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Jungguks pov:
"So you found her!"

"No not exactly, I found Taehyung not her"

"Well she's gotta be with him so you found her"

"Fine yes I found her"

"So what do we do know Yoongi?"

"Why are you asking me what to do"

"Because this was your idea, now what do we do?"

"Whatever, Hoseok were there any guards like around the house or in it?"

"Well yes the whole place was guarded with them but I didn't see the inside very well but it looked like there was"

"So we have no chance of getting in there?"

"Well not exactly, we just need a plan"

"And do you have one?"

"Well no not yet but we are going to get her out of there. I care more about this girl than you do Kook, seems like I should be dating her not you"

"I'm not even dating her, but I do care about her a lot"

"Sure doesn't seem like it, you haven't done sh*t since she went missing"

"Well sorry I don't know what to do, I've never been stuck in this situation before"

"So, that's no excuse to sit around drunk and covered in smoke when your girlfriend has been kidnapped. You're an FBI agent for gods sake you should know what to do!"

I realized Yoongi was right. How could I just sit around and do nothing after Y/n was kidnapped. I lost hope the second she was gone. I know I can do things to help her why am I acting like this. God I'm so selfish I have only been thinking of how I am feeling about the situation and not doing anything. She's probably suffering right now and I'm not there to comfort her.

I grabbed my hair in frustration and walked into my room slamming the door shut. Leaving Yoongi and Hoseok in the living room. I needed to clear my head so I opened my window and sat on the window seat. Breathing in the fresh air calmed me down more than smoking surprisingly. I looked out at the night sky imagining what Y/n is going through right now. Sighing I realize how stupid I have been to even bring her into this, all this is my fault. Letting my head hang down I let a couple tears slip from my eyes. She's never even going to want to date me, she probably doesn't even like me. Who would, all I do is smoke and drink and only care for myself.

I hadn't realized the door of my room opening and Yoongi and Hoseok entering. They probably heard me crying like a baby and thought something was wrong. Well there was something wrong, I'm a selfish di*k who can't even treat the only decent girl in his life right. I then felt a couple hands rubbing my back.

"Hey Kook it's alright we are going to get Y/n outta there alright"

I assumed was said by Hoseok as he wasn't yelling at me like Yoongi would.

"Look Jungguk, I'm sorry for yelling at you it's just you never realize these things on your own and need someone to inform you themselves. I didn't mean to make you feel bad or whatever I just needed to make you realize you need to actually do something if you want her back"

"It's fine Yoongi you were right for yelling at me, I n-now realize I was being selfish a-nd only worrying about myself"

"Glad you understand, now stop crying like a baby and let's think of a plan"

Yoongi said while smacking me on the backside of my head. Causing me to groan in pain I stood up smacking his hand away from me rolling my eyes. I then walked out of the room with the two following me into the kitchen. I grab three glasses from the cupboard all while filling with water, I handed them the glasses standing on the opposite side of the island from where they were.

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