Chapter 12

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Safe to say Abyss was outraged. The first ring and nobles liked their gossip and the guards probably thought with Abyss carrying Jack around and him not having his wings out made him clipped. He needed to sort this out.
"Abyss you still haven't answered my question."
"You are not one so shut up. I'm not committing any crime, you are with me on your own conscious. God I feel stupid, I should have cleared it up immediately when I got to the castle." Abyss started to cry.
"Your father can clear this up right?" Jack asked.
Abyss shook his head.
"Only me and you can. When something controversial like this happens you need to clear it up right away. The arch angels know you are a regular angel and probably cleared up any heaven rumors, but in hell my father can't do anything unless he shows directly that you still have your wings and are choosing to be with me. Demon and angel relationships have always been controversial. I'm sorry."
"Hell drama is hell drama."
Abyss nodded.
"Okay but seriously we have to go back to hell."
Jack nodded.
They teleported in the center of the noble ring. The first, second, and third rings saw their prince and started to murmur. He turned full demon and Jack took out his wings and flew up on Abyss's back, making sure to keep his wings out.
"Bunch of no good gossipers. He's perfectly fine ya bitches." Abyss growled.
Some first ring members backed up and bowed finally.
Then more noticed the prince and started to respectability give him a head bow. 
They made it to the castle and Abyss saw his dad on the throne talking to a person about something.  Actually there were multiple demons there outraged about something. 
"Dad!" Abyss growled.
Abyss stomped over and the crowd silenced.  Murmurs started that Abyss was going to challenge his father.  Others pointed to the angels.
"Dad I want the person who started this stupid rumor brought here!" Abyss growled.
Abyss's tail swayed dangerously.
"Hi." Jack said waving to Devastation.
"That is what I'm addressing right now." Devastation growled.
Devastation settled into his seat and cleared his throat.
"My son is here now and as you can see the angel he is with has perfectly good wings." Devastation pointed to Jack who flew over to the king.  The king grabbed him and tugged on his wings getting a pained groan from the angel.
"Whoever stated this preposterous rumor will be delt with personally.  I will see to it they are stripped of any power and sent to 9th ring." Devastation growled angerly.
The crowd was silent.  They all had first and second rings on their necks.
"What ring was it from.  They only demons that saw Jackson were the guards and the people that work here.  And he had his wings out in the human part so I know it wasn't any of them.  And he had his wings out in the demon part too if I do recall."
Jack nodded.
"Can you put me down now sir?" Jack asked.
Devastation put Jack on the arm of his chair.  Jack flew over and stood next to Abyss, which everyone saw how short Abyss really was, and how he wouldn't be able to challenge Devastation for a few more years.  Which they didn't like.
"Why is the prince so short your majesty?" Someone asked.
Devastation looked at his son.  The angel was almost as tall as his son.
"His mother fed him to much coffee." Devastation said.
"Mother is crazy father.  For all I know she put growth stunters in my food." Abyss argued.
"Or maybe you're a coffee addict."
Abyss held back his insult.
"I don't drink coffee often." Abyss said softly.
"You like Tim Hortons."
Abyss pouted sitting down and wrapping his tail closely around Jack. He would have crossed his arms but he just pouted instead.
Devastation sighed.
"Go home Abyss. I'll handle the rest." Devastation said shooing his son away.
Abyss nodded and turned human. He grabbed Jack and they both teleported away.
They ended up in their room. Abyss grabbed Jack's hips and smirked.
Jack blushed but started to make out with the demon instead of turning his head away.
Abyss smirked into the kiss and brought Jack down to sit on his bed. Then they both fell on each other.

Amelia and Kitty heard a high pitched moan from the basement. They both looked at the closed door and then looked at each other.
"Damn... it's been too quiet down there. Good for them." Amelia said.
Kitty shook her head.
"You three are such, what's the word?"
"We fuck a lot, we know. But Kitty you never know how awesome it is until you have that mans dick perfectly-"
"Okay Melia I don't need details. I'm perfectly fine with my innocence relationship with Heath. Heath seems okay with waiting too. Abyss and Jack fucked super early in their relationship. Like on day one, you fuck about a week into yours and Skye has friends with benefits. Y'all are disgusting."
Amelia rolled her eyes.
"First of all, Abyss and Jackson are soulmates. My otp if you may ask. Second, Sky is a succubus. And third, I think a week gives you sufficient time to know someone, maybe even two weeks. Hell me and Allen have been going out for 7 months."
Kitty sighed.
"Kit don't feel left out. 6 months with Heath will get you somewhere."
Kitty crossed her arms.
What sounded to be like an orgasm moan pierced the air.
"God why do the vents carry sound that well?" Kitty asked.
Amelia shrugged. You could easily hear one of them having sex at anytime. It wasn't a secret.
"Like I was saying, I think you guys need to just chill."
"How about we make a bet?" Amelia asked.
Kitty tilted her head.
"Get everyone here."

