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You woke up to someone poking your arm, not the best way to be woken up. Smacking the hand away you turn over going back to sleep. But they kept poking you. Groaning again you sit up rubbing your eyes. Moving your hands away from your face your met with a smiling Jungguk. He was showing his little bunny smile and his hair was all over the place, he was so cute.

"What do you want let me sleep"

You then laid back down doing back to sleep ignoring Jungguk.

"You need to wake up you have class"

"No I don't want to go let me sleep"

"No y/n you need to go to class and I'm taking you now get up"


You then landed on something hard. Sitting up you realized he had just pushed you off his bed onto the floor.

"Are you kidding me, why would you do that?"

"Because you wouldn't listen to me, now get off the floor and get ready for school."

You rolled your eyes getting up from the floor, you then walked into your room searching through your dresser and closet for clothes. You found some semi wrinkled jeans and no shirt. Groaning you looked through your dirty clothes contemplating if you wanted to be a slob and wear dirty clothes.

"You're not seriously thinking of wearing dirty clothes are you?"

You looked up and saw Jungguk leaning against your door frame with his arms crossed.

"Well i'm not going to class with no shirt so yes I am thinking about it"

"Well you're not doing either, you'll wear something from my room I'll go get you something"

"No no it's fine I can find something"

"Nope come with me"


You rolled your eyes walking over to him, he grabbed your wrist pulling you into your bedroom. He then grabbed his desk chair making you sit in it and pulling you over to the dresser.

"So what do you want to wear, T-shirt or a sweatshirt?"

"Hmm, both because if I get hot then I'll want to take the sweatshirt off and have something on under it"

"Got it"

He then began showing you shirts and sweatshirts. You would say no to things you didn't want to wear and some maybe until you finally made up your mind. A simple black t-shirt with no design and a plain black sweatshirt. Boring but simple and it would match your black jeans. You then thanked Jungguk as he went to the kitchen to make breakfast while you showered and got ready. Finishing up you grabbed your backpack and went to the kitchen seeing Jungguk finishing up the food.

"What'd you make this time?"

"Just some toast and eggs, I made you one sunny side up and one for me too"

He then handed you the plate with a perfectly cooked egg and perfectly toasted bread for both of you and a cup of juice.

"Thank you, umm can I ask you something?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"Why are you taking me to class and not Hobi, you didn't kill him did you?"

"No, why would I do that, and because I want to plus I have to go to work late today and it's on my way. Hobi will meet you after class to accompany you to work again"

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