Chapter 15

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A/N: So sorry for the late update!! I was really busy and almost forgot to post, but here's chapter 15, please leave a vote if you enjoyed your read!

I don't remember what I dream of, but I know I dreamed. The details are so hazy, but I seem to remember seeing that pale, handsome snakey face, with purple lined eyes. Someone handed me lavender flowers in the dream, but there was a poison snake in the flowers.
I wake up by sitting upright in bed. I wipe a bit of cold sweat from my forehead. It's bright out, but the sun has only just risen. Akamaru stirs and raises his head, yawning and showing off his teeth. He licks his chops before looking over to me, with an expression that says, 'Breakfast?'
I look around, and remember I'm not home, I'm at Kakashi's place, sleeping in his spare room. I remember the events of last night, the stupid lavender scented person in my house. I sniff Akamaru's fur, he doesn't smell much like lavender anymore. Actually, both of us smell like Kakashi's place now, which is a sort of new book smell, maybe with some earthy scents, as well as the slight smell of his summoning dogs.
I roll out of bed, still in yesterday's clothes. "C'mon Akamaru, let's see what there is for breakfast."
I lumber into the living room, still not seeing Kakashi, but I spot a sticky note on the fridge that reads, 'Walking the dogs, new mission assignment at noon.' I open the fridge groggily, in search of some raw meat, and I find some in a small package. I hope Kakashi won't mind, but I grab the package and split it with Akamaru. I wonder who this raw meat is for, since I know Kakashi sensei doesn't cook.
Anyways, I slurp down my meal of raw meat and drink a little milk too, it always helps calm me down. "Okay Akamaru, let's head home. I need to change, and... it should be fine now."
Akamaru wags his tail and prances over to the door. I wonder what our next mission will be, I'm itching to get out of here.
I head over to my house, and quickly go inside and change clothes. Nothing has changed, but the scent of febreze has lessened significantly, so now it's only slightly gag inducing. I doubt anyone would try to come back here after being caught now, but I'll remain vigilant.
Akamaru seems to have recovered from his cold, so we go for a jog around the village before we get our mission. We end up at the village gate, and we take a short break. I look out of the village, and I notice two figures in the distance, walking towards the village.
Wait, is that- Lee and Gaara! I get up and wave to them. "Hey Lee! Gaara! How are my besties doing?"
Lee smiles as he sees me. "Hi Y/n! We're great!"
Gaara gives a small smile as well.
"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" I ask. "Everything okay?"
Lee nods, but he looks a little sad. "Yeah, It's just... I wanted to visit Tenten before I stay in the sand village. I wanted to give her a proper goodbye, you know?"
"Oh. Of course." I feel a bit awkward now that I asked.
"Do you want to come with us, Y/n?" Lee asks.
"Oh, I suppose I could." I didn't really know Tenten, but I'd love to spend time with Lee and Gaara while they're in town.
We start walking to the hospital, and Lee notices my hands. "Copying my looks, I see?" He says jokingly.
"You wish!" I laugh. "No, I... fell on some broken glass." I blush. "Pretty stupid, huh?"
Lee laughs, but not in a cruel way. "Hey, accidents happen Y/n. So, how are Guy sensei and Neji doing?"
I freeze up a bit. "Uhhhhhh-"
Gaara nudges Lee in the arm. "C'mon Lee, it's only been a few days. What could possibly have happened in that small amount of time?"
I awkwardly look away. "Yeeeah... What could possibly happen..." I think about the last words I heard from Neji. 'Love isn't real.' It echoes in my head.
Anyways, we've arrived at the hospital. We get permission to go up to Tenten's room, and we head up and step inside. To my surprise, Kabuto is in the room. He notices me in particular when we walk in. "Ah Y/n, back again so soon?"
I laugh and shake my head. "Not for me this time."
"Well that's good. I assume you three are friends of Tenten?"
Lee steps forward. "Well, Tenten was part of my squad, before..."
Kabuto finished his sentence. "Yes, before her accident with the bookshelf." He sighs sadly. "Yes, it caused very bad head trauma, especially because no one found her for several days, as she was supposedly taking some time to train."
Lee looks at Tenten, who has a head bandage on, and her usually tied up hair is loose on the pillow. She looks strange, sleeping like that.
From what I remember, Tenten used summoning jutsus to summon weapons. It's a shame she's in a coma, I would have found it interesting to fight her.
"Well, I'll wait outside." I say as I step out, and I notice Kabuto does as well.
He slides the door closed behind him. "So Y/n, what kind of stuff do you typically do around the village?"
I cock my head to the side a bit. "Well... There's a lot of stuff?"
He smiles. "Ah well, I only ask because I'm relatively new in the leaf village, I ah, kind of transferred."
"Oh, okay. Well, Ichiraku ramen is great, I suppose I spend a lot of time there."
Kabuto pulls out a little notebook, I assume noting down the places I tell him.
"There's a flower shop, Ino and her mom run it, there's a great barbecue place- Well, that's kind of a lot of food related places, but I get a lot of missions, so the village is usually just where I go to eat."
Kabuto notes down several things. "No no, I don't mind at all. Well thank you Y/n, that was very helpful. Anyways, there are always more people to see. I'll see you around." His glasses flash coolly as he turns away.
After a few minutes of waiting, Lee and Gaara come out of Tenten's room. "Well, I'm glad I came back to tell her I was leaving. I just didn't feel like leaving without telling her, you know?"
"Of course. So, how long are you two staying for? If you're staying for the day, we could go to Ichiraku, I haven't had lunch yet."
Lee looks excited. "Oh that's a great idea! Gaara, you've never had Ichiraku ramen before right?"
Gaara shakes his head. "No, but I'd love to try it."
Lee is practically beaming. "Great! Let's go then."
We start on our way to the little ramen shop, and when we get there Lee explains to Gaara his favourite things to order, and suggests something for him. Gaara orders what Lee suggests, and I order my regular Ramen with thick noodles, and with raw meat and extra raw meat. We have a lovely meal, and Lee and Gaara feed each other ramen noodles.
As I finish my bowl of ramen, I suddenly become aware of an oppressive presence behind us. I turn around, and things seem to go in slow motion. I realise that the presence is... Guy sensei. I'm about to greet him before I remember, he's no longer a leaf village ninja. And then I see the look on his face, a look of hatred. Before I have a chance to warn Lee, or do anything to react, Guy sensei's chakra erupts, cracking the very ground beneath us.

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