Chapter 3

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Sasuke and I are sitting on one of the fallen trees from the snake attack as he bandages my arm. I insist I'm fine, but he's being a baka, so he fusses over me. I wish Sakura was here, she could heal my arm easily, and it would be great to see her again right now.

Sasuke talks as he tends to my wounds. "Hey what's that on your neck? Nevermind, it doesn't matter."

"Okay, I'm not bleeding out anymore, you can stop." I insist, not wanting someone related to HIM touching me. I pull my arm away harshly. It hurts, but I don't care. He mistakes my anger to be about the snake.

"Hey, it's not your fault we're in this situation, Y/n."

I scoff. "I'm not mad about that, baka!"

He frowns. "I don't get it. You've hated me ever since... I don't know, forever!"

I glare at him, and every ounce of patience burns away from my mind. "Stop pretending you have no idea why I hate you!" I yell, and the rest of the forest goes dead silent. Tears burn in my eyes from me releasing such a strong emotion, so I turn away from Sasuke. I don't want to look at him right now anyways.

Akamaru, sitting next to me, places his head in my lap for comfort. I take a deep breath and ruffle his ears. "I despise you." I'm practically whispering, but I know he can hear me. I hope it hurts him. I hope it burns in his soul, consuming him in the hellfire of my malice.

"But why?" He presses, and I'm glad he sounds pained.

I whirl on him. "WHY? Really? You want to know why?!" Akamaru removes his head from my lap and whines, but I stand so I can talk down to Sasuke. "BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER KILLED MY PARENTS!" My voice cracks, and tears stream down my face, but I don't care. Sasuke looks terrified at first, and then his face darkens into a deep sorrow. He begins to cry too, his hair obscuring his eyes, but I can see the silvery tears trailing slowly down his face. "Y/N..." He says softly, his fists balled, and I wonder for a moment if he's going to punch me. He doesn't though, he just lets out a sigh and then looks up at me. "Itachi killed my family too, you know. My entire clan." He doesn't sound angry, and i'm surprised. He just sounds... broken. I'm mad at him for that, too. I'd always thought it would at least be fun to scream at him, but he was such an asshole, determined to take all of the fun out of this for me.

He looks me in the eyes, a new, determined look set in his expression. "I hate my brother for what he did." His face then softens, he's upset again. "And he was my brother, my best friend, and I hate him. So don't think for a second that I hold onto any love for him in my heart. If I ever see him again, I promise you Y/n, I will put a chidori straight through his cold, dead heart."

Emotions swirl in me. I still hate him, but... what if none of this is actually his fault? What if... I've been wrong all these years? No, I can't be, Sasuke is evil.

Suddenly I feel very tired, as if all of my energy has been sapped from me. I swoon on my feet, and Sasuke instantly jumps up and grabs me so I don't fall. I would push him off if I had the energy, but I suppose the blood loss is getting to me, so I lean on him more than I'd like to. "We should get going back." I mutter, focusing all of my energy on not passing out.

"Okay, let's go." Sasuke says gently, slipping one arm around my waist so we can walk as he supports my weight. On the other side, Akamaru nuzzles my hand and walks alongside me. I grip lightly onto his soft white fur.

As we walk past the giant snake we killed, I spot something that had been previously curled up in the snake's tongue. "Hey, wait, what's that?" Akamaru sees it too, and trots over to retrieve it. He comes back to us with a scroll in his mouth. "Wait, is that... An earth scroll?" I ask, surprised at the appearance of it. "Why is it here?"

Sasuke looks just as confused. "I have no idea. But I guess that means we can pass the test?"

I smacked my forehead. "Oh god, I forgot about the test!" I glance at my bandaged arm, which I can see is already bloody. "And my arm, how am I gonna explain this! They'll know we went in here!"

"Let's just worry about getting you back alive first, okay?" Sasuke says to me, and I hate that he's right. 

We walk back for a while, much slower now that we can't ninja run. When we're about halfway back to the fence, I speak up again. "It may just be the head trauma and blood loss talking, but... you're not as bad as I thought you were."

Sasuke looks very concerned. "Oh, that's not good, you actually like me. We'd better get you to the hospital fast."

I roll my head onto his shoulder, giggling slightly. "Oh shut up, i'm trying to be nice to you."

He picks me up, bridal style, and begins walking faster. "Yeah yeah, tell me that again when you're not concussed."

I smile and tuck my head into him, closing my eyes for a minute. He smells nice, in a masculine way. He smells emo. And sexy. Like sweat. Mmm.

There's a small gap in my memory, but the next thing I know we've arrived at the gate where we entered. And all of the senseis are waiting for us.

"Aw shit." I mutter, and then promptly pass out.

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