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Chapter 2041 Clothing Business 1

All is well, except that God does not make beauty.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had just moved their chopsticks towards Big Elbow when a few thunders rang out, and the clouds were covered with heavy rain in an instant.

"It's raining." Feng Qingxue looked at Lu Jiang.

They just wanted to revisit the past, but they didn't bring an umbrella when they came out, do they want to be two chickens?

Lu Jiang turned his head to look at the rain outside the window and squinted his eyes, "Thunderstorm, it won't last long, and it will probably stop after we finish eating. Even if it doesn't stop, I can borrow a spare umbrella from the hotel."

Within the confines of the compound, his face was quite useful.

Feng Qingxue giggled and rolled her eyes, "Then I'll wait and see."

Lu Jiang put a chopstick of lean meat in her bowl, "Eat more tonic, you've lost a lot of weight recently."

"It's hot and I have no appetite." This is one of the reasons. Another reason is that the boys in the family are all hungry wolves. In this case, no one can make a big fish and meat, so the elders naturally eat closely to the children first, and the two pounds of meat that Wen Ruyu gained when she was there will disappear in a few days.

Lu Jiang didn't say anything, but he knew in his heart what was going on in his own family, "I sent a bunch of stinky boys to the army, and they won't be able to come back for ten days and a half months. When it comes out, send it to Dad and the others."

All kinds of tickets have not been cancelled yet, and all Wen Ruyu and Jin Ruochu can get is the basic supply for the citizens of the capital.

What is enough for a pound or two of meat a month? In Wen Ruyu's words, it's not enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

Although Father Lu temporarily transferred food relations to the capital in the name of visiting relatives, his treatment was similar to that of Wen Ruyu and others. Only Cheng Baoguo was a retired cadre, and his treatment was much better. However, the relationship between the husband and wife did not change. It was Zhao Anbang who led the way in Huaihai City, saying that Lu Jiang would give them the care of the elderly. After all, they had no blood relationship.

Therefore, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue have to subsidize there every month. Fortunately, the supply of Ye Zhengjun and his wife, Zhou Fengchu, Jiang Yun and others can't be eaten every month, and most of them are subsidized on their children.

In addition, the Wanglou Brigade sends them all kinds of dried vegetables every year, including dried beans, dried amaranth, dried radishes and the like.

"You are cruel enough to send them to suffer in the army. The food in the army is not to their taste."

In less than a day, Feng Qingxue began to worry.

Although the child has not been away from him for a long time, the meaning is different, and the management of the army is relatively strict.

Lu Jiang smiled and gave her another chopsticks of fish and meat. "When they finish training, they will be extremely hungry. The boiled cabbage in white water is delicious. You don't have to worry about whether the food is suitable for you."

At that time, some food will be good.

Eating in the army depends entirely on robbery, and if you move your chopsticks slowly, you will starve.

Lu Jiang's eyes were so bad that he didn't remind his children what to do when they arrived in the army, what kind of encounters they would encounter, and he didn't teach them his own experience. Anyway, they would slowly figure it out.

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