Chapter 15

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Abyss received a text message on the 15th. 
Mother: Are you coming to Easter dear?
Abyss looked at the text.
Jack walked up behind the demon and kissed his neck.
"Oh!  Your mother wants you to go to Easter?" Jack asked resting his head on Abyss's hair.
Abyss nodded.
"I wanna meet your mom.  Abyss." Jack whined.
Abyss growled.
"My mom's crazy!"
"Please baby, the least you can do from when you completely wrecked my ass." Jack growled.
He brought that up a lot.  Even though it was a week ago and Abyss did basically whatever Jack wanted, but Abyss loved the angel and caved.
"Fine.  Just because I love you though." Abyss said kissing the angel.
Jack smiled.
"Have a nice weekend you three.  Know I won't."
The three girls were also getting ready to visit their families. 
"You going to take Grass?" Kitty asked picking up her cat and putting it in the carrier.
Abyss picked up Grass.
"My mom is allergic and she has a dog.  I was going to board her at the clinic down the street." Abyss said putting Grass in a cat carrier.
"Nonsense.  I'm sure Misty will want to meet her granddaughter." Sky joked.
Jack blushed and turned his head.  Abyss huffed.
"I already made the appointment.  Plus they're supposed to give her shots and other vet stuff."
And soon the house was empty.  Sky going to the succubus hell, Amelia driving to her dads, Kitty drove to her parents, and Abyss made his way to his mother.

"Hello dear." Misty said hugging Abyss. 
Justin was sitting on the couch with Crimson.  They were both playing their switches not paying attention.  Jack tilted his head at the women.  She was blonde, with green eyes, she was short but still taller than Abyss. 
"I thought you said your mother was ginger?" Jack asked.
Misty noticed the ginger and tilted her head.
"Oh this is Jack.  He's my husband." Abyss joked.
"His boyfriend.  I'm his boyfriend." Jack huffed crossing his arms.
Misty smiled.
"Dear I'm not ginger." Misty said.
"She bleaches her hair." Abyss corrected.
Misty huffed.
"The family will be here tomorrow at noon.  Be up by then please.  Also Frank is staying with us.  Hope you can share your room." Misty said turning around. 
The dog ran in from outside and bolted for Jack.  She jumped on him and barked.
Crimson looked up and smiled.
"Dandy likes you!" He said.
Jack pushed the dog off. 
"Uhm yeah I guess." Jack said pushing his glasses up.
Justin finally looked up and saw the angel and demon.
"Great, you're here." He said.
"Ew an angsty teen." Abyss growled walking upstairs.
Justin rolled his eyes.
Jack followed awkwardly.  The dog trailed behind him.
Frank was chilling in the chair looking at the books on the desk.
"Hey Abyss!" Frank said. 
Frank was Abyss's cousin.  He had black hair and glasses.  He was as tall as Jack, he was 18 almost 19 at this point.
"How you doing.  Follow my advice yet?" Abyss giggled.
Frank smiled.
"No, haven't got in anymore fights."
"That's swell."
Frank finally noticed the ginger.
"Oh!  Is this another relative?" Frank asked, "he has aunt Misty's hair before she changed it."
Abyss threw up in his mouth and went white.
"Oh dear lord no.  This is my boyfriend.  He's met my dad and I met his family so I thought he can meet mother."
Jack was embarrassed.
"Oh sorry Jack my guy.  Must be embarrassed by all the attention." Frank said rubbing his neck.
"Uh yeah.  I've never been this swarmed with people since my uncle died."
Frank sucked in air threw his teeth.
"So how long have you two been a thing?" Frank asked.
"Uhm? He died January 5th and we meet January 12th so 4 months." Abyss said.
"You have sex?  Wait died?" Frank asked.
"I'm fine, but yes, we've had sex." Jack said blushing.
"It's an angel thing.  If you die you have a chance of getting a new body.  It's very complicated and confusing so I'd rather not talk about it." Abyss explained.
"Aw man, how did you die?" Frank asked.
"Car crash.  I can do short distances in a car, but long distance is scary."
Abyss hugged his angel.
"Yo nice hickey loser." Frank laughed pointing to Abyss.
Abyss put up his middle finger.
"Aunt Misty!" Frank yelled.
Abyss frowned as his mother came into his room.
"Abyss has a hickey!"
Misty growled at the angel. 
"Touch my precious boy and I'll snap your wings off." Misty growled.
"MOM!  That's illegal!" Abyss yelled.
"I'm not a top anyway.  What did I do!" Jack cried.
Frank and Misty blinked at the angel.
"Bottom, bitch." Abyss laughed pointing at Jack.
Jack blushed.
Misty snapped her head at Abyss.  His ears flicked and he looked down.  Jack watched his boyfriend flinch.
"He's not allowed to curse here.  He knows that." Misty huffed looking at Jack, "I expect you to behave too."
Her green eyes didn't seem friendly anymore.  They had gotten dark.  Maybe she was a witch after all.
"Yes mother." Abyss whispered.
Crimson peeked in and saw the three boys.
"Mom his fingers are painted." Crimson said pointing to Jack.
Misty looked at the angel.
"Well that's because he's older.  When you're older you can do it."
Crimson looked at Abyss.
"Why'd you bring a random guy?" He asked.
Crimson was a very judgmental 11 year old.  A forth grade savage if you will.
"Because I'm gay." Abyss said.
Crimson gasped.
"Mom he said it!"
Crimson thought the word gay criticized people.  Well sometimes it did, but in this instance Abyss was trying to be an ass.
"Abyss don't be rude!  He's your brother!"
"Fine.  He's my boyfriend." Abyss wrapped his arm around Jack.
Crimson tilted his head.
"Is he Justin girlfriend crazy?" Crimson asked.
Misty cleared her throat.
"Oh no I'm very not crazy.  I didn't end up in heaven for a reason." Jack popped his wings and halo out.
"Aww my sons dating a good boy." Jack blushed and turned around.  He covered his face with his wings and screamed internally.
"Mother I think we should talk privately about that!" Abyss yelled awkwardly.
Misty tilted her head, but backed away and mumbled gross to herself before leading Crimson to the living room.
Frank looked at the flustered angel and frustrated demon.
"Uhm, are you two okay?" Frank asked.
"Jack's just flustered.  Jackson are you okay." Abyss asked.
Jack turned around and nodded. 
"Only you can do that "stuff" to me." Jack blushed and buried his face.
Abyss blushed.
"I was just caught off guard."
Frank was confused. 
"Okay I don't even want to know." He said leaving.

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