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I woke up with a lot of pain, not sure why I opened my eyes to find me on the floor. I looked around and realized me and Taehyung fell asleep on the couch and he pushed me off.


I then got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up, coming out of the bathroom Tae was still asleep. I decided to tidy up the living room because we made a huge mess with snacks last night. I wasn't making him breakfast as I didn't want any myself.

Sitting at my island I began to think of how I'm going to approach Tae and ask him about his past dating experiences. How do you even causally bring that up to someone, not a great conversation starter.

Well I could just simply say

"Taehyung, I see a future with you I trust you with my life but I want to get to know you a little more as I don't really know you all that well.

Which is true

Like what was your life like in High school, did you date anyone go to prom. What about before we met were you recently dating anyone?"

Coming up with what you were going to say you felt a little more confident.

"This is going to be easy."

"What's going to be easy?"

You heard someone say from behind you

"Oh uh just my homework, it's going to be easy haha."

"Ah I forget you go to school, we'll I have things to do today love I'll see you around."

"Mhmm, bye"


And with that Taehyung grabbed his stuff and left. Leaving you at the island still in your thoughts. You then decided to call Jungguk to see if he found anything.

On call

"Hello? Y/n?"

"Yes Jungguk I just called to ask if you have any information on Taehyung."

"Ahh about that, we haven't found anything yet because you haven't given me anything to go off of."

Jungguk said in a very rude and pissed off tone

"You don't need to be rude, it's hard to get information when my boyfriend is horny and wants to stick his tongue down my throat. I was going to talk to him today but he has "work" to do and he left, I will get information soon just give me some time okay!"

"Okay sorry, when you do get something please call me right away."

"Will do."

"Talk to you later y/n."

"Bye Jungguk."

After you hung up with Jungguk you decided you should probably start your homework since you didn't want to be up all night doing it as you had school tomorrow. Grabbing your homework you head downstairs to do it in the kitchen since you don't feel too comfortable doing it in your room all the way upstairs.

After a couple hours of working on your homework, and studying you decided you needed a break. Seeing it was about 4:30 you decided to go out to get groceries since you had no food at home, and needed stuff for the school week. Grabbing your bag and your phone, you slip on your shoes and head out the door after locking it. You decide to just walk to the store since you don't even know how much money you have, you don't want to waste it on the bus. After a long 30 minute walk you finally made it to the store. Grabbing out your phone you open up a shortlist you put together of the things you need, bathroom essentials, and a whole lot of food.

Walking into the store you first head to the bathroom aisle grabbing your favorite soap and new deodorant. You then thought that your  mood swings have been all over the place these past couple days. Just being on the safe side you grab some tampons and put them in my cart. Now going over to the food area you start throwing things in your cart that may or may not be on the list but just things your craving at the moment. Soon enough you had a semi-full cart, walking over to where the ice cream was you left your cart as you looked for the flavor you needed. You then hear a voice that sounds very familiar you turn around and see


You whisper to yourself, he was in the store walking hand in hand with another girl. Even though you know he already was cheating on you, seeing it in person really hurt. You then threw your ice cream in the cart and left wanting to get out of there so he didn't see you. You were now at the checkout, lost in your thoughts you didn't realize the cashier lady was done scanning your items.


"Ah i'm so sorry"

"Your total is $85.76."



"Okay hold on let me get my money."

You then grabbed your wallet from your bag, all you had was a $20.


Looking around in your bag for any money to see if you dropped any you realized you're broke and can't even afford the things you need. Glancing at the lady you then glance at your items, there wasn't even that many a couple snacks and some bathroom stuff. You needed it but couldn't buy it. You were not having the best day. You knew your mood swings were all over but you never cried in public, you rarely cried at all. But now you're here in a big grocery store on the verge of tears because you didn't have enough money? You saw Taehyung with another girl? You weren't really sure. In almost a whisper as you were trying your best to not cry you choked out,

"I'm sorry ma'am but I only have $20."

"Then you'll have to put some stuff back or all of it and leave, now hurry up there are other people waiting in line."

"Okay umm just give me a second-"

"Here I'll pay for all of it."

Someone said from behind you, you watched as they handed over the credit card to the cashier to pay for all your stuff. You felt embarrassed and weak, you couldn't even pay for yourself.

"Uh thank you so much sir it means a lot."

You said not wanting to look at him as your tears did escape your eyes and you didn't want anyone looking at you as you were already embarrassed enough.

"It's no problem ma'am, now let me help you with your stuff."

"Thank you."

He then walked next to you and started grabbing your items and putting them in bags, you glanced up and realized he looked oddly familiar but you couldn't figure out who it was. He then turned around to look at you and,



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