Everyone but Jack sat at the table.
"Abyss, where's Jack?" Amelia asked.
"Downstairs~." Abyss purred.
Abyss bit his lip and put one of his hands on his "lap", the other propping his head up on the table.
"We're here to make a bet with everyone. So please get him." Amelia said.
"One moment." Abyss tapped out and pulled Jack out from under the table.
Everyone looked surprised, Abyss had a good "keep it together" face.
"Don't tell me he spit you all over the floor."
"He swallows. He's very good at that." Abyss purred.
"Sometimes I wonder if you're part succubus." Sky laughed.
Abyss shrugged. 
"Ahem.  Before I was interrupted, let's make a bet." Amelia said.
Everyone watched the fairy closely.
"If everyone can hold in an orgasm for long enough Kitty will actually get the courage to have sex with Heath." Amelia explained.
"Does that mean who can have sex the longest.  Cause me and Allen got this." Abyss purred.
"No it means no sex and no touching."
"I don't do that shit anyway."
Jack huffed.
"Me and Abyss haven't fucked in a month and you guys are giving us a challenge like this?" Jack pouted.
"Oh shut up table boy, by the way, how is your knees?" Sky teased. 
Jack smiled.
Everyone chuckled a bit.
"Okay no sex, if I even hear a peep about anything I will dehorny you.  Meaning I'll hit you in the dick with a baseball bat." Amelia growled.
Both Abyss and Jack looked at each other.
"Understood." They both said.
"This will go on throughout March.  I'll tell you when this is over.  And hopefully it will prove to Kitty that our relationships are more than sex." Amelia said.
Everyone nodded.
"Abyss put a curse of the deal on everyone." Amelia demanded.
"Melia that would hurt if you broke it.  Your souls, I-."
Amelia glared at him.
Abyss closed his eyes and spoke in demon.
"This spell should last the month.  It'll bind us to the deal until the deal time is up, meaning April 3rd will be our release date. Literally and figuratively." Abyss said.
"Quick clarification, anything that stimulates you is off limits correct?" Jack asked.
"Yes." Amelia answered.
"No one call me a good boy!" Jack yelled blushing and trying to hid his face.
"Aw your praise kink going to be the death of you?" Sky asked laughing.
"I don't know about you guys but I had sex before we did this stupid deal.  Y'all have fun." Abyss said laughing.
"Oh Abyss the one thing you can't have is going to drive you crazy.  We know you."
Abyss pshed everyone and made his way downstairs.

Everyone was right.  Abyss was dying. 
"God this is like the time I could only have liquid food.  Everything looked so delicious.  Jackson!" Abyss growled.
Everyone laughed.
"We took bets.  Didn't think you'd last a week." Amelia laughed.
Abyss rolled his eyes.
"You know what, I'm going to take Jack out on a nice date.  And we're going to have fun, and it's going to be nice." Abyss crossed his arms.
He made his way downstairs to talk with his boyfriend.

They gave Olive Garden another shot.  And they actually had a nice time.  They always had nice dates, but the last time they were here it was their first date.
"Wow, I like it, just the two of us." Jack grabbed Abyss's hand and blushed.
Abyss smiled and blushed softly.
"It's nice." Abyss said softly.

When they got back home the girls were talking while watching a random show on tv.
"You know the best way to avoid sex Abyss?" Amelia asked.
Abyss sighed.
"To avoid your partner." Amelia said laughing.
"That's not the challenge Melia.  It's don't have sex, you still have to go out."
"Nothing in the rules sweetheart."
Abyss rolled his eyes and made his way carefully downstairs.

Allen sat with Kitty on the couch.
"So, the bet is no sex?  And you got Abyss to curse you all.  Damn y'all are dumb." He said sipping water and watching the tv.
"Better than coming here drunk." Kitty joked.
Allen laughed.
"Listen boys night out is the best." Allen said quietly.  He was still a bit hungover.
"If it's so great why don't you invite Abyss?" Kitty asked.
"Abyss can't get drunk.  He makes responsible decisions, it's what he was trained to do.  You don't take your boss out drinking.  Especially if he can't get drunk and enjoy himself." Allen said.
"Why can't Abyss get drunk?  I thought there was demon alcohol?  And you said he drinks wine."
"It's a royal family thing.  Fredrick saw his son drunk one night and cursed him and evidently it cursed Abyss too cause now he can't drink away his sorrow."
"That's a good thing Allen.  Abyss should express his feelings not push them away in alcohol." Kitty said crossing her arms.
"Ooh maybe we could invite Jackson!" Allen said, "make him one of the boys."
Kitty sighed.
She couldn't understand Allen and Heath's night outs.  Heath couldn't even drink so he was the designated driver for the evening. 
Another reason Kitty didn't fuck Heath, he's 18.  He turned 18 two months before they started to date, so it would look very suspicious of her.  She shook her head and walked back to her room.
She sat on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. What was she to do.

Boyfriend ages: :D
Heath: 18, birthday August 14th
Allen: 23, birthday May 21st
Jackson: 20, birthday November 20th

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