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You and Jungguk then began packing up some of your stuff. You weren't sure how long you were going to live with him but you hoped not long and you would come back to your lovely home. You really only packed clothes a couple books and things to do.

You were alone in your room puting the rest of your clothes in a box, folding and packing each hoodie you owned. You realize you did really only own hoodies. Going through the bottom drawer in your dresser you find a cropped black shirt you wanted to see what you looked like in something other than hoodies and baggy shirts. Walking into the bathroom you close the door but don't latch it. Taking off your hoodie you glance at yourself in the mirror for a second before looking away as you don't want to look too long.

Not even sure why you were doing this instead of packing you proceed to put the cropped shirt on. It fit alright it was really tight, looking at yourself it showed off everything you hate about yourself. For one your stomach was out, it showed your fat arms and the fat around your armpits, you didn't even want to look at yourself from the side. You stood there for who knows how long just staring at yourself, you were so fat and uglyn how does anyone even like you. Letting a couple tears slip from your eyes you stood there silently crying not knowing someone was opening the door.

"Hey y/n I packed up some of your-"

Jungguk stopped when he saw you, tears running down your face while you were just standing there not moving. He wasn't sure what to do. He shouldn't have even walked in on you without knocking. He didn't know if he should leave or hug you or what. You noticed his presence as and looked up into his eyes.

"Oh J-Jungguk do you need something"

You then quickly wiped away your tears even though your pretty sure he already saw them. You stood there waiting for him to answer or do anything, but he didn't move. You both were just staring into eachother eyes, it was oddly comfortable, his eyes were gorgeous from a distance. Brown pools of chocolate that were glistening from the bathroom light. You felt at ease when he was around, the couple times he was. You both stood there for a good 5 minutes until you got a little chilly, noticing you were still in the cropped shirt. You broke eye contact turning around and putting your hoodie back on. You then turned back around to find Jungguk still staring at you.

"Umm-uh do you need something?"

You said playing with your fingers are your were embarrassed he saw you crying and nervous if what he was going to ask you.

"No, umm yes actually I wanted to umm tell you I packed some of your food to bring over in case you don't like mine, but are you alright?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be"

"Because you umm were in here-"

You noticed Jungguk stoped talking when you looked up I found him looking at you. You looked into his eyes with your pleading ones begging he doesn't ask about what happened. Luckily he didn't.

" umm I am a very good cook so when living with me your gonna eat a lot so be prepared. I'll cook anything you ask for."

He said smiling at me like a kid, he made me chuckle forgetting about what happened.

"We'll I love food so be ready to make a bunch then."

You said smiling at him with the same childish smile. He chuckled

You both finished packing, it took you about 2 hours with snack breaks in between. You go to learn that Jungguk loves food and will turn into a big baby if he isn't fed. So the snack breaks were mostly for him because he would stop complaining how boring packing was and how he was hungry. He ate just about everything you had that wasn't packed to be taken to his house. While you guys have packed you learned a little more about each other since you were going to be living with each other.

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