✨Special oneshot chapter✨

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A/N: Hi guys!!! This isn't my usual style of writing but I thought I'd release something special today!! KakaGai is one of my favourite Naruto ships and so I wrote a little one shot that takes place during a time when Kakashi has a day off, and everything in this oneshot is cannon to the fic! Gai is in prison because of the traitor to the village thing where he attacked Lee.

Kakashi walks through the crowded konoha street, for once with his book put away, something he only does when he's serious, which today certainly falls under.
"Oh, Kakashi sensei! Out to get more of your stupid little books? I could come along and buy some yaoi- I mean manga!" Naruto insolently comments, and Kakashi smiles a little with his one visible eye.
"Not today, Naruto. I've got business at the prison." Kakashi says lightly, and Naruto's face falls a little.
"Oh. Have fun then, see you around sensei." Naruto leaves, and Kakashi continues on towards his destination. At the outside of the prison, Kakashi looks up at the tall ominous building, sighing slightly. He knew his beloved was in there, broken and alone. He had to get in, at least to comfort his boyfriend, Maito Gai. But if he was being honest, there was another reason he was coming here. If there was even a fraction of a chance that he could change Gai's mind... he had to take it.
He steps into the prison, and the guards let him in. At the registration desk, a familiar face greets him. "Oh, Neji. I didn't know you'd be working here."
Neji sighs, flipping his emo hair a little. "Yeah, I decided I needed a lone job after Gai sensei turned against the leaf village, and since my entire team is destroyed now since Lee left and Tenten's still in her coma, Tsunade suggested I work here."
Kakashi nods, noticing Neji's dress as he signs in. Neji is wearing a pretty black and white classic maid outfit, with frills and a short skirt.
Kakashi finds himself wondering what his Maito Gai would look like in such an outfit, and has to remind himself he shouldn't be thinking about such lewd things right now.
"He's in cell 47. I'll take you." Neji gets up and starts leading Kakashi towards the cell.
They reach the cell, and Kakashi can once again look upon the sight of his lover. Neji opens the door, and Kakashi steps through. Gai sits in his wheelchair, which he has since the incident with Gaara. It pains Kakashi's heart to see Gai- his Gai, so injured. He wants to rush to him and pick him up, carrying him out of this place. but he restrains himself.
"Gai." He greets him a little sadly.
"Kakashi." Guy says, as Neji closes the cell door behind them.
"I'll leave you two alone, then." He says, and leaves them to their own devices.
Kakashi sits down in the chair in the cell. "So. How are they treating you?" He asks, the tension in his voice a little too clear.
Gai smiles. "Pretty good, all things considered. The other sensei's still visit me. Although you haven't been visiting me." Gai prods at him, obviously expecting a reaction.
Kakashi just sighs. "I've been meaning to." He looks down at the concrete floor. "It's been... different without you home. The dogs miss you." He laughs a little, and Gai joins in, wheeling over to Kakashi a little closer. "And what about you. Have you missed me?"
Kakashi gulps air a little. Somehow, his mind can only focus on one thing, what if anyone else has been standing in for him??? What if Gai has been... sleeping with someone else in prison? How could he do this, how could he erase everything they had?
He looks up into Gai's dark sultry eyes. "Gai... did you... ever get entertainment from anyone else in prison?"
Gai grins, leaning in a bit more, his eyes falling to Kakashi's lips, although they're covered by his mask. "And what kind of... entertainment are you referring to, Kakashi?"
Kakashi feels his heart beginning to race a bit, he's getting distracted by Gai's masculine charm. He just wants to lean in and kiss his beloved, make sure to claim him so that everyone else knows that Gai has someone, that Gai belongs to him, and him to Gai.
"Y-you know what I mean, Gai. What else would I be talking about?" He says, but his eyes are also falling to Gai's luscious lips.
"I want you to say it." He whispers, and Kakashi can feel his boyfriend's breath on his mask, and his face heating up.
"Fine. Have you... slept with anyone else in here?" He asks, a little embarrassed.
Guy chuckles, slowly and sensually pulling Kakashi's mask down, the only person he'd let do this to him. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it. My body is only yours, Kakashi, and even if I had, I would only be thinking of you."
Kakashi blushes with bashfulness and excitement. "I love you."
Gai grins, and Kakashi pulls him in, moving his lips roughly into Gai's, the two of them colliding aggressively in a mix of passion. They can both feel things getting more heated as they lean into each other, their hands each travelling the others body that they know so well, after so much time together.
Kakashi's hand starts trailing down Gai's chest and towards his stomach-
"Alright, I have good news-" Neji interrupts them, but cuts off his sentence when he see's what they're doing.
Kakashi awkwardly moves back. "Um, yes, what news?" He asks, his mask already covering his face again, which he's glad for, because otherwise he would be blushing strongly.
Neji sighs annoyedly. "You're allowed to take Gai for a walk around the prison grounds, if you'd like. He's been cooperating well and hasn't attacked anyone since he got in here, so he gets walking privileges, or whatever."
Gai nods appreciatively. "Thank you, Neji."
Neji nods, and then scuttles away, maid dress flouncing.
"Don't you think I'd look good in one of those outfits?" Gai asks Kakashi, who grins and nods.
"Come on Mr. Horny, let's go out for a walk." Kakashi remarks, and then takes Gai's wheelchair and they exit the cell.
Out in the greenery of the prison gardens, the mood of earlier is sufficiently killed, for now at least.
The walk is nice, and they can see konoha from here. They stop at a tree, which is out of view of the guard towers, and out of the way from most of the other prisoners.
"So why did you do it?" Karashi asks Gai.
Gai knows what Kakashi's talking about, and he looks off distantly. "Well... my best student just betrayed me. I was... irrational, and not using my amazing brain." He reaches out and grasps Kakashi's hand. "Promise I'll do better. Never again."
Kakashi smiles softly at his partner. "I can never resist you when you give me that cute expression." He slips his mask down and kisses Gai softly, their lips gently mashing together, and then Kakashi bites Gai's lip a bit when he pulls back. He climbs into his boyfriend's lap, kissing him slowly more and more aggressively, gently caressing the sides of his face as they kiss.
He begins rubbing himself up on Gai, getting closer, their bodies moving against each other in the way only two people can when they know each other's bodies better than they do their own.
"I love you so much..." Kakashi murmurs into Gai's mouth, as his hand skitters up Gai's thigh, slowly rubbing higher, smirking because he knows the reaction he'll get from Gai. His hand crawls ever higher, and-
"Hey you two, do you not have any sense of dignity?" Neji huffs as he pulls out blush and reapplies it to his cheeks.
Kakashi sighs as Neji appears in front of them again, looking angry in his little maid dress. "Come on. Time to go back in."
Kakashi crawls off of Gai reluctantly, and they follow Neji back inside. Neji goes to sign them out, and Gai turns back to Kakashi to maybe reinvigorate what they'd started, but then- Kakashi's already fallen asleep.
Gai smiles, looking at Kakashi's sleeping face. How could he ever wake up such a kawaii looking man such as Kakashi, the love of his life. "I promise I'll never leave your side again, Kakashi." Gai kisses Kakashi's forehead softly. "I love you, my Kakashi."

April fools XD!!!

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