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Another Jungguk pov because I have to think of how the story is going to progress haha :)

Jungguk pov

Packing with y/n was surprisingly more fun than I thought. Although I did keep taking snack breaks and whining like a kid but I felt comfortable around her. I did feel like I was being annoying but she would just laugh and smile at the things I did which made me happy to see she was happy even with everything going on.

We got to know each other a lot better in the time we were packing which was nice to know more then just her name. I got to know more about what she's studying in college and about some of her family. When she talked about the things she likes you could see how happy her face was when she talked about it. She was adorable when she'd pout because I wanted more snacks or the annoyed face she'd make when I'd complain about packing. I'm glad we're moving in together even if we have only known each other for only a couple weeks I felt like we connect really well. I was looking forward to being around her and her happy energy I prefer her when she's happy.

When I walked in on her in the bathroom crying it hurt me to see her like that. Not sure why she was she didn't seem like she wanted to talk about it anytime soon so I didn't bring it up. I'd wait for her to bring it up since it's not my place to intrude on her personal life. But that's the second time I have seen her cry and it hurt more the second time then the first. Maybe because I know her a little better than I did I know she's a happy person and seeing her sad makes me sad.

She left to put the last box of her stuff in my car and I was feeling quite hungry again. Looking through her cupboards that were all empty I ran across two things of ramen. I excitedly grabbed them placing them on the counter and began looking for the kettle I have seen Y/n use. I was looking all over and could not find it so I decided to use the Microwave. It's been so long since I last used a microwave because I'm a very afraid of them. I don't even remember why but I don't like using them or being near them but I needed ramen. I filled the cup with water and turned towards the microwave ready to use it. Walking up to it I quickly opened the door and put the ramen in not being able to do anything else I got scared and hid under the counter across the kitchen.

I heard the front door open but I was too scared to see who it was and I assumed it was Y/n. I then heard her yelling for me but I was to scared to say anything back. I heard her walk into the kitchen I looked up and saw her standing but the microwave and then she glanced at me.

"Umm Jungguk what are you doing?"

"I was trying to make ramen but I couldn't find your kettle to heat up water so I thought I'd just use the microwave, but-but I'm afraid of them"

"Afraid of what? The microwave?"


I watched as she tried to keep from laughing and watched as she walked over to me kneeling in front of me.

"Hey Jungguk the microwave isn't going to hurt you alright?"

"But what if it does"

I heard her chuckle which made me annoyed I looked at her with my annoyed face and she stopped laughing.

"Sorry I didn't mean to laugh, how about I make you ramen and you go sit on the couch hmm"

I nodded wanting to get out the kitchen anyways. I walked over to the couch plopping myself down as I grabbed the remote. I switched through a couple channels finally finding something on nature I was very intrigued so I kept it on. While watching I heard y/n in the kitchen then watched as she brought the ramen into the living room placing it in front of me. I muttered a small thank you and began eating it as I was starving.

We watched the nature show for what felt like hours until it was finally over. Looking at the time I noticed we should go so she has some time to unpack, glancing over at y/n she was laying in the couch asleep. She was beautiful we she slept I observed her sleeping figure not trying to look creepy. They way her small yet plump lips were slightly parted and the way her long brown hair draped over the couch. Her perfect yet not so perfect skin looked so soft.


I whispered not wanting to startle her but she just groaned but didn't wake up. So I started poking her arm.

"Y/n wake up"

"No, I'm tired leave me alone."

"We have to leave remember"

She then flew up from the couch startling me making me fall off the couch. She then began laughing at me as I stood up giving her an annoyed face. But god did she look beautiful when she laughed.

"Stop laughing"

"Fine but you should have seen your face"

"Yeah yeah let's go"

I then walked away after throwing my ramen away I headed out to the car to start it and wait for her to grab what ever else she needed. I watched as she closed and locked the door happily walking over to the car with her adorable smile on her face causing myself to smile and her. She then got in the car buckled her seat belt and looked at me. I was kinda hungry again,

"We're stoping to get takeout before we go to my place I'm starving."

"You literally just had ramen and a whole bunch of snacks all day how can you possibly be hungry."

"I don't know I just am"

I then began pulling out of her driveway.

"You can pick what you would like since your the guest"

"Huh?, umm it doesn't matter to me I'm not hungry anyways get what you want."

"All you had today was one ramen so your getting something."


She huffed sounding angry, I glanced over at her to make sure she wasn't mad and she had an adorable on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest.


We both then pulled in to the drive thru to order.

"What do you want y/n"

"Umm probably just some fries is fine"

I rolled my eyes at her answer turning towards the screen to order.

"I'll take a hamburger with everything on it, a large fry, and I'll also have a chicken burger with a large fry and....

I stopped talking for a second and looked her direction,

"Strawberry, chocolate, or vanilla?"

She looked at me with a confused look and answered,


"...and a large chocolate shake please and that will be all."

I then pulled up and daw she started to grab out her wallet when i stopped her

"No need to pay its my treat"


I was then handed our food in two large bags. Y/b had a confused look on her face when I handed her the bags and she placed them on the floor. I then drive off in the direction of my house.

I got more food for her cause I've noticed she's been strange with her eating and I put the things I new together. When I walked in on her crying in the bathroom she was staring infront of the mirror wearing a cropped shirt when she always wore hoodies. Then all the times I wanted snacks she didn't eat anything with me. I figured she either actually wasn't hungry or she thought something of her body image and didn't want to eat anything. So I'm going to force her to eat all the food I bought for her.

Literally wrote this during class haha so sorry for any mistakes 😂🤸‍♀️

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