
499 23 8

2 months later

Lecture ending with the same dreadful bell you were so happy it was Friday. You and Taehyung your boyfriend were going out today he had a date planned for you two. He always had work so it was the first time in a long time you were finally going on a date.

Arriving at home I hung my bag up and threw my shoes off. Heading upstairs I decided to take a quick nap before I got ready for our date since it was at 6:00 and right now it was only 4:50. Changing into one of Taes sweatshirts and shorts I slid under the covers of my bed and drifted off to sleep.

Sleepily waking up from my nap thinking I had slept too long. It was only 5:15, I had plenty of time to get ready. Taehyung said we were going to a fancy but not so fancy restaurant so dont dress up but dress up. That was what his text said, not knowing at all what that meant I headed to my closet to decide what to wear.

I picked a fluffy cream shade turtle neck sweater with a pair of non ripped blue skinny jeans. Walking into the bathroom after getting changed I did a little more makeup than I usually do but not too much. Putting on some earrings and a necklace I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I put on my black converse noticing I didn't have very dressy shoes, I grabbed my bag, locked the door and left my house.

Since Taehyung had to work till about the time dinner started I was going to take a bus to get there and he could drive me home after. After a 30 minute bus ride I had arrived at the restaurant, and Taehyung's description of the place being "Fancy but not so fancy" was spot on. Walking in I told the lady at the counter I had a reservation under the name Kim Taehyung.

"Right this way ma'am"

She sat me down at a table in the middle of the room surrounded by other couples.

"Thank you!"

She then left me at the table alone, I sat down after hanging my bag on the chair, grabbing my phone from my pocket. I checked the time, it read 6:00.

I checked the time again, 6:30

'Maybe he just got caught up at work'

7:00, the time read

'I should just call him, he might have forgotten because of work'

I then called Taehyung but no answer, again no answer. After trying to call him 5 times I stopped, thinking maybe his phone died, or he was driving and couldn't answer it.

8:00, still no Taehyung

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You haven't ordered anything in the past 2 hours and there are other customers who need this table."

"Ahh okay I am so sorry, I'll leave"

Getting up and grabbing your bag you left the restaurant. You walked over to the bus station and checked if any buses would be coming soon, but turns out there wasn't going to be any till 9:30, so you decided to just sit at the bus station and wait, and hope either the bus shows up early, or Taehyung comes.

'And he thought I would stand him up the first time we met, but turns out he would actually stand me up.'

Texting him a couple times you still got no reply not even a read, you also tried to call him a couple more times but still no answer. Getting annoyed you stopped trying and put your phone away. Deciding there was no point in sitting here and waiting for the bus or Taehyung you decided to just walk home, you could use the exercise anyways.

While walking home you had just realized how dark it actually was, and creepy. There were barely any streetlights, getting nervous you decided to quicken your pace wanting to be home in your bed. After a couple minutes of walking you had a feeling that someone was following you, not wanting to turn around you started to run. You knew someone was following you, you could hear them running behind you. You quicken your pace trying not to think of how out of shape you are. As you were running you weren't really looking at the ground only ahead hoping to see your house soon. By not looking at the ground you didn't see the sidewalk edge that was slightly higher than the others making you trip over it causing you to fall to the ground skinning both your knees in the process.

Falling to the ground you stayed there trying to catch your breath not being able to get up because of the pain in your knees. You heard the person behind you coming up to you, your heart now racing faster than when you were running you were frozen in fear, you couldn't hear the person talking to you. They tapped your shoulder taking you out of your frozen state making you blurt out,


"Woah calm down ma'am I'm not going to hurt you, looks like you accomplished that on your own though."

"Shut up, what do you want then, why were you chasing me"

"Because you were running and I needed to talk to you, I was simply following not chasing, ma'am."

Turning around and looking up you are met with a guy, a quite handsome guy about your age grinning from ear to ear with the cutest bunny smile you have ever seen. He was looking at you with his huge doe eyes that were quite shrunken because of his huge smile.


You accidentally said out loud


He said while secretly smirking to himself

"Uh nothing can you please help me up?"

"Yeah of course here"

He then offered his hand, pulling me up from the ground. I groaned in pain as I just remembered why I was on the ground in the first place.

"Uh looks like you ripped your jeans, and you're bleeding"

"Haha I guess so, umm do you think you could help me to my house by chance?"

"Yeah I can, if you feel comfortable with me doing so since I know im a stranger to you"

"Well you haven't done anything to me yet except make fun of me so I think I trust you enough to bring me to my house"

"Okay then"

You then wrapped your arm around his shoulder, but what didn't help was he was way taller than you making it very difficult for you to even do so. Catching you off guard he lifted you off the ground holding you bridal style.

"Umm w-what are you doing, put down!"

You asked shocked of the stranger actions

"Man you're kinda heavy, this always looked easier done in the movies"

He said completely avoiding your question, you scoffed

"We have never met, but you are still so rude to me like you are my friend, why?"

"Not sure on that one guess that's just how I am"

"Okay, whatever by the way my house is just up the street from here so you won't have to carry me far since ya know "i'm heavy""

"Okay that's good to know my arms are getting quite tired anyways"

"You're so rude"

You said to him as you lightly smacked his arm

"Okay okay I'm sorry, you're light as a feather, happy?"


"Oh by the way what is your name?"

"Jungguk, Jeon Jungguk. Yours?"

"Y/n, Lee Y/n. Nice to meet you Jungguk"

"Nice to meet you too Y/n"

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