Chapter 23

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"Ah~!" Jack screamed, "ABYSSAL~!"
Abyss growled. He bit into Jack's neck and clutched his waist.
Jack grabbed the man's hair. His nails dug into the blonde hair and pulled. His breath speeding up, his eyes dilated.

Amelia giggled and walked in with Heath.
"Kitty has been avoiding m-."
A moan pierced the air and then it was quiet.
"Well when Abyss and Jack are home alone." Amelia said.
"Man's got guts. Literally."
"Jackson's dead. Can't really die from overstimulation, so Abyss can max out that credit card all he wants."
"Eh I know, just seems like a lot of sex."
"Pfft, you've seen nothing like Sky. Plus Abyss and Jack are both cool and they are in a pretty nice place relationship wise. So sex isn't that bad."
"Seven months in July?" Heath asked.
Amelia nodded.
"10 months in July for you and Kit?"
"Mhm, me and KitKat are going to do something special."
Amelia smiled.
"11 months for me and Allen." Amelia said.
July first was a week away. The Fourth of July party was already being set up.
"Byssal?~." Jack purred.
Abyss turned around and kissed the angel.
"Hey!" Sky yelled.
Abyss turned and looked at the succubus.
"I can feel the horny radiating off you two like heat from a stove." Sky said crossing her arms.
"It's like Jack is-... OMG JACK!" Sky pointed to his wings.
Jack spread his wings and screamed.
The feathers fell out. He was having a panic.
"Omg I knew it! I'm being cast out." Jack said.
"I shouldn't have sucked your dick that night."
"Oh god what are my parents going to say."
"JACKSON!" Abyss yelled.
Jack jumped and looked back at the demon.
"You're molting." Abyss said.
Jack looked at his wings again.
"It happens baby, I shed my skin once a month, angels molt their feathers once or twice a year."
"Excuse me? Shed your skin?"
Abyss nodded.
"In my demon form. It's a "reptile" thing." Abyss huffed.
"Psh I'm not turned on anymore." Jack crossed his arms.
"I wouldn't be either. Especially when you found out your feathers are basically rotting. They'll grow back in like a week."
Jack frowned at his wings.
The week seemed to move slowly.  It was July first at the moment and Jack was sitting on the couch with Abyss in his lap.  Being the tall boyfriend had benefits, besides being a bottom.  Jack bit his lip and kissed the demons neck.  Abyss blushed, but didn't give a fuck.
Fredrick teleported into the living room looking around for a second.  And in that second his grandson was making out on the couch with the angel groping him.
"Abyss?" Fredrick asked. 
Abyss sat up and blushed.
"Hey!" Abyss yelled.
Fredrick approached carefully. 
"So?" He asked.
"Oh yes, greetings grandfather." Abyss said.
Abyss got up and did a respect head bow.
"Oh king Fredrick?" Jack asked.
He blushed and looked away.
"Grandfather, this is Jackson, he's my boyfriend."
Fredrick nodded.
"Coming to our family 4th party?" Fredrick asked.
"Sure Mr. Timesmen!" Jack said.
"Call me Fredrick."
Jack gave an awkward smile and nodded.
"You're mother will be there.  Lets hope another fiasco between the family happens again." Fredrick said.
"If you're referring to what grandpa Carlos did than probably, that old vampire needs to get it together." Abyss huffed.
Jack tilted his head.
"What happened?" Jack asked.
"He called her every name under the sun because he's a little... racist." Abyss said.
"Basically he thinks vampires are gods gift to the world.  Has nothing to do with him being German, he's just an asshole." Abyss explained.
It hit Jack that Abyss being a demon was probably a major problem. 
"Plus mother is black.  So that opened some other issues with him." Abyss said.
"Excuse me?" Jack asked.
He was confused.
"Jack, you can't be that stupid.  You met her." Abyss said.
Jack thought for a moment.  He didn't really notice anything different about her.
Jack stood there dumbfounded. 
None of Misty's other siblings had any indicator seeing as they were all half siblings.  Krista and Misty shared the same dad, but they looked so different.
"Yes, plus it'll be her birthday about a few days later so I can probably spend the week with her.  Also I'll seriously punch a 100 something old man if he does anything about insulting us."
Jack hugged Abyss from behind.
"No we don't punch old people Abyss." Jack said.
"Yeah trust me, spend one week in Disney with that old fuck and have him insult you the whole time." 

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