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Chapter 0351 Take a bath and rub your back 1
Only twenty days later, Feng Qingxue was a little disappointed.
   After more than a year of separation and only 20 days of getting along, it is very sad to change anyone.
   But she knew Lu Jiang's responsibilities. Because of their bloody sacrifices, the people in the rear, including her own family, were safe and sound, so she didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction on her face, but Father Lu sighed after counting the days. "It's just the twelfth lunar month, and it looks like you won't be able to celebrate the New Year at home again."
   Lu Jiang yawned and smiled bitterly: "This is a rule, and I have to obey. After more than a month, after careful calculation, I have been away from the army for nearly two months."
   Father Lu wondered, "I remember that it took you about 20 days to come and go." Why did it suddenly become more than a month? A full ten days more.
   "Father, it must be that A Jiang is no longer where he used to be! He is a soldier, isn't it the country and the army who have the final say where he goes?" Feng Qingxue received a letter from Ouyang Zijin after receiving the medicine. He Knows Lu Jiang's situation.
   It took her half a month to go to the military hospital of the Southwest Military Region, and it only took Lu Jiang ten days to return to the army.
   That's the difference.
   Father Lu listened and didn't ask any more questions, "Just take a good rest when you go home, and accompany your wife and children."
   "Yes!" Lu Jiang straightened his back, and he didn't need his father to remind him. That's what he planned. Lu Jiang was also very sad when he gave himself a snot bubble at a glance.
   After eating and cleaning up the dishes, Father Lu took a group of children away.
   The young couple finally met, and the children should not join in the fun.

 It is not advisable to take a bath immediately after meals. Feng Qingxue first found out the clothes that Lu Jiang had replaced, new underwear, long johns, cashmere pants and old military uniforms, and prepared soap, towels, tubs and other items.
   Lu Jiang rubbed his eyes, took the cold and hot water into the bedroom, and mixed it into the bathtub.
   Feng Qingxue bolted the door and the main room door, and came back to help him rub his back, but when he saw the scars all over his body, tears flowed out, "There are many more injuries than when I was at home last time, gunshot wounds. Stab wounds... No wonder you are so thin, you are about to lose your face, it must be because you couldn't eat or sleep well, and you bleed so much, it hurt your vitality."
   After soaking in the hot water, Lu Jiang felt warm all over, it was really a long time I haven't had a hot shower.
   He closed his eyes and held Feng Qingxue's hand with his backhand, "Don't cry, wife, didn't I come back well? Compared to the comrades who are always sleeping on the border guards and those who are missing arms, broken legs and blind eyes, I am already I'm very lucky, very lucky." Feng Qingxue burst into tears, "What else! Do you want to be like them? Bah, Crowzui, don't say it again!" I must take good care of myself!"
   Feng Qingxue wiped her tears with her sleeve, "Speaking of Xibao, which of your comrades in arms wants to accept Xibao as a son? Why?"
   Lu Jiang's tone suddenly became low. "It's Zhao Anbang. He was injured in wars before, lost his fertility, and doesn't plan to get married. Before this counterattack, we agreed that my child is his child, whether it's a boy or a girl, in the future. Give him old age. Who knows that this time, in order to cover his comrades behind him, he picked up a grenade from the enemy with his bare hands, and before he had time to throw it back, he blew up an arm."
   "Zhao Anbang, Zhao Anbang, this name sounds familiar to me." Qingxue said.

Chapter 0352 Take a bath and rub your back 2
After listening to his wife's words, Lu Jiang didn't care, because there are many people named Anbang, and there are many in the army with the same name and surname, "He and we are fellows, I promise him to come back this time to help him find out. Is the family back home? His father is an old revolutionary, but he was sent down a few years ago. The family originally lived in the capital, but they couldn't get in touch."
  Feng Qingxue suddenly raised her hand and patted his shoulder, "Wait a minute. "Wait!"
  Lu Jiang was smart and opened his eyes, "What's wrong with my wife?"
  "I remember who Zhao Anbang is, the Anbang who ruled the country, right?" Seeing Lu Jiang nod, Feng Qingxue clapped her palms, " That's right, isn't it Tianqi's uncle? I remember Tianqi saying that his grandfather was sent down, his uncle was a soldier in the northwest, and he didn't see him much since he was a child. When did he hang out with you? Now? You are in the Southwest Military Region."
  "Anbang was transferred to us at the beginning of the year and is my deputy." Lu Jiang was overjoyed, "Wife, do you know his family? It's such a coincidence. His eldest sister is called Zhao Guohong, and his nephew is called Tianqi. My surname is Ren or what, I don't remember."
  "Tianqi is now surnamed Zhao. After Uncle Zhao was released, Sister Guohong was divorced, and Tianqi lived with her."
  Lu Jiang's face sank after hearing this. .
  Feng Qingxue stood behind him, although he couldn't see his face clearly, but he could guess that he was angry at Zhao Guohong's husband's desperation, and sighed in a low voice: "The world today, from top to bottom, is in chaos, and after that Chaotic days are going on, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts, and for their own interests, how can they care about the love between husband and wife and the love between father and son.?"
  Isn't this the situation during the ten years of catastrophe?
  "Anbang didn't know about this in the army. I only heard him mention that his brother-in-law is the son of an old revolutionary. He has a righteous roots and is a well-matched family." Lu Jiang sighed. Heartless, whoever leaves will not be able to live? In the future, his nephew will be his heir, and the Zhao family will have a considered a successor."

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