Heart day bitch (Chapter 8)

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Earlier valentines day Chapter everyone :3

Abyss woke up and saw Jack gone.  He was alone on Valentines Day again.  He pouted and Jack watched him from the hallway quietly putting the cat in the spare bedroom downstairs.
"Behave until I get back.  I don't want Abyss to see you yet." He pet the two year old Abyssinian and waved to her goodbye.
He didn't know why someone would just drop off a very expensive cat at the shelter, but she deserved a loving home, so Abyss would get her.  She was a very beautiful tannish brown, darker brown paws, and beautiful green eyes.  Her name was Grass, her eyes looked like the color of grass.
Abyss walked out into the hallway and called out for Jack.
Jack shut the door and hugged his boyfriend.
"Happy Valentine's Day.  You don't get your gift till after dinner." Jack kissed Abyss.
"Is it your ass?" Abyss laughed.
"Nope, but you'll get my ass later." Jack said, "but I'm sure you'll love your little thing."
Abyss smiled and hugged Jack.
"At least it's a little thing."
Jack nodded.
He looped his arm around Abyss and they both walked upstairs.
Amelia and Allen were kissing and cuddling on the couch.
"Hey bitches." Amelia said referring to the two men coming from the basement.
Jack waved at the couple and rested his head on Abyss's head.
"When's your reservation?" Amelia asked.
"3:30." Abyss said shoving Jack off and repositioning themselves.
Jack huffed and crossed his arms.
"Your gift could easily become mine." Jack said reaching out for Abyss.
"God you're needy." Abyss leaned into Jack.
Jack smiled and hugged Abyss.
"Well you're bored, but I don't want to show you yet because you'll get distracted."
Amelia rolled her eyes.
"Go show him.  He'll absolutely love it."
Vitality sniffed around and meowed going downstairs.
Kitty smiled and walked to the door.
"I'm going to a movie and lunch with Heath.  Don't get to horny while I'm gone." Kitty said.
Amelia rolled her eyes.
"Like you'd have sex."
Kitty giggled and left the house.
Jack tugged on Abyss's sleeve.  Abyss looked up at the ginger, Jack's face full of excitement. 
"Fine lets go."
Jack tugged Abyss downstairs to the spare room door.  Vitality meowed at the door, sniffing at the bottom trying to reach her paw under the door.  Jack moved the tortoiseshell cat out of the way.
"Hi Vitality, ya little picky kitty." She wiggled out of Jack's grip and meowed at the door again.
She watched as Jack opened the door and made Abyss close his eyes.
He opened the door and opened Abyss's eyes.
"Tada." Jack picked up the cat and showed it to Abyss.
"Ahhh!   Oh my god!" Abyss grabbed the cat and hugged it.
He kissed Jack and then kissed the cat.
"She's so pretty." Abyss said smiling at her.
"Her name is Grass, she's really friendly.  I don't know why anyone would just drop her off like that.  She's such a pretty cat." Jack pet Grass's ears and smiled.
Vitality meowed and jumped up on the bed in the room.  She wanted to see the new friend.  Grass meowed at the other cat and purred curiously at her.  Abyss put the cat carefully on the ground making sure to grab her if the meeting went south.  Vitality sniffed the new cat and licked her face.  Grass meowed at the tortoiseshell cat. 
"She is absolutely gorgeous." Abyss knelt down and carefully pet the cat.
Vitality squeaked and walked in a circle before coming back to Grass.
Vitality meowed and circled Grass before walking away.  Grass followed her and they both went upstairs. 
Abyss purred and pulled Jack's face down and their lips met.  Abyss shoved his tongue into Jack's mouth and smirked into the kiss.
Sky came inside and saw two cats being cats.  Laying on the floor, meowing, and rolling around.
"Oh who are you baby." She picked up the new cat and tilted her head.
"It's Abyss's." Amelia said.
She was putting her coat on and grabbed Allen's hand.  Allen lead her outside and they left for their day out.
"You're such a cutie." Sky said putting her down and petting her ears.
Grass purred and walked around.  She sniffed the neko before hopping up beside Vitality.  Vitality purred and licked Grass's face.
The basement door was open and Sky and Draya both heard the moan from upstairs.
"Damn, at 11 in the morning." Draya said closing the door.
"We're going to fuck at 11 in the morning, come on." Sky grabbed Draya's arm and dragged her to her room.
Jack moaned into his pillow, biting it as hard as he could.  Abyss was a dick sometimes.  Abyss purred and kissed his back.
"You are very pretty."
Jack blushed.
It was a very long hour

