Chapter 10

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Abyss's demon clothes ^

Jack woke up not feeling cold. He remembered he was in hell, which was the opposite of cold, but Abyss was shivering slightly.
"Is it hard regulating your body temperature at that size?" Jack asked.
His body wasn't that much bigger, but with the extra body mass it could be the problem.
"No, I keep my room chilled, I don't like being too hot."
"But you're hot! All the time."
Abyss chuckled.
"Okay prankster."
Jack smiled and watched Abyss turn human. Was he naked like Jack hoped, no. He was wearing very fancy clothes, a neon blue tie with a black button up and a dark almost black, blue vest on. He was also wearing white gloves and his pants shifted from his scale color blue, no navy blue, to the neon blue at the end of his tail. Which were all Abyss's scale colors.
"So when you turn into human from demon, you get dressed like an actual prince?" Jack asked crawling over to Abyss.
He touched the clothes and smiled.
Abyss nodded.
"It's weird I know. It's a whole thing."
Jack nodded. He understood not wanting to turn back into a human completely naked.
He grabbed Jack's arm and teleported them to the human bedroom.
Jack fell on top of the demon and they both blushed.  Devastation walked in and saw the two and immediately decided to not question why his son would have sex at 8 in the morning.
"Dad!" Abyss yelled pushing Jack off.
"If you want to fuck at 8 AM I'm not stopping you."
"We-We aren't going to fuck at 8 in the morning.  It was a mistake on my part.  I didn't calculate properly."
Devastation gave them both a "sure" look before telling them to both get ready.  More to Jack who was still in his pajamas.  To Devastation, Abyss looked very nicely dressed for the day.
Jack got something nice teleported onto him and he was frightened.
"How?!" Jack asked.
"I've got my secrets." Abyss said leading Jack out of the room.
The dining table was being set and many people were rushing around. Bumping into each other like bumper cars, but without the enjoyment of breaking your neck.
Devastation was already on his fourth wine glass. 
"Oh son, done with your earlier morning fuck?" He asked sipping the red wine.
"I, we didn't fuck.  I mean I would be okay with that, but none of this was was in that." Abyss pointed to himself and then to Jack.
"That's a fucking lie.  You like my ass as much as I like your dick." Jack purred.
Abyss grabbed a wine glass and started to drink to and avoid eye contact. 
"Abyss it is 8:30 in the morning.  We don't drink wine at 8:30."
"Says the man who just commented on my dick and wanting to fuck at 8:30 in the morning."
"My son is a savage."
Abyss smirked and nodded.
Jack crossed his arms.
"Devastation your highness.  Could you I don't know make me pregnant?" Jack asked.
Abyss spit it his drink and looked at both men repeatedly.
"I mean, Abyss would have to put in some work but yeah."
"DAD!" Abyss yelled.
Both Jack and Devastation started to laugh. 
"Just joking babe.  But I mean." Jack said hugging Abyss. 
Abyss made a noise and sped walked away.  Most likely to hide behind something.
"But I'll only do that after you're married.  I'm not making the mistakes I made."
Jack blushed.  God why was he a bottom. 

Around noon was when the first few arch angels showed up.  Abyss had come out of hiding and was there to greet his aunt and uncles.  Soon they were all there except Carrie.  Which was expected. 
"Carrie give an explanation?" Devastation asked.
"She said someone should stay and watch heaven.  Sorry kid." David said to Devastation as they all sat down.
Jack didn't want to speak.  They were all higher rank than he was. 
"Anyway Dev, why'd you summon us?" Carmine asked.
"Ah yes~.  The faithful day I reveal my son has found a mate." Devastation said.
Everyone immediately lit up and looked at the prince. 
"Oh?  Finally choose your sexuality.  I told you being asexual was just a phase dear." Timma said.
Abyss crossed his arms. 
Devastation chuckled.
"My son is perfect Timma. If he was asexual that would be okay."
Abyss rolled his eyes. His dad would except him as any sexuality, but he would never complement him.
"Next your going to say he's bipanpolar sexual." Timma crossed her arms.
She was the homophobic aunt. Everyone just kinda ignored her at this point, but it was hard because Timma had a big mouth.
"Timma! Shut up bitch!" David yelled.
Soon the whole table of siblings were yelling at Timma.
Jack decided to go under the table and hid. Luckily no one questioned him. It was probably because there were so many arch angels they forgot how many there where at times.
"Oh everyone it's started to get cloudy. I thought it was supposed to be sunny all day."
Abyss peeked under the table and saw the tall angel hiding his face. Abyss crawled under with him avoiding his father and his uncle.
"Hey." Abyss said.
"They yell a lot."
Abyss nodded.
"Timma's just a bitch. It would be better if Carrie was here." Abyss said.
The table all stopped talking as they heard something from above the table. Abyss tried to stand up but thumped the table. He crawled out rubbed his head and saw Carrie slowly walking to the table.

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