthday emo boy."
I blink at them. "Okay, this is great and all, do you want to leave my house, or..."
They ignore me and Naruto pushes Sasuke up against the wall of my house, grinding against him and making out with him rather viciously.
I narrow my eyes at them. Fuck, those two are like unneutered dogs. Just going at it.
Sasuke starts moaning loudly.
"Okay, get the fuck out of my house!" I scream at them, and that gets their attention.
"S-sorry Y/n..." Sasuke says sheepishly before he scurries out the door. Naruto sighs. "Way to ruin the fun."
"Hey, you and your stupid boyfriend were just getting hot and bothered in my house, what the fuck did you want me to do? Take a seat and fucking watch?" I growl at Naruto. I take a breath. "Sorry. I didn't mean to get mad."
Naruto shrugs. "Actually Y/n... I wanted to tell you something."
"Yeah? What is it?" I ask.
"Well... I think you should stay away from Sasuke."
I raise my eyebrows. "Trying to protect your boyfriend from me? Really? I hate to break it to you Naruto, but if there was any way to stay away from Sasuke I would have done it. I'm sort of stuck in a team with him, if you didn't remember."
Naruto nods. "I know, just... try not to antagonise him too much. I mean- I sympathise with you, you know, Sasuke sucks!" He's totally lying.
"That's bullshit and we both know it. If you hate him as much as I do, then why the hell were you just tongue deep in him in my house?"
Naruto looks to the side. "Well... it's his birthday, you know? I don't want him to be sad... but It's not like I like him or anything!"
"Oh really?" I reply coolly. "Then what were you doing at Ichiraku Ramen with him the other night?"
Naruto looks shocked. "You... you saw that? But how?" It seems to dawn on him as soon as he's asked it. "That plant! That was a substitution jutsu, wasn't it? I knew something was up, I eat there every day and I've never seen that plant before!"
"Yes, I was the plant, you sick little rat!" I spit at him. "Why the hell were you pretending to be me?!"
Naruto is defeated. "Look, Y/n, it's not like that! I mean, it is, but it's because I love Sasuke! I love him more than you ever could, but he loves you! What else can I do? I'll be honest. I am what's good for Sasuke, and you have to do what's best for him, which is staying away from him. I love him, and I need him to get over you so I can love him. I would never force him to love me, but I want him to choose me, because you will only hurt him, you'll never love him back."
I stand there, frozen in shock and disgust. "Sasuke loves me. He loves me." I am repulsed.
"You've known it this whole time," Naruto says, taking a step closer to me. "You've known it this whole time, but you didn't want to accept it, so you ignored it."
I look away. "Why?"
Naruto chuckles. "Believe me Y/n, I wish I knew. Maybe he's just a masochist. Whatever the reason though, he loves you. You have to accept that, and stay away from him. Please."
I sigh. "Wow, it is really too early for this. I'll try, okay Naruto? It's just... complicated."
Naruto kisses me on the forehead. "Thank you, Y/n. See you around."
I nod, and he leaves.
"Fuck." I say to the empty air, and Akamaru whines. "Yeah, Akamaru, let's go for a walk. I seriously need some air."

Once I return from my brief run in the rain to clear my head, I think more on what Naruto said. Sasuke loves me, and as disgusting as that is, it's his birthday and all I've done is yell at him. I have to make a conscious effort to feel sympathy for him, but I do try, just a little.
"Ah, fuck this!" I yell, frustrated. "Fine. I'll make a stupid cake." I grab a recipe book and aggressively throw the ingredients into a bowl, using some chakra to whisk the ingredients super fast. I haven't made cake often before, except sometimes for my own birthdays, but I make the best recipe I can. It doesn't look great, but I throw the cake in the oven and wait impatiently for it to be done.
Once it's out, I make some runny bluish black icing, Sasuke's stupid favourite edgy colour.
I use a brighter blue to write 'Happy birthday' on top, although it's barely legible. Whatever. I don't even know why I'm doing this for him, so if he gets a shitty cake it doesn't matter, I shouldn't care, I DON'T care. I finish up with the cake by adding some black icing decorations on the side, and a little bit of black, blue, and red sprinkles on top.
"Finally. Okay Akamaru, let's get over there and give Sasuke this cake. He'd better like it."
I put the cake in a dessert box and we head out into the rain. I pull my hood up over my head, but the rain still soaks me. I ponder to myself as I try to go as fast as I can without dropping the cake. Why am I doing this? Maybe it's because I know I'm being unfair to him. Maybe I feel bad after all the shit I put him through.
Whatever the reason, I'm already at Sasuke's house, so there's no more time to think about it. I knock on the door as the rain pours on me. It takes a minute, but eventually the door opens, and... Naruto sticks his head out from behind the door. His hair is oddly messy, and he's not wearing a shirt. Out of breath, he asks me something. "Y/n, what are you doing here?"
I shove the cake at him. "Take it. It's for Sasuke."
"What-" He starts to ask, but I just shove the wet cake box into his sweaty arms. "Take it!" He does, and I start to walk away.
"But why?" Naruto asks as I walk away, and I turn back for a minute to look at him. "Because... maybe I don't hate Sasuke." Naruto says something after me, but it's lost in the rain. I run home, and Naruto doesn't come after me. When I reach my house and step back inside, I take my soaking clothes off and put them in the wash, putting on some fresh warm clothes and drying my hair with a towel. My own words echo in my mind. 'Maybe I don't hate Sasuke.' Is it really true? How do I even know what I feel about him anymore?  I've been in the cold rain too long, and I've begun to develop a bit of a cold because of it, so I curl up shivering under the covers of my bed. As I slip into a slightly feverish sleep, my last thoughts echo. What if, just maybe, Sasuke and I could be friends? What if... we could be more?

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