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Thank you so much for 200 reads, I know it's not a lot but it means a lot to me. Anyways enjoy :) and sorry for any grammar mistakes :)

You were now pacing back and fourth in your living room trying to process what you just found out. The girl you just served coffee has been missing for 3 weeks. She looked like the picture but didn't have the same name. She is apparently Taehyung's wife but you have seen her with him. What does that even mean then he found her why hasn't he told anyone, and why did she make up her name. Does she know who you are?

You quickly went back into your computer and saved the link, taking a picture of it on your phone you needed to get this information to Jungguk. Realizing it was like 11 oclock at night he was probably asleep, but really you couldn't keep all this information to yourself and you probably wouldn't be able to sleep you needed to tell him. Quickly grabbing your phone you search for his contact.

"Please be up please be up"

You sat there with the phone in your hand still ringing, you've called Jungguk 4 times already and he still wasn't picking up. The call didn't reach him so you decided to quit because you didn't want to seem like a creep. You really just needed to get some air you felt like you were suffocating in your house with all that information without being able to tell anyone.

Grabbing a jacket, keys, and your phone you head outside to walk around the park that is near your house. As soon as the cold air from outside hit your skin you already felt better. It was a little chilly since you were only wearing a jacket and shorts, but it felt a whole lot better than your hot and stuffy house.

Finally arriving at the park you find a bench by the pond, the pond was always lit up at night from the moon and it was beautiful to look at. You just sat there enjoying the view trying to not even think about Taehyung and all the crap he's got you tangled in and he doesn't even know it. You had a lot going on as it is now. This new information put a lot more stress on you and you really needed to tell someone. Even though you only just found this information out you felt like you have always new something was up with Taehyung but knowing this was the truth you fished you had never found out.

Closing your eyes you leaned you head back just enjoying the peace of the night. You felt way better being outside. You sat there for at least and hour before you were freezing you had to head back. Checking the time on your phone It was currently 1:15 you had been out longer than you thought. You checked your notifications and found a couple missed calls from Taehyung and some texts. You really weren't interested in talking to him at the moment or at all you turned off your phone slipped it back into your pocket and headed home.

Unlocking the door you hang your coat up and lock the door. Going upstairs you head to your bathroom, brushing your teeth and chewing into a tshirt to sleep in you hop into bed. Plugging in your phone you then stare at the ceiling not even being tired. You just laid there till you eventually feel asleep.

Jungguks pov

I sat at my desk scrolling on my computers still trying to find a lead to this stupid missing persons case. I was waiting for y/n to give me a name of the girl she said she saw Taehyung with but that was a long time ago and she hasn't given him anything. I mean yeah she has a life but this is important. Does she not care at all.

Hey Jungguk?

Yeah what is it yoongi

They found your missing girl

What! Really?

Yeah they found here near the lake, they want us to come check it out

Okay hold on let me grab my stuff I'll be right there

Yoongi then walked outside my office as I grabbed my coat and my phone from my desk, someone was calling by I had no time to answer it right now

I hoped in yoongis car as we headed to where the girl was found, but what I didn't expect when we got there was for her to be dead. Me and yoongi then talked to the people and officers who found her and assumed they new what happened.

So how did you find her exactly?

Yoongi asked

We were just coming back from our night fishing we usually do and she was just lying in the sand. We thought she was alive and she was just sleeping but turns out she was dead. So we called 911 and we'll here you guys are that's all that happened

Me and yoongi then walked over to the officers in charge to ask some questions

Hello officer I am agent Jeon Jungguk and this women you found may be the women from the case I was assigned too.

Ahh agent Jeon nice to meet you and yes that is why we called you over. She appears to have been dead before she was in the water so she didn't drown, do you have her name so we can put in on the report

Yes, her name is Min Sun-Hee and she is 20 years old, missing for 4 weeks now.

Alright thank you we will update you when we get the coroners report after they do the autopsy, it will take about a day but I will call you right away

Thank you officer

Of course talk to you soon

See ya

Me and yoongi then headed back to his car, i felt pleased I had finally found the missing girl but what didn't sit right with me was she was dead, and probably murdered. What if Taehyung had something to do with this, and who was the girl y/n was taking about. Was it the same girl?

I checked my phone and saw 4 missed calls for y/n and now I was freaking out, what if something had happened to her. No, no she has been very secret about the whole Taehyung thing he couldn't have figured anything out, and he definitely is a cheater but he didn't kill anyone. Plus the girl she was talking about isn't even the same girl as this one, right?

Yoongi dropped me at my house, I said goodbye and headed into my house. Making sure my doors were l locked I headed upstairs to bed. Quickly showering and getting changed I got into bed but getting on my computer quick to fill out all the information I just got tonight. I had solved one case and just opened a whole new one, but at least I found the her, but now I gotta find who killed her. But I already had a suspect in mind so maybe this would be easier then it was trying to find her.

I plan to meet up with y/n before she goes to class tomorrow since it's only Thursday and I know she still has class. I set and almost for the time to get up. Closing my computer I set it on my nightstand along with my phone, I rolled over and went to sleep.

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