At three o'clock Abyss and Jack were on their way to eat.
"Dude I love Texas Roadhouse.  I love the butter."
Jack started to giggle.
"They put cinnamon in it and it's so good with the bread.  And don't get me started on the fucking food."
Jack started to laugh.
"You're adorable."
Abyss smiled at Jack.
"Just be happy I'm not taking you to fucking Cracker Barrel.  God I had such bad food poisoning last time."
"Didn't think demons could get that, I thought you guys couldn't get sick?"
Abyss shrugged.
"I guess my stomach is really sensitive.  I can have raw meat, but if it has salmonella on it it's different.  There is demon variants of things like the flu.  Demon flu sucks man." 
"Is there angel variants?" Jack asked.
"Not for the dead angels, but there is angel shit, can't remember the names though."
Jack nodded and watched the scenery.

"To food!" Abyss yelled locking the car and speed walking inside.
Jack rolled his eyes and followed his boyfriend.
Abyss sat down and smiled up a Jack.
"That cat is so cute! Thank you." Abyss said cooing over the new cat.
Jack smiled.
"You talked about wanting a cat. Grass was just the one who seemed the most comfortable with people."
"Cats are drawn to demons. It's a whole thing."
"Are dogs drawn to angels then?" Jack joked.
Abyss chuckled.
"I guess. Never seen it though."

On their way home Abyss started to grab Jackson's thigh. To which Jack plopped his hand back on the steering wheel. Abyss huffed and continued to drive. He watched the road and when they got home Jack lifted him up and smirked.
"You're such a bitch." Abyss growled.
Jack carried him downstairs and plopped him on the bed.
"Sex time demon boy."
Abyss smirked and pulled Jack down to himself.

Safe to say everyone in the house but Kitty was having sex. She was sitting on the couch silently hating everyone. The back where the girls rooms were, were just a lot. She couldn't sleep downstairs like she usually did because Abyss had a lover now.
"Great." She said turning the tv up.
Grass and Vitality sat up there with her. Vitality sitting in her lap and Grass curled up on a different cushion purring silently as she slept.
Kitty laid down and her eyes started to feel heavy. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

It was quite ironic that Abyss and Jack both got food poisoning that night, seeing as how they were talking about it in the car.
"I am never trusting you again." Jack said holding his mouth.
"We're still going to eat there babe! We just went to the bad one." Abyss stammered clutching the trash can.
"You're lucky I love you." Jack said sticking his tongue out.
Abyss blushed and turned around to Jack.
"Aw I l-" He was cut off by vomiting in his trash bin.

Grass sniffed around and found the water bowl. Vitality walked in and meowed at the cat. She hopped in the litter box while grass sniffed the box and walked around it. Grass hopped in the bathtub and continued to explore. This was a new environment to her and she was curious.
"Oh hi little kitty's. Sky said walking into the bathroom seeing the two cats.
They both meowed and Vitality left.
Grass continued to meow and walk around the bathroom. She rubbed her face on the cabinets and meowed again. Sky picked her up and giggled.
"Your meow is so cute!" She said hugging the Abyssinian.
Grass meowed and looked around.
Sky put Grass down outside and closed the door.
Grass continued to run around. She ran into the short blonde sitting on the couch. She hopped up and curled up in his lap.
Abyss smiled and started to pet the cat.
"Pretty kitty." Abyss said scratching her ears.
Allen sat on the couch and smiled at the cat.
"She's gorgeous. Such a fabulous queen." Allen said petting her a few times.
"I think she's spayed. Not sure, glad we don't have any male cats though." Abyss joked.
Allen laughed.
Jack sat down in a chair and sighed.
"Jack?" Abyss asked looking up.
Jack turned his head to his boyfriend.
"Did the shelter tell you if she's spayed?" Abyss asked.
Jack nodded.
"She is. They said they did it when she was brought in."
"I'm sorry Jack please come sit with me. I want cuddles." Abyss reached his arms out.
After the food poisoning fiasco Jack wouldn't let Abyss touch him.
Jack sighed and walked over. Abyss pulled him down on the couch and carefully moved himself into his boyfriends lap.
Abyss purred and gave him a kiss.
"Stop being cranky. I love you." Abyss wrapped his arms around the tall ginger and started to nuzzle his chest.
Jack sighed and started to pet Abyss's hair.
"Love you too."
Abyss smiled and closed his eyes, purring into the hair pets.
"But give me food poisoning again and I'll smite you."
Abyss's eyes snapped open and looked up at the serious face of his boyfriend.
"Okay." Abyss said in a higher pitch of voice.

Safe to say Valentine's Day was a great day.

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