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I was woken up to the sound of pans clanking around. Like someone was throwing them on the floor. You groaned sitting up in bed you check the time and it read 5 o'clock.

'Who is up at 5 in the morning throwing pans around'

You growled, you climbed out of bed grabbing your fluffy blanket wrapping yourself like a burrito so only your head and feet were out. Walking out of your room you head to the kitchen to beat up whoever woke you so early. Walking into the kitchen you were blinded by the kitchen lights not being able to see you squinted your eyes.


You ran into the counter, your eyes then finally adjusted to the light as you saw Jungguk with his head in the fridge. You slowly walked up to him and poked his side gaining his attention.

"What the!, oh y/n what are you doing up?"

"You tell me, you're the one throwing pans around like a maniac."

"Oh haha sorry that's my bad they fell out of the cupboard when I was trying to grab one"

"Yeah whatever but you woke me up and I love my sleep"

"I'm sorry it won't happen again"

"It better not, what are you doing up anyways"

"Leaving for work, I was going to make something to eat since I was up earlier but we have no food"

"Ahh well I'm tired so I'm going to head back to bed. When will you be back?"

"Not sure I'll text you when I am, goodnight"

You then waddled back to your room hearing what Jungguk muttered as you left.


Hearing that made you blush slightly, climbing back into bed the warmth from your body still lingered there so you instantly fell asleep. Hearing your alarm you woke from your sleep but this time the sun was shining through the window warming the bed. You rolled over to check the time and it read 10:30 you slept in a little to long but it was nice to finally get some sleep.

Sitting up in bed you ran your fingers through your tangled hair staring off into space. Not sure what you were going to do today you decided you should eat something then see how you feel after that. Slowly getting off the bed you move to the kitchen like a sloth not fully awake yet. You then opened the fridge and remember Jungguk said there was nothing to eat. You groaned being annoyed because you were hungry, rummaging through the cupboards you found some bread and you saw butter in the fridge so you just made a piece of toast.

Sitting at the counter you begin eating your toast letting your mind wander on to different topics. The main one being Jungguk, for some reason that's all you could think of. How good he looked this morning when you found him in the kitchen, his freshly washed hair how it hung over his forehead. Him still in his white tshirt and gray sweat pants you assumed was his sleeping attire. You then began thinking what if he slept without his shirt like Taehyung did. Do all guys do that, you then tried to imagine what he looked like without his shirt, did he have abs. You did know he had a hot sleeve tattoo on his arm but you never really get to see it as he always wears long sleeves. You got a quick glance of it this morning but you didn't see much. Realizing where your thoughts were going you went back to eating your toast which was finished in about 5 bites.

You placed your plate in the sink and went and sat on the couch thinking of what you were going to do today. You got all unpacked, and you didn't have class. So your day was pretty much free, you didn't want to go to the store as this wasn't even your house and you didn't even have money. You sat on the couch for a good 10 minutes just thinking over things and deciding what you were going to do.

You then thought of a great idea. You were simply going to "break" into Taehyungs house and see if he's hiding anything about the two girls. It wasn't really breaking in since you had a key, but you couldn't tell Jungguk since he told you to stay away from him. But you knew he was at work so you could just go now. Running to your room you throw on some clothes then brushing your teeth and all your other bathroom stuff. You then grab your bag, slip on your shoes and head out the door.

Walking to Taehyungs house you start thinking of where you should even look for information. He had an office but it was always locked so maybe you'd start there. You also were thinking of a plan of how to escape in case he comes home. Which you just hoped he didn't because you couldn't think of a plan. You finally arrived at his house, you take a big deep breath before you grab out your spare key and head for the door. First checking to see no one's home and his cars gone. You then slowly unlocked the door and open it peeking your head in to find all the lights off. You sigh in relief and step in shutting and locking the door.

You then walk up the stairs to where you know is office is, walking up to the door you find it to be locked as you expected. Grabbing a Bobby pin from your bag you start trying to unlock the door. You have seen this done on shows before and you definitely thought you could do it. But you proved yourself wrong as five minutes went by and you still hadn't opened the door. You try a couple more wiggles with the bobby pin till you hear a 'pop' indicating the door was unlocked.

'Yes I knew I could do it'

You then opened the door and observed his office, you had never been in here before so it was strange. Everything was so neat and tidy and all a dark shade of brown. Upon walking in right in front of you was a big desk in front of a big window. To the left and right we're bookshelves full of books, and a tiny couch in the corner. You decided to check his computer first hoping it was unlocked which it wasn't. Not knowing how to do anything with computer you sighed and moved to the drawer hoping to find something.

Unlocking some of the drawers with the Bobby pin you quickly scan through the items and move to the next not finding anything. You were trying to open the last one but it was stuck. Pulling at it you finally got it one falling to the ground in the process making a ton of noise. Going back to the drawer you start searching it and your stunned by what you find.

Jungguks pov:

I was sitting at my desk waiting for Yoongi to come back with any good news. Hearing him come in I snap my head his direction and see him holding the paper I've been waiting to see. A warrant to search Taehyungs house, I then get into yoongis car and we head over to his house. Knocking on the door first to see if he's home no one answers. On the count of three the SWAT team breaks down the door and we begin searching for pretty much anything.

While we were searching the living room and kitchen I heard a huge thud upstairs, I then rush up there with yoongi and another agent.

"I think it came from that room"

I then walk over to it and surprisingly it wasn't locked I take out my gun just in case and peek inside. Hearing someone shuffling through something I tell yoongi to stand back while I go in. I then walk over to the desk and see someone I point my gun at them.

"Put your hands up now!"

Y/ns pov:

I was shuffling through the stuff looking at what I found, a ton of different ID's for a whole bunch of women and what looks to be some of there belongings Earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

"Put your hands up now!"

Someone yelled at me startling me making me scream as loud as I could. I then put my hands up and start shaking. Oh god I'm going to jail for sure. I then slowly turn around and come face to face with


Sorry for the late update but I hope you like it and I still haven't done my exams yet but there getting closer and closer wish me luck haha but enjoy 🙂🤸‍♀️
Also sorry for any mistakes I haven't looked it over yet :)

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