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Not realizing you dozed off on the couch watching tv. You were exhausted from the past days events and you just needed some sleep. The next day was Sunday so you had to do homework for class so no time to sleep.

Flinching to a knock on the door you awoke from your sleep. Rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes, you throw the blanket down and go to the door. Looking through the peep hole you see Taehyung. You sigh not really wanting to seem him today, or actually ever again. But opening the door anyways,

"Hey Tae!"

You say trying not to sound fake

"Hey love, I missed you"

"I did too"

He walked into your house after lightly pecking your lips. You closed the door and observed what he was doing. It looked like he brought food as he headed to the kitchen with some plastic bags.

"What's in the bags?"

"Your favorite snacks ramen, ice cream, chips all the stuff you love"

How sweet, wait no

"Ahh thank you Tae, but what's it for?"

"It's for our makeup dinner date, since I didn't make it yesterday I thought we'd do it here in your house. We can eat snacks and watch tv all night. How's that sound?"

"It's sounds fantastic Tae thank you"

"Anything for my girl"

Gross you wanted to vomit, how can someone cheat but act like they didn't it's even worse knowing and having to pretend you don't know. Jungguk better find what he needs so I can leave Tae.

"What you thinking about"

Taehyung said as you didn't realize he was now in front of you.

"Oh uh nothing"

You said as you bit your lip out of nervousness, you need to act more discreet around him no going into your thoughts and spacing out.

"Alright then whatever you say"

He said with a hideous smirk plastered on his face.

"Anyways let's make that ramen shall we?"

You both then went over to your island preparing the ramen. You put a kettle on the stove after filling it with water, you then stood there to wait for it to boil. While standing you felt Taehyung put his arms around your stomach back hugging you and peppering you cheek with kisses.


"Yes Tae"

"Can I give you more hickeys"

Why is he even asking he usually does it on his own.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because earlier today you didn't seem happy when I did it without asking, just wanting you to be comfortable"

God I love him so much he's such a gentleman, but he cheated on me. Maybe it was just a mistake? We all make them

"I didn't mean it in that way earlier I was just late for my lunch and got a little irritated is all my mood swings are a little all over the place today"

"Alrighty then love, let me mark you up and show others that you belong to me"

He whispered in your ear, even though you hated his guts for cheating on you he still had an effect on you.

He then began to pepper your cheek with kisses as he was doing before slowly moving down to your neck. But then he stopped

"What's wrong babe, why'd you stop?"

"Your sweatshirt is in the way, mind taking it off?"

You stopped breathing, what is he talking about I can't undress in front of him I have never done it before. He can't see what I look like naked I look disgusting. No way

"Umm I...I"

"Babe please you said I could"

"I don't feel comfortable taking my sweatshirt off I have nothing on underneath but a bra"

"Fine with me"

After he said the he put his hand on the hem of my shirt and began to pull it off me, but I didn't budge I didn't want him to see not now not ever

"Babe let me take it off!"

He said a little more demanding now


I then realized I'm probably acting weird if I wasn't on this stupid investigation I probably would have let him. We have been dating for so long it doesn't hurt for him to see me without a shirt, does it?

"Just not right now I'm hungry"

"What has gotten into you, it's like you don't wanna kiss me anymore. Are you cheating on me?"

"What no why would I"

"Then why can't you kiss me like we used to before, I know you aren't comfortable with your body but I love you and I don't care what it looks like, why can't you just-"

Great now he thinks your cheating he can't think that he'll get suspicious. What to do what to do, you then decided to just kiss him to shut him up.

Pushing him roughly against the island you pull him near you by his collar roughly kissing him. You were now furious with him, kissing him as rough as you could so he could feel your pain.

He tried to push you off but you didn't budge, finally him kissing back he turned you around picking you up and putting you on the counter. He matched your kissing pace, going down your neck but not being able to because of your sweatshirt. He begins to take it off, not even caring anymore you decide to give him what he wants till he can't keep it in his pants then you'll stop.

You smirked to yourself as he lifted the sweatshirt off you leaving you in only your sports bra and sleeping shorts. He begins to kiss down your neck making small hickeys in the process. Grabbing his hair and pulling it because you can't deny you love the feeling of his lips on your neck.

His hands slide up your thighs going up your shorts, you knew he was almost at his breaking point you decided to push him a little further. You now took charge and began to kiss his neck leaving hickeys, he couldn't take it anymore he grabbed you off the counter heading to the bedroom. But you stopped him.



"I'm hungry put me down please"

"No we have something to finish"

"No we don't, I'm not ready to have sex with you remember I said after we get married now put me down."


He growled out pissed at what you just did. He put you down on the ground as you went and put your sweatshirt back on. Walking over to the kettle that was boiled a long time ago, you pick it up and put the water in both cups of ramen. Heading to the living room with them to watch a movie like you both planned.

You sat on the couch waiting for Tae but he never came.


"Yeah I'm right here"

"What movie you wanna watch"

"Whatever you want love"

You both then snuggled together on the couch with your ramen and watched some cringy drama for the rest of the night.

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