Chapter 16

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A/N: GHHGH stuff gets real!!! Have fun reading and don't forget to vote!!

I barely have time to react, I leap out of Guy sensei's way, and Akamaru zooms away as well.
What is Guy going to do?! Is he really going to attack his student?
I firstly realise that something is... different about Guy. He's not wearing his green jumpsuit, it's been replaced by a black bodysuit. He's also wearing emo blurry eyeliner, and his hair looks like an even darker shade of black than it was before, if that's possible.
"TRAITOR!!!" Guy yells, throwing a punch directly at Lee, who doesn't dodge, but Gaara puts up a sand barrier just in time. Guy sensei's punch breaks through, but it's impact is lessened.
The entirety of the ramen shop is blasted into shatters from the shockwaves of the punch.
Naruto shows up at that second, as if summoned. "Woah, what's-" he sees the ramen shop in ruins, and his eyes zero in on emo Guy, who's aura of power is emanating from him. "You did this." He rushes at Guy sensei, no questions asked.
I am frozen. Guys aura is... more powerful than anything I've ever seen before. Gaara was powerful, but I can tell now that he wasn't in full control of that power, and doesn't know how to properly use it. Guy sensei on the other hand knows his power well. He has centuries of experience against us, we have never faced anyone so strong.
Guy punches at Lee again, and Akamaru barks at me, shaking me out of my stupor. I can't let Lee get hurt, not again! I immediately use my first feral form, but I order Akamaru to stay back. He growls and paws at the ground in frustration, but he stays.
I leap at Guy sensei, hoping to surprise him from behind, but he's too smart. He kicks me back without even turning around to look at me. I cough and sputter on the ground, his kick was straight to my stomach and it took the breath right out of me, he probably also broke a few ribs. As I gasp on the ground like a fish out of water, I see Guy fighting both Naruto and Gaara off to get to Lee, who isn't fighting back. Why isn't he fighting back? Guy is going to kill him!
Naruto summons shadow clones and Guy sensei throws them off of him easily.
"THIS IS FOR ICHIRAKU!!!" Naruto screams as he makes a rasengan and throws himself at Guy, but Guy simply dodges, grabs Naruto's arm, and throws him into Lee. Lee dodges, the rasengan barely missing him. Naruto is knocked out cold as he slams into the ground.
Shit! This is really bad! I get back up, I have to fight him too, I have to keep Lee from getting hurt. I leap at Guy as Gaara puts up a protective shield of sand that Guy begins assaulting.
"HEY!" I yell, trying to get his attention. "HEY!!! BOWL CUT HAIRED BITCH!!" I realise that I could be talking about Lee, so I try again. "UH- I MEAN, GREEN JUMPSUIT ASSHOLE!" Realizing this insult poses a similar issue, and Guy sensei now has a black bodysuit, I just yell, "FUCK!" And leap at him, claws at the ready.
This time, Guy does turn his attention to me. Well, I certainly got his attention. He whirls and punches me in the stomach again, but grabs my arm so I can't escape. I try to scratch attack him, but he grabs my other arm and then throws me at the sand barrier, using my body as a battering ram. "STAY OUT OF THE WAY!" Guy says, kicking me away. I groan in agony. Why did I think this was a good idea?
Akamaru rushes over, growling over me protectively, but I'm not the target here. I cough up some blood onto the ground beneath me. That's probably not good.
Gaara steps out from behind the barrier he has around Lee. "I won't let you hurt him." His voice is determined, and the look of hate and anger he had when he fought me is back. Protectiveness, I realise, as I look at how Akamaru is protecting me. Guy sensei and Gaara face off, Gaara limited because he has to protect Lee, but he lands some strikes with his sand.
Guy sensei grabs Gaara and throws him aside, breaking the sand barrier. Guy punches Lee and beats him up horribly. No! Fight back Lee! I think, but Lee doesn't fight, he's practically letting Guy sensei kill him!
Gaara leaps back up to fight Guy, using his own feral form, his sandy cat ears and form coming back. He throws sand attacks at Guy sensei, but he's too nimble and he dodges.
Gaara is fighting to protect what he loves. Fighting even if he can't beat Guy.
I feel the power of my true feral form rising in me. I have to fight for what I love too, no matter what it takes. I form the hand signs. "Ultimate jutsu: Ultimate lens of darkness!!!" I roar in anger as my huge wolf form erupts and I snarl and snap at the air.
My pain from earlier barely registers now, there is only anger, and fierce protectiveness. At this moment, I don't care about what happens to me. I have to fight for my friends, for everything dear to me. I fight for Lee and Gaara, and for Sakura, and the whole of the leaf village.
I bound over to Lee's defence, and swat at Guy sensei with a paw. He knocks it out of the way, but it's only a fake as I dive in with my giant fangs, snapping at him. I bite at him and he moves out of the way, but my blood thirst cannot be quenched. I will end him!!
I throw my body at him ferally, snapping and biting. My rage makes my thoughts fade into only anger, hate, destruction. Guy tosses me aside, but I barrel back towards him, no regard for anything in the way. It's just him and me now. No one else, nothing else.
I attack again and Guy punches and kicks me viciously, but I hardly feel the pain. Gaara joins in, and the two of us beasts fight over him. He punches us both though, and we realise we have to fight him together.
Even with both of our epic forms, we know we can't beat him. He beats us back like wild animals, and he throws me into another shop, I scrabble and break the shop more to escape. I've been delayed for a few seconds though, and I see that Guy and Lee are standing face to face.
Lee has tears streaming down his face as his sensei holds him up prepared to slam him into the dirt. "Why?" Lee says softly as the tears slide down his cheeks.
I run towards him, but everything goes in slow motion. No, I have to get there. I have to.
I see Gaara running towards Lee as well, and his sand rushing to protect him, but in my heart I know neither of us will get there in time. There is no one who can protect him, but we try anyway.
Lee gets thrown into the ground by his sensei, the very concrete cracking around his body.
An instant later, me and Gaara get there, Gaara grabbing Guy sensei by his legs and crushing them while I distract his upper body. I lock my wolf jaws around Guy sensei's arm and bite as hard as possible. Lee reaches out towards us, mumbling through his tears. "Please stop hurting Guy sensei...", but we don't have the time to acknowledge him, and my rage is too strong. Guy sensei grabs my head by the fur and throws me into the ground as hard as possible, but Gaara's job is done as Guy falls to the ground. I fall as well, and my wolf form slips away. Shit, I used too much chakra...
I'm back to myself again, and the pain catches up. My stomach still burns with pain, and one of my arms is particularly beaten up. I feel like my entire body is a bruise. I cough up more blood. No, I can't be done, I have to check on Lee! I crawl towards him using my chin, scooting along the ground.
Gaara beats me to it though, I see him run over to Lee. "LEE! Please, talk to me!"
I try to crawl closer, to see if he looks okay, but I only cough up more blood. Crap. I roll over onto my back. Somewhere seemingly far off, Akamaru barks desperately. My vision begins to dim. We did it. I did my job. Lee will have to fend for himself now. As I start losing my sight, I feel a droplet of something hit my cheek. It's raining. My eyes slide closed as the feeling of the rain droplets starts to fade as well.
I hope Lee is okay.

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