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You couldn't remember much of anything after hearing Taehyung behind you. You remember feeling him grab you and take the phone from you probably ending the call. At this moment you didn't know even where you were everything was black. Losing one of your senses made the other ones stronger. You could feel that your legs and arms were tied up, your arms possibly tied up to a wall as you were sitting on the floor. It was cold where you were and smelled old like you were in an old basement of some sort. Not being able to see and know where you were was making you very anxious the more you thought about it. You didn't know what was going to happen to you knowing what Taehyung has done to other girls.

Your breathing began to getting heavier and more rapid as you were stressing your self out. You needed to calm down but you couldn't. What stopped your thoughts was the sound of a door opening in the room you were in. You turned your heads towards the sound even though you couldn't see. Your heart started beating faster as you heard the persons steps coming toward you. They were so close to you, you felt them crouch down in front of you. There hands grabbed the blindfold from your face making it so you could see who was in front of you.


Your heart stopped, you thought it would have been Taehyung, is Jimin here to save you.

"Hello Y/n, nice to see you again"

He smirked at you. You were very confused why he was here, how he had found you.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to save me, oh thank god you don't understand how thankful I am you're here."

"Shhh don't talk so much, I'm not here to save you."

"Then why are you here I'm confused"

"I see that but I'm not the one to tell you what's going on. You'll have to wait till my boss gets here to explain everything love"

You were confused, extremely confused. Was Jimin working with Taheyung, maybe Taehyung isn't his boss maybe it's someone else. What are they going to do to you. You watched as Jimin then stood up and walked over to the door standing beside it. You then saw the door open and a couple of giant men came in standing along the walls of the room, followed by Taehyung.

He walked in closing the door and locking it. Handing the key to Jimin, he took his coat off also handing it to Jimin. He then began to make his way to you. Staring in front of you you looked up at him as he then crouched down to your level.

"Hello darling how are you?"

He cupped your face with his hand making you disgusted remembering everything he has done. You move your face out of his hand not looking at him.

"Oh darling don't be like this"

"Why not you're the one who kidnapped me and lied to me fu**ing a**hole."

"Watch your mouth no one talks to me like that"

"I'll talk to you how ever I want to"

The next thing you felt was a hard slap on your cheek, hard enough to turn your face the other direction. Your cheek now stung and you now had tears in your eyes. You then looked back a Taheyung.

" I told you to watch your mouth, now will you listen to me or not?"


"Good girl. Now you must have many questions on why you're here and what's happening."

"Yes actually I do, but honestly I know more than you think I do"

"Is that so?"


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