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Sitting on the couch you are joined with Taehyung sitting next to you. You both sat down with some snacks and placed them on the coffee table. You turned something on the TV to play in the background of your talking so it wasn't complete silence. It's been a while since you and Tae had spent any time together in the past week, you were excited to finally get to know more about him. You were also excited to find out more about his past relationships so you could dump him and be done with him. You quickly picked something midless to watch on TV as Taehyung grabbed some snacks to munch on.

So where do you wanna start, like what questions should we ask first.

He asked with his mouth full of food, it grossed you out but he looked so cute with his cheeks full of food like a chipmunk.

First don't talk with your mouth full, and I guess anything you want we can do I ask a question then you ask, and so on and so forth okay

Okay! Do you want to go first?

Sure, umm how many siblings do you have?

2 I have an older brother and older sister but I never really knew them so I don't talk about them because I don't really know anything about them, what about you?

Uh none I am an only child haha. What do you do at your job?

My job? Uhmm I just file a lot of paperwork for my boss, I help in meetings and stuff boring things like that. Have you thought of getting a job since your like broke?

Actually I did today, at the coffee shop down the street, I start on Wednesday.

Really! That's great!

You both continued to ask questions back and forth getting more comfortable with the questions you both were having a lot of fun. You weren't sure when you should ask the question about his past girlfriends and you weren't sure how to ease into the question.

Your turn y/n ask me a question.

Tae said right in your ear bringing you out of your thoughts, through the night he had moved right next to you on the couch putting barely any space between the two of you.

Okay, ummm did you date anyone in highschool?

I think I dated like two girls but I don't remember it ending well and I think it was my senior year. What about you did you date anyone in high school?

Uh yeah his name was Mark we dated senior year.

Did you guys last long?

Yeah we did actually we go married two years ago

Really, what happened with that, why did I never know this haha

Isn't it my turn to ask you a question you already asked me two in a row.

Well to bad I'm breaking the rules so answer my question, what happened between you two you're not married behind my back are you.

No haha we got divorced, it was just one day he asked if we could get divorced I wasn't sure why so I did some digging and found out that he was cheating on me and was engaged to someone else while he was married to me, haha no big deal now it's my turn to ask you a question.

That sucks. I'm sorry and go ahead and ask away.

Were you dating anyone before we started dating?

No, not really I went on a couple dates with a girl but we didn't really work well together I guess what about you

No I wasn't. I wasn't really ready to get in a relationship yet after the whole mark thing ya know I was afraid I would get cheated on again so I was hesitant to date anyone.

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