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"One date shouldn't hurt right?"

I decided to walk home from the coffee shop date with Jae, since she wanted to get drinks with the other girls you weren't feeling it.

Walking home i began to think about the dating app Hanna sent me. Maybe I should try dating again, I mean mark is just a cheater why should I waste my precious time sulking over him.

Arriving home you unlocked the door, threw your shoes off and hung up your bag. Exhausted from the school day and going to the coffee shop you decided to just head to bed.

Going upstairs took a quick shower and prepared for bed. Putting on your pajamas and getting into the covers, you grabbed your phone to scroll a little bit till you felt tired.

Looking again at the message Hanna sent you, you decided to download the dating app she sent you.

Clicking through the guys in the app you had to admit some of them were good looking but not really your type personality wise.

Reading through there hobbies you found a guy who liked some of the things you did, not know what to do you clicked the green check mark. But nothing happened.

"Huh, guess it wasn't a match"

You put your phone on the nightstand and turned off the lamp. As soon as you did so your phone lit up with a notification. The dating app.

You quickly grabbed your phone unlocking it to check the notification. Match made. Was said on the notification. You tapped it and it was the guy you clicked the check mark for. Your were actually happy it was a guy you were kind intrigued to meet.

'Kim Taehyung'

You said to yourself, thinking what an attractive name to match his attractive face. Getting lost in thought you didn't realize the message he had sent you.

Clicking it, it read,

Taehyung: Hello seems like your my match :)
Me: Hi, and I guess so
Taehyung: Would you like to meet up sometime?
Me: Like a date?
Taehyung: Well that is what the app is for isn't it.
Me: well I guess it is haha, sorry I'm new to this kind of stuff but I would love to meet up :)
Taehyung: Sounds good! How about at One Sip Coffee tomorrow at noon?
Me: Sounds great! See you then!

Turning off your phone and the lamp rolling over on your bed. Kicking you legs in excitement, you were actually really excited to get out and meet someone again. The feeling of first liking someone, first kisses, cuddles the feeling of someone loving and caring for you made you feel butterflies in your stomach.

'Hopefully this works out, he's like the perfect match for me. We have somewhat of the same interest and god his face is another level. Why'd he even hit the check for me I look like a potato.'

So many thoughts going through your head, but the one was how excited you really were for this date. You haven't been on a date in over a year. Finally you settled down after all the excitement and went to sleep excited for tomorrow.

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