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You were never the person to just cry over anything, you needed an actual reason to waste your tears. These past weeks you have cried at least four times and that's a lot for just two weeks.

Jungguk had brought you into the house without letting you go. You heard him shut the door and you both waddled over to his couch to sit down. You cried into his shoulder soaking his shirt, deja vu right. You soon lifted your head and turned away from him so he didn't see your face. But he gently grabbed your face, turning it back to him. You watched as he pulled down the sleeves on his sweatshirt giving him sweater paws. He then used them to wipe away the tears on your face ever so gently. You just stared at him the whole time, getting butterflies in your stomach from his actions. He looked so cute in his giant hoodie, and the way he was treating you right now. Till it hit you. Your somewhat of a smile turned into a frown, you abruptly stood up from the couch walking away to the bathroom leaving Jungguk there confused.

You had only just now remembered the fight you two had earlier today, remembering what he said about you. This was the second time you two had fought but this time he had really hurt your feelings. You had always struggled with liking the way you look, and you had maybe thought it was all in your head and people didn't care what you looked like. Being in relationships helped you a lot with how you looked at yourself. But now you feel like sh*t. Knowing you have been cheated on twice and even Jungguk agreed with them. How could he even say that, you weren't going to talk to him till he apologized since again this is his fault. Yes you did break into Taehyungs house and get caught, but you weren't yelling at him saying hurtful words. You knew you needed to talk about what you found at Taehyungs house with Jungguk but you didn't know how and you didn't even want to confront him at the moment.

You hopped in the shower to rinse off all your stress trying to calm yourself down, but what you found in your folder at Taehyungs house kept coming back to you. Giving you an unsettling feeling in your stomach. Quickly getting out of the shower shutting it off, you throw a towel on and go towards the toilet opening if you throw up what was in your stomach. Which wasn't much so it burned your throat. Getting up you quickly change and head to the kitchen to get something to eat since you hadn't eaten since breakfast and it's now 7. You walk out and see the light in Jungguks room on assuming he's in there you go to the kitchen. Whipping up some ramen for you and Jungguk you went to bring it to him.

Slowly walking into his room your hit by a cloud of smoke, coughing a bit you quietly walk into his room. You see him asleep on his bed with a cigarette in his fingers still, you sigh placing the bowl down and walk over to him.

'God is he trying to burn the house down'

Grabbing the cigarette you drop it in a glass of water that's full of them. You begin to observe around his room a little more since the last time you were in here. He had more cups of cigarettes like that's all he did while working.

'He's gonna kill himself from smoking these'

You scoff turning your attention back to him. He was peacefully sleeping on his bed and looked fairly comfortable. He obviously had changed since the last time you saw him, he was now in great sweat pants and a white T-shirt. You watched as his stomach slowly rose and went back down. You watched as one his his longer pieces of hair moved back and forth with every breath he took. He then shifted a little in his sleep startling you causing you to step back. You didn't want him to wake up and see you in here staring at him. Heat rose to your cheeks and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You grabbed the ramen and left.

"Why am I feeling like this"

He was bound to wake up sooner or later since it wasn't that late. So you kept his food in the fridge but honestly it probably wasn't even worth it since it probably wouldn't taste the same. You went over and sat on the stool and started eating yours, you pick up your phone as you received a text from someone. Glancing at it you saw it was from Taehyung.

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