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Jungguk grabbed your groceries while you just walked behind him with your hoodie hood over your head and your hands in the pocket. You were following him like a lost puppy, you weren't even sure where he was going. Till he stopped in front of a car, probably his. You just stood back and observed, he grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked the car. Opening the trunk he sat all the bags in the back before closing the trunk. He then walked over to the drivers side, he stood there for a second before he turned around now facing you. When you saw him do that you put your head down looking at your feet.

"Get in, I'll take you home."

He said softly before you heard him open the car door and then shut it indicating he was now in the car. Standing there for a second you got startled by the car starting, you then headed towards the passenger side and got into the car. You buckled your seat belt and leaned your head against the window adjusting your hood so he couldn't see your tear stained face. You both sat in complete silence with only a hint of the radio but it was so faint you could barely even hear it. You just gazed out the window while a couple tears escaped your eyes. You didn't brother wiping them letting them run down your face and down your neck.

After 10 minutes you finally arrived at your house. First Jungguk got out of the car then opened the trunk grabbing the groceries. You watched through the mirror to see what he was doing, he closed the trunk and was heading to your door. He knocked on the window lightly for you to come out in which you did. Closing the car door you walked up to the front door since you had the key. You unlocked the door and turned the lights on, you kicked your shoes off and waited for Jungguk to do so too so you could close the door. You watched him go into your kitchen and place the bags on the counter, he then looked like he was going to empty them and put stuff away.

'What is he doing?'

You mumbled to yourself as you walked into the kitchen to stop him

"Stop I can do that myself you don't need to."

"Oh are you sure there isn't that much stuff it will only take me a minute."

"No, it's my stuff I can do it myself, just go sit in the living room I will get you some tea, or water?"

"Water is fine, thank you."

You then watched as he headed to the living room as you grabbed a cup and poured tap water in it just in case he didn't like ice cold fridge water. You then got some for yourself and headed to the living room to join him. You handed him the cup of water and sat down across from him, in the chair he sat in the last time he was here, and you in the spot you were in. You both sat there in awkward silence drinking your water, you drank yours all in the first gulp sitting it down on the coffee table you sat back in your chair and crossed your legs. You watched as Jungguk only took one little sip from his water and mirrored what you just did. He then looked over to you but you already were looking at him so you both made eye contact.


"Yes, what?"

You're staring at me, do you need something?

"Ahh um no..well yes haha, I just wanted to thank you for umm paying for my groceries. When I have the money I will pay you back."

"Don't worry about it, there is no need to pay me back it's the least I could do."

"But it was like $90 worth of stuff, i'm not letting you pay when it's my stuff."

"Well I won't take your money, so just think of it as a gift to you."

"No your not-"

"Enough y/n you're not paying me back, I did it as a kind gesture in that case I don't expect anything in return. Plus if you do get the money you will need it anyways to buy more groceries."


Jungguk could sense something was wrong with you, yes he had only met you twice but he knows your personality and you aren't that shy of a person but today at the store, in the car, and right now you were different.

"May I ask you something, and if you aren't comfortable you don't need to answer."

"Uh yeah go ahead."

"What's wrong?"


"You seem....upset."

"Ahhh haha no I'm fine."

You laughed nervously as you wanted to talk about how you were feeling, but at the same time you didn't because you didn't know how you were feeling and didn't know how to talk about it.

"Yeah like I'm going to believe that, you can trust me you know."

I guess I would talk about it but I don't know

"What don't you know?"

"I just don't know!"

You said now frustrated that you couldn't understand your own feelings. You stood up from your chair and began walking back and forth in your living room before you began to speak again.

"I don't know what I'm feeling, these past couple days have been so much for me and nothing has even happened. At first when you told me Taehyung was a suspect for a missing persons case I thought you were crazy and you were just making up stuff. When I heard that.....that girl on the phone with Taehyung that night I didn't believe it I thought I was going crazy. Thinking what you said couldn't be true he could never cheat on me he loves me. Then he comes over and acts like it never happened and kisses me like he loves me and only me. I start to think he can't be cheating on me, he loves me too much, and he isn't a part of what you said he was, he could never be. But in the store tonight seeing him actually with a girl who isn't me.....It all felt real in that one moment all the things you said I started to believe, it was too much. could he actually cheat on me i...i he-"

By the end of your rant you were in tears not even being able to finish what you were saying. Jungguk not sure what to do got up from his seat and took you in his arms. Even though you were a stranger he felt like you needed someone to hold you since you seemed fragile and broken at the moment. He felt he was partially to blame for this since he came to you to get information on Taehyung so it was the least he could do. You both gentally walked to the couch not breaking apart, he held you in his embrace as you cried all your feelings and emotions out that you didn't realize you kept bottled up these past couple days.

After crying for about 10 minutes you finally felt a little better, you pulled yourself away from Jugguk as you just now realized he was the one hugging you. You felt a light blush creep up on your cheeks, you covered your cheeks like you were wiping your tears so he didn't see. You looked at him to find him already looking at you making the blush come back.

"Umm I got your shirt all wet and gross."

You said as you pointed at his wet shoulder like a toddler who broke something. You looked at him with your sad puppy eyes as you now felt bad for getting his shirt all wet and gross.

"It's alright it will dry."

"No no you must be uncomfortable, I might have an oversized shirt you can wear while yours dries let me go get it."

You got up and ran upstairs to your room to get Jungguk a shirt. While he remained in the living room waiting for you to come back.


Jungguk mumbled to himself as he watched you run up the stairs like a little kid.